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Reddit claiming they weren’t recovering deleted posts
  • Apparently so. It’s impressive how it took them 1 month+ to come up with this from their “Legal Team”.

  • Reddit claiming they weren’t recovering deleted posts
  • Oh, so we all got the same bs copy pasted response at the same time? Mine took over a month, so I’m referring it to ICO.

  • Teddit Is Shutting Down
  • It was great. Unfortunately I only found out about it around 1 month prior to the API news, so I didn't have much time to use it.

  • It's official: Smartphones will need to have replaceable batteries by 2027
  • Thanks, it’ll actually be my first time voting on these elections.

  • It's official: Smartphones will need to have replaceable batteries by 2027
  • Vote in what exactly? I’m lost.

  • Voyager (fka wefwef) now available at
  • Unfortunately this didn’t work. I can’t use this website until updates are implemented the same way.

  • Voyager (fka wefwef) now available at
  • Anyone else unable to update to 0.19/0.20? I’m on 0.18.2 and the updates aren’t showing.

  • Fairphone 3 gets seven years of updates, besting every other Android OEM
  • My last android phone was the Xiaomi Mi A1, supposed to 3 years support under Android One. The updates were delayed and it was a very bad experience overall, imo.

    This is what made me leave android for iOS, just tired of having to change phones every 1-2 years and having several issues like the above.

  • Theory: the only reason Meta cares about the fediverse / ActivityPub is so that threads isn't labeled a "gatekeeper" under the EU's new "Digital Markets Act"
  • Can someone confirm this is even right? I have friends in the EU with accounts and following me. Not to mention there’s EU companies in there, like the ESA and Ryanair.

  • Me when iOS users ask what happened to their keyboard
  • I saw on c/iOSBeta that this was fixed on DB3, but it’s not. If anything DB2 was better, no problems at all from what I remember. Ever since I got DB3 yesterday, I’ve had problems every single time I open it.

  • App suggestion to recommend and track your shows and movies
  • TV Time is the best one I've tried so far, apps on iOS and Android + browser access.

  • Does the idea of this concern anyone else? Why is no one talking about it?
  • Isn't this bypassed by clicking "More info" and the "Run" button appears?

  • YSK that most car’s fuel gauges have an arrow that point to which side your gas tank is on.
  • My car has this, but a car I’ve recently rented didn’t. It was fun pulling up to the gas pump having no idea what side the tank was on and noticing there wasn’t any arrows.

  • PSA: do not preorder
  • I understand the feeling, but in my opinion, if I really like a game and want to preorder it, I will.
    We're still able to request a refund if the game is shit (on Steam, for example). Why not do that instead?

  • Offline Apple Maps vs Offline Google Maps

    I'm making this post to note some of the differences I've noticed between the two apps when using offline mode. Let me know if you find any other differences I might have missed.

    Things that Apple Maps does that Google doesn't:

    • Walking and Public Transport routes.
    • Location details (Opening Hours, Phone Number, Ratings,…) only if cached on device, otherwise it won’t show anything other than the location.

    Things that Google Maps does that Apple doesn’t:

    • Show phone numbers for all businesses (no need to be cached from what I can tell).
    • Less storage occupied for around the same location/area downloaded.
    ImTiagoSousa Sousa

    Other instances:\\

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