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  • Yeah it's alright. I've been using Tumbleweed on my Desktop PC for the last few months and I gotta say it's mid. They do hard drive unlocking in Grub instead of in the initfs which means that only LUKS 1 and with that only the not-so-secure PDKDF is supported, instead of argon2id which is the modern KDF you want to use. This is a small and annoying oversight in the distros security which is why I will not be using it in the future

  • People who use distros without systemd, why do you do this?
  • I'm not an anti-systemd extremist. I use Void because it is a simple distro that doesn't break as often as Arch does, while also being very up-to-date.

    I do have some things I dislike about systemd though which is why I will continue avoiding it in the future.

    • It doesn't follow the Unix Philosophy. This is a big problem for me, I want to be able to switch out different parts of my system as I please. Systemd is a collection of projects that are all so deeply integrated that you can't use them without also running the Systemd init system. And now Desktop Environments are starting to depend on Logind for example and there's no alternative for non-systemd users. (Except Elogind but that's just Logind ripped out of SystemD)
    • It's bloated and has many features I don't use. I just need an init system to start all my services at boot and restart them if they fail. Nothing more

    Also using a Distro without Systemd is not really that hard

  • Fellow auties, which do you find is a better and healthier fit for you: dating another autistic person or an NT?
  • I'm currently dating someone who is not diagnosed with something but is definitely not neurotypical. I only dated one person before when I was 16 and that didn't really go well, we didn't talk much I don't know how it worked really. That first relationship was with a neurotypical person

  • boys rule
  • Hell naw. Left is ok but the right I wouldn't touch with a stick. You forgot the superiour third option:

    (This is Issac Dowling on Youtube check him out he makes cool tech videos and about Linux VR stuff)

  • rule
  • You can do

    ps aux | grep -i <part of process name>

    and the PID is in the second column of the output. However for this use case I recommend a process manager like htop or btop

  • rule
  • It's easy. Just open up a terminal and type

    kill $PID

    (Replace the $PID with the process id of the process) if you don't know the process id you can do

    killall process_name

    If these don't work you can add a -9 to banish them and give them no chance to resist

  • Sahras finale Form | Sahra Wagenknechts neue Partei BSW wird der AfD kaum schaden, sondern eher die politischen Gewichte weiter nach rechts verschieben.
  • Da du es anscheinend für nötig gehalten hast, deinen Artikel in 3 Verschiedenen Communities zu promoten, hier der gleiche Kommentar zum 3. Mal:

    Hier wird vom BSW gesprochen als wäre es eine rechte Partei, zitat: "AFD-Lite".

    Es wurde sich anscheinend nicht mit der Partei auseinandergesetzt. BSW ist weiter von der AFD entfernt, als die AFD von den Grünen. Das es eine gewisse Themenüberschneidung zwischen den Parteien gibt, ist kein Zufall. Es sind ernstzunehmende Themen, die von den Regierungsparteien größtenteils ignoriert werden, oder wo die Regierungsparteien das gegenteil von dem tun was das Volk will.

    Die AFD benutzt diese Themen allerdings nur um populärer zu werden wärend das BSW eine Linke Partei ist, die sich eher an Konservative Wähler richtet und deshalb ein ernsthaftes Interesse daran hat diese Themen zu bearbeiten.

  • How to handle application storage in rust?

    I want to build a small gui application in rust. What are my options for application storage? I have heard of the confi crate but I want to save a bit more than just configuration. Is there a crate that handles this for me easily?

    What is your favorite method of stimming?

    Mine are:

    • Turning the spark wheel on a lighter in my pocket
    • Biting a finger
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals I_like_cats
    Look at him


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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