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Umm I think I'll just delete you instead
  • You can just turn off receiving all messages from any user. This is specifically for people who told their friends that they don't want to listen to voice messages and want texts, but friends still use voices. Every one I know has a friend like that.

  • Umm I think I'll just delete you instead
  • For a long time it was ran on money that Durov made from VK and it's selling deal and had no ads, almost perfect development. It was a ton of money obviously, but we all knew it would run out sooner or later and then everything would change. I bought premium once because I wanted to support the project, and I still use it. Hopefully I won't have to use anything else, because I hate almost any other messenger.

    Edit: forgot "would"

  • There are always two sides to every story
  • And it's dirt cheap

    Before the war in Ukraine I had stable 1 Gbit/s for 5$/month with two dedicated IPs

    Here in Ireland you get 100 Kbits/s sometimes because they can't pull you a fiber connection and 4G towers are overloaded to hell, and it costs 20-40€/month

  • CHROME (google) is planing to implement DRM (kinda) into their browser
  • That's the point, DRM would force everyone to use a "compliant" browser (Chrome, or extension-free Firefox etc), and the other browsers might not be able to show content; they may also lock the content from copying and editing without special tools, just like website video DRM works now

    But we already see "sorry you're running adblocker so no content for you" websites, so I'm not sure if that's gonna change much

  • So many project ideas yet so little energy
  • People used to call me little Einstein, next Bill Gates and next Elon Musk (eww lmao) many times because of my ideas. Many of them may be revolutionary, but I can't even start working on them because I feel like my day is 5 minutes long... I feel severely disabled by ADHD

  • "It has to be Chromium"
  • Anything containing WebGL and anything containing complex CSS/JS animations comes to mind, also Canvas (even though it rarely used, still lags like a motherfucker), Firefox really suffers in that regard, but they recently promised that they will fix it; and I remind you that because of hardware decoder legal ussues Firefox sucked very hard at 4K and 120 Hz YouTube on Linux for a long time too

    There are others, commonly created because Firefox focuses on privacy, and so, for example, all internal website timers can only count by 0.1 seconds because anything less will open you to tracking vunerabilities, often settings sacrifice performance for data safety like this

  • Help
  • It very highly depends on the application

    For something used daily that's more or less true

    For something that needs very complex configuration like specific ffmpeg transcoding rules and cmake build files - you'd have menus that are 5-10 pages long and full of super detailed selections and forms, while in reality you'd only want to switch on or off one thing, so it would be easier just to write the command

    When I made my small game engine I had a second window full of settings that I could change dymamicaly. After like 2 months of work it was so full of settings it was very hard to navigate even with all subdivisions and layouts properly made

    Also, GUI apps often lack specific or new settings for the terminal app they're built on

  • "It has to be Chromium"
  • Chrome defaultism, and so websites are usually made for Chrome, often disregarding testing on Firefox completely, and so they work a bit worse here and there

    Also no Google connectivity

  • Every bell curve meme
  • Wikipedia is really bad at explaining things, it's written in a way that you have to deeply know all of the surrounding topics to understand what is going on

    I used to think that it's too hard to set up a suspension on a car because the Wikipedia pages are all weird and undescriptive, but it turns out it's very simple for something like a double wishbone, there are even visual calculators out there

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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