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2 yr. ago

  • Yep. I'm likely older than you. (coincidently bang on the age where the stats placed our votes at 50/50 )

    So I was born a few years before we voted to join. And grew up watching most of the benefits becoming a part of UK life. And realise half my generation are fucking insane.

  • wars are have been with technological edges.

    But mass population of economic differences can also overwhelm that edge.

    Unfortunately the world has changed over the last 20–30 years. Technological edges have less(but still some) effect sue to ionformation technology changes and the ability to extract it.

    IE, unless that edge is such a huge change that we are basically talking a new scientific disapline/form of technology. The ability and history of global communication means nations can copy the principals and develop similar design. So the war returns back to speed and ability of implementation. IE finance and population.

    The only way a technology can now outweigh that is if the tech is so different top that being used. The opponents cannot formulate a basic theory of its methodology of function. IE the new discipline idea I pointed out above. This is due to war being so much more viewable due to the availability and distribution of video and communication. Deployment of weapons in a manner that cannot be seen and understood by your opponents, impractical.

    Of course, this is only a hypothesis. But a logically well backed one. That military professionals are now having to consider with long term planning.

  • Back in my much older days, people used newsgroups/email/ and before that, magazines to work out how to use windows.

    You guys that grew up with the windows' dominance, forget all you actually had to learn. You think of windows like riding a bike. Not because of windows design. But because you have been doing it all your life and learned the stuff when you were freshly minded and quick to learn.

    I'm not opposed to AI. Although atm it can get shit wrong more often then other sources so care is required.

    But please stop thinking your need to learn is a Linux issue. Rather than a complex system issue. .

  • I also remember something about the meaning of goat changing a few hundred years back. Mainly due to science excluding sheep from the definition. But i've no idea where I heard that. Likely on eons. Glass used to refer to a volcanic process that created clearing stone. The current man-made product def did not exist. But the volcanic stuff is still called glass. So yeah, that one likely counts as expanded rather than evolved.

    I'll give you a freebie. Cloud has not really changed its meaning since the Norman conquest.

  • Unskilled vs skilled is in the dictionary. Working class according to the dictionary is only unskilled labour. Whereas society provides multiple examples of modern skilled labour in the form of plumbers electricians engineers heck even steel working is a skill many do not have. So evidence of that one is everywhere. But later Ill provide some documented and anecdotal evidence on the changes of the definition of skilled labour. And with it, working class.

    Older working class def (income based assets) are from Victorian times. I am visually impaired and heading out for a few weeks. So atm do not have the time to find the documentation in my references. But will contact you in a few weeks when I'm back at home. And have time to search.

    Some language does.

    Yes but even those are not 100% Go back before modern geology (Likely 1300s and before) Granite just meant and unyielding rock. (at least in the south of England) Modern geology gave it a more specific type of stone with crystalline structure. (a modern geologist may cringe at that def as well.)

    As for sky. We now have a definition of the sky being just earths atmosphere. Yet 1000 years ago, Brits would suggest stars are in the sky. Even early astronomers had no real concept of space vs the sky. Around the 1200s we started to conceive of something beyond the sky, and by the 1600s newton had a pretty clear idea of the movement of other planes. But really not until flight was it accepted that there may be a limit to our atmosphere. The idea of something beyond what we think of as sky is still relatively modern. But today no one thinks of Venus/Mars etc as being in the sky.

    All language evolves, just some over decades, some over centuries. Some based on scientific understanding. More based on how the community understands and needs to communicate. Words like phone have evolved in my lifetime. (landlines were all that existed until my 20s.) Words like Computer in my parent's lifetime. (Referred to a mathematically skilled person until the late 1960s)

    But even in the 1960 computers were considered working class. While engineers were not. At that time, women were never considered skilled labour due to.... Well if we're honest, men of the time being arseholes.

    Now, if we go back to my grandmother. Look up the ford sewing strikes of 1968. My gran was part of that. A time when the UK was forced to change the very definition of skilled labour to include women. And likely the start of the language used to define working class as more than just unskilled labour. Pulling other degree level skills into the definition.

    So yeah, Lang evolves at different speeds. Some pretty darn fast.

  • Your post is so off the mark that it is probably best classed as energy-sapping support of the far right.

    Only if you scan read without paying any actual attention to the comment.

    My post is saying posting this response to Far rages attempt to label it as domestic terrorism was stupid. Not the act. I never criticised the actions.

    I pointed out documenting the attempt and intent as a nose snub. Is giving Far rage all the ammunition he needs to convince parliament your intentions are to use threat to stop his political opinion.

    Being too innocent to recognise when you are giving fascists rope around your own neck is also support of the far right.

  • And the revolution should not be telivised.

    or to screw the quote more. Should not document the evidence to make shutting it down easy.

  • Well put. But yep, that pretty much somes it up.

    The issue is how much stuff seems to just say. Let's not bother at all. I will not the worst OS software for this has commercial names attached to it. Even when OS if some big company is responsible for funding. It's down to the community to fight to get any decent support as a default. Capitalism really dose not want to care about disabled users unless forced. Or medical level profits are attached. But lets ;leave that mess out for now.

  • All true, but none related to this article. As, we have never had the right to protest on private land or block others access. Nothing these people are doing has ever been legal. And nothing the supporters they are stopping is illegal.

    Edit: Also, I was not saying don't do. I was saying, don't publically document admitting you are doing it. So Far rage has you providing evidence on his behalf.

  • Yep no one seems to like it. Yet it keeps getting implemented.

    My current conspiracy. It my brothers guide dog controlling the world so she has a job.

  • Your welcome to. But evidence disagrees.

    Working class no longer has the meaning it did to the populace. According to today's dictionary, It should be unskilled, But most include skilled engineers etc. That no longer applies. The deffintion before that was between income earning asset ownership or not. Defined working vs middle class. No one really follows that any more.

    Language evolves as its usage and definitions change, is a fact of history. And the evidence clearly points to a dilution in the meaning of classes in general. Heck, even upper class in no longer limited to those of aristocratic birth.

  • Grins Been non windows at home since the 90s. Lost my vision and mobility in the early 2000s. So really have not tried to use windows since.

    But yeah I have 3 32-inch monitors, tend to have the magnifier on the alt key with the mouse to zoom. But only use it for setting up new software of the odd gnome menu stuff.

    But every now and then you get some software that just refuses to follow the gui text hints and fails to give users any options. OS is way better than proprietary. But many developers just do not realise how little accessibility in the OS actually helps with workflow when they do not allow text customisation.

    And what the F%$^ is it with pale grey on white text lately why the hell does anyone want that. Low contrast text and backgrounds seems to be a very annoying trend over the last 10 years.

  • I assume because the traditional definitions of working class do not translate well to modern society.

    The terminology used to apply to anyone who could not afford to stop working without a significant limitation to survival. (I.E. no income generating assets). Nowadays, it has been used to exclude benefits claimants. Often even when those claimants work. And many landlords with income generating assets or farm owners etc. Would def include themselves as working class.

    As the language has evolved, the term working class just doesn't mean what it used to. Poor gives a better definition (though far from perfect). Of people who have zero choice in how they live.

  • Disabled users tend to customise a lot. Because no matter how well-intentioned the accessibility options may be. Most are actually unusable in real world situations.

    Generally because developers are rarely disabled in the way being supported. And seem to assume full or 0 use. Never recognising we depend more on our limited abilities to see, hear or move than most able-bodied do. So options that try to replace 100% slow us down rather than making things easier. So we are forced to spend time trying to adapt colours fonts and sounds in ways they never consider. Just to be able to compete in any form of work.

    Don't get me wrong. Accessibility options are essential and more are needed. But for most disabled they are essential (when there at all) to allow us to access the device/software while we customise the displays and devices to actually be easy to use. Not for actually doing the work.

    Desktops can be bad. Limited options for text on menus etc. But far far too much software seems to lock down layouts and forget that some users are unable to use it effectively without the ability to go in and customise everything.

    (Today I'm looking at you guys, orca slicer. Cura is better but far from perfect, Blender developers. Please marry me. You guys are fantastic and getting better every release. )

  • Good for them

    But this really is just them openly admitting to a crime.

    The Leisure centre is private property. So they have absolutely no legal right to protest upon that land. And no right to block other access to any land public or private they do not own or rent exclusively.

    So they are openly stating that the police had legal rights to remove them and prevent them blocking the fascist sup[porters from entering.

    After openly stating that they as non pacifists will prevent political free speech on their turf.

    Their accusations against "police, Reform-hired security and Reform supporters.". Are at best an accusation of undue force in protecting the legal rights of fascist supporters.

    While openly declaring a willingness to "we will defend ourselves and our communities" from entirely legal action. So using the threat of force to apply a political motive.

    While I openly support the actions. Writing this response seems like documenting their intent to meet the definition of "domestic terrorists". Openly providing the fascists with all the evidence they need of the orgs attempt and intent.

    Your opponent is an arsehole is far from a valid legal defence.

  • Yep publication like private eye have a rep for fighting such cases as well. But much more directly. IE they spend a huge amount in courts accused of libel. Mainly because wealthy in the UK use the law to try and silence the press. The publication really has a hard time due to the cases against them. But also has huge support due to it. (It's a print only paper).

    The Reg tends to provide evidence or use "bug" like tricks to avoid open accusations. Things like.

    "Some may suggest the claims from apple are less than honest". The wording seems subtle. But it is common in British media because no provable claim is actually made. To sue me here (if I had the assets and influence to bother). Both I and apple are placed in a situation where Proof cannot be assigned. I did not say something I reported on another group of individuals. Changing what apple has to prove.

    Apple: "Some may suggest humanpenguin invented the people he is reporting on"

  • The reason is. Libel laws. Without evidence, claiming anything the company says is false can get you sued. And those laws are very nasty in the UK. Where the Guardian has most of its assets.

    If I say. Yeah, some inventive developer def put the code in to express his anger at trump. While I could be sued here. I really have nothing to lose and little influence for apple to give a shit. It would cost them more than my comment could ever lose them. Or they could ever get from me.

    But the folks paying and editing newspapers. More so, big ones with long histories. Yep, in the UK, libel laws really do not require apple to prove my statement was false. But me to prove them true.

  • I am not good enough at this law

    Nor am I. But Do know pre Brexit the EU was funding actual wood land. That is a huge part of the issues farmers have now.

    The huge farm subsidies the EU provided were still not replaced or agreed to long after Brexit. I'm not sure if they ever were at all. But farmers were forced to change growing habits with no idea what the gov was going to support.

    It was a huge part of way £350m a week was an outright lie. Not only were we not actually sending that much due to discounts. We got a huge chunk back via farm subs, and others.

  • This is a point that needs pushing more.

    Save the planet is not only false. But less impactful than just save humankind.

    Trying to convert humanity back to low meat diets (again a much easier sell and the real issue is mass production). It is more likely if people are convinced it is their children to great grand children that will Suffer/Die/never happen. Rather than suggesting all life will end.

    The sun god will still burn. Just like you did after the last great extinction.

    Sorry could not resist the silly joke. I'll go hide in a bottle now

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