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[meme] There is no one-size-fits-all solution to transportation
  • Just an observation, humans aren't able to navigate heavy snow and disorganized traffic any better. We guess where the road should be, what the conditions are, and where other cars are, and commit with full confidence in our lack of knowledge. It works OK, but there are infinity examples of it not working. Literally any logic behind navigating these scenarios is better that what we can do with our feeble meat suits.

  • Make no mistake, the owning class is actively working against your interests
  • Tuition in Canada is subsidised by the provincial government for citizens. The cost is also regulated by the provincial government. Those two amounts differ from province to province. For instance, in Alberta when UCP clawed it's way back into power, they decided to cut funding to post secondary, and imposed tuition caps that prevented cost recovery. Our university had to lay off hundreds of people, and we're still not operating within 80% full staff.

    A student at full course load can expect to pay about $10K per year, depending on the university, if they are a citizen. Otherwise, foreign students on a visa will be in the $25k-35k bracket. UofA specifically quotes about $33k. I can't speak on what tuition in the states looks like, but I've heard numbers much closer to the latter example with more frequency.

  • Tipping culture npcs
  • Last night, my wife and I ordered Chinese for Valentine's Day. Cost $100. Tried to tip the delivery guy a $20, and he turned it down lol. He then gave my cat a temptations treat, out of a freshly opened bag he had in his pocket. Dude was amazing!

  • Removed
    Disgusting that anybody would destroy a person’s life like this
  • I... Yes. Yes these are all problems. Yes, they should all be addressed. You're being incredibly disingenuous with your arguments, and allow me to add, heavily condescending by your liberal use of the term "boys" in this context. I legitimately don't believe you're capable of arguing in good faith about this. But, in closing, allow me to speak plainly. To wit, a false accusation with actions behind it functionally ends a life. The life of the accused ends that day. They may continue living, but no longer in the same capacity. We should have a higher bar than a single party accusation to end the life of another. If you do not believe that to be the case, then that speaks volumes more about your mindset than the issue at hand.

  • Removed
    Disgusting that anybody would destroy a person’s life like this

  • Removed
    Disgusting that anybody would destroy a person’s life like this
  • "Some of you will be wrongly convicted, but that's a risk I'm willing to take." shouldn't be the goal my dude. You've gotta try harder. Don't just believe women. Believe evidence. Believe facts. Leave hearsay out of it. This is not a difficult concept.

  • Good morning I choose violence.
  • I put some gel drops on my eyes, and could have sworn it was the Orcs Must Die logo

  • Virtual Girlfriend
  • Matters little, word order does.

  • Americans are asleep, post European windows
  • Normally I'd agree, but the glass just gets real cold when it's -40 outside. Condensation freezes on it.

  • Americans are asleep, post European windows
  • I still get frost on the inside of my double paned windows up here in the great white north. No joke, windows are engineered to hell here

  • Amazon: We can't make money if our workers get bathroom breaks
  • Animal trials are important in medicine and science as a whole, and casualties happen. We have ethics standard to minimize suffering and loss. Especially when doing primate trials. They are generally treated as humans would be in an emergency experimental procedures. If you lose a few, it's acceptable, so long as suffering was suppressed, and all reasonable avenues to save the animal were explored. Also, primates are hella expensive, so you generally can't afford to kill them on a whim.

    No, animal trials aren't the problem. It's that the company basically disregarded these practices. Last I heard (and this was last year), they burned through 15+ primates out of 23 test subjects. These creatures suffered fungal and bacterial infection, were left to tug at the implant leads causing damage to their tissue and the device, had the device fail during implantation and had broken pieces lodged in the primate brain for over a week before deciding to euthanize. Absolute carelessness, and disrespect for these poor creatures.

  • No charges for New Mexico officers who knocked on wrong door before fatal shooting
  • UK leading by example then. But riddle me this, how often is a firearm needed for an officer doing their everyday duties? Traffic stops, patrols, responding to calls. How often is it explicitly needed to be actively carrying a loaded firearm to a inherently non violent situation before having assessed it? I honestly have no idea. Is the expectation in the US that you'll just get straight up murdered for doing your job? Is that how you guys live?

  • No charges for New Mexico officers who knocked on wrong door before fatal shooting
  • A more reasonable use for a firearm has never been stated. Random people roll up to your house and murder your husband. Clearest case of self defense there has ever been.

  • No charges for New Mexico officers who knocked on wrong door before fatal shooting
  • UK police only carry a baton and pepper spray my dude. Last I checked, they weren't hurting for recruitment.

  • I had some that looked exactly like this
  • Right? To be fair, they used some of the nicest portables I've ever seen. Two portables to a class, windows, a semi permanent foundation, plumbing, HVAC hookup, networking, the works. I had to install WAPs in the drop tile, and it was not the worst thing I've had to do there.

  • I had some that looked exactly like this
  • In our town, one of the schools was just built 5 years ago. They built it without classrooms. Not a single one. They had a gym, common areas, admin offices, IT infrastructure (office with a server room became the councillors office and the IT guy needs to ask permission to use it lol), bathrooms and library. They designed it so it could be made entirely with portables. From the onset.

  • How are you all making it right now with grocery store prices?
  • I appreciate that you did some earnest calculations. Normalizing for McDouble calorie counts is a decent way to do lateral comparisons. I did think about it, rather than napkin math, but then the CRM exploded at work, so I got distracted.

  • How are you all making it right now with grocery store prices?
  • If it helps your calculation, CAD is the appropriate currency, and food prices are not pulled from logical sources. Best of luck.

  • How are you all making it right now with grocery store prices?
  • Sure, a lettuce sandwich costs $0.79.

  • How are you all making it right now with grocery store prices?
  • I'm certainly not eating the onion like an apple lol. But, to your point, a sandwich is exactly what you just said. Pick up an onion, some bread, some lettuce, some tomato, some mayo, some mustard, salt and pepper, deli ham (or roast chicken), some cheese. Buying those ingredients would be.... What $40? And you'd be able to make 8 sandwiches. Maybe have some leftover cheese and mayo. Perhaps a chicken carcass for stock.They'd be pretty good sandwiches too, but without bacon because we wanna keep it budget. Or you could get 20 McDoubles. By caloric value, 20 McDoubles will give you more food. You'll die from malnutrition over a period of time, but not from lack of calories.

  • Ignisnex Ignisnex
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