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[All platforms] Bundles Sale
  • From September 26th at 8am PT to September 30th at 12pm PT on all platforms, save 35% on Ship Bundles and Expansion Bundles in the Zen Store

  • [Console] Bonus Dilithium Weekend Bonus Dilithium Weekend

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Bonus Dilithium Weekend
    [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • This one was a variation on "Ninth Rule". Same system too. Like the other patrol, this one took about 3 minutes in a DPS ship while learning the mechanics of the patrol. It feels "slower" than the other patrol, probably because there's more hopping around the map (just like Ninth Rule). The waves at the end are super easy compared to even a Normal Ninth Rule.

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • This one took about 3 minutes in a DPS ship while taking a tiny bit of time to learn the mechanics. Pretty easy and quick. This will likely be what I do to run the daily and just do it twice. I can probably shave it down to about 2 minutes once I know the map better.

  • [Console] Key and Lobi Store Sale Key and Lobi Store Sale

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Key and Lobi Store Sale
    [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.

    I wouldn't consider myself a DPS chaser either, since I haven't even parsed my ship builds in at least a year or two. However, I definitely follow the meta and know I have (or at least) had some high DPS when I did parse.

    TLDR: Maybe not a DPSer, more like a fast-damage hobbyist.

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • How does this one feel, compared to other patrols? Sounds similar to the "Rescue and Search" patrol.

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Hmmm... Good for speed-running like "Wanted"?

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • I'm getting used to it too. Trying to figure out the best "route" to take when I'm speeding from Cube/Octa and Emitter to next Cube/Octa and Emitter.

  • [PC] Upgrade Weekend
  • From September 19th at 8am PT to September 23rd at 12pm PT on PC, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade

  • [PC] Badgey Demands You Visit the Lobi Store!
  • I'm kinda curious about the Badgey ground pet, but I don't want to drop Lobi on it because it might just be a vanity dud.

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • I have played the new TFO "Royal Flush" a couple times and found it to be reasonably quick for completion. It felt similar to the TFO with the multiple shipyards and genocidal Klingon lady.

    I found it best to take on the TFO with a fast ship, preferably with good DPS. My Legendary Defiant made quick work of the various enemies at the waypoints. The final boss is basically just a repeat of the same eight kills you just made.

    So, overall, decent TFO and I might see if I can Solo this TFO this weekend. I'll come back here to relay my take on the new Patrols in the next couple days.

  • [PC] Dimensional Typhoon Launch Sales
    • September 17th, 2024 at 8am PT to September 21st, 2024 at 12pm PT on PC
    • Keys 15% off
      • Also, Key Ring Bundle available
    • Lobi Crystal Consortium 20% off all items
    • 25% off Services, Uniforms, Personnel, Starter Packs
  • [PC] Command the Typhoon!
  • It looks to be a ship that could be useful for many types of builds. Impressive, considering it's an Event ship.

  • [PC] Command the Typhoon!
  • Typhoon Temporal Battlecruiser (T6) (curated ship stats)

    Ship Details

    • Hull Modifier: 1.4
    • Shield Modifier: 1.1
    • Fore Weapons: 5
    • Aft Weapons: 3
    • Device Slots: 3
    • Bridge Officer Stations: - 1x Lt Commander Tactical / Command - 1x Commander Engineering / Temporal - 1x Lt Commander Science - 1x Ensign Universal - 1x Lieutenant Universal
    • Consoles: 4 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 3 Science (scales with level)
    • Base Turn Rate: 9
    • Impulse Modifier: .18
    • Inertia: 50
    • +10 Weapon Power, +10 Auxiliary Power
    • Console - Universal - Protonic Snare Projector
    • “Molecular Reconstruction” Ship Mechanic
    • Starship Trait: Piggyback Launch Tubes

    Console – Universal: Protonic Snare Projector

    Create an Energy net that expands as it travels up to 10km in your facing direction To Foes: Proton Damage up to 3x per sec (per overlapping beam) and Brief Hold

    Starship Trait – Piggyback Launch Tubes

    When firing any Torpedo Weapon, launch a microcharge that deals additional Kinetic Damage

  • [PC] Command the Typhoon!
  • Wow! You were quick posting this one. I just got here. LOL

  • [PC] Join Nova Squadron! Join Nova Squadron!

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Join Nova Squadron!

    > Starting with the launch of the Dimensional Typhoon Event on PC, a new ship will be available in the Infinity Lock Box - the Nova One from Lower Decks!

    Nova One Pilot Raider

    Ship Stats (curated)

    • Hull Modifier: 1.07
    • Shield Modifier: 1.14
    • Fore Weapons: 5
    • Aft Weapons: 1
    • Bridge Officer Stations: - Commander Universal/Pilot - Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Miracle Worker - Lieutenant Commander Universal - Lieutenant Tactical - Ensign Universal
    • Consoles: 5 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 2 Science
    • Base Turn Rate: 20.3
    • Impulse Modifier: 0.21
    • Inertia: 80
    • +10 Weapons Power
    • +10 Engine Power
    • Console - Universal: Nova Fleet Recruitment Drive
    • Starship Trait: Bold Piloting

    Console – Universal – Nova Fleet Recruitment Drive

    > ... This device emits a beam which was initially thought to be capable of destroying ships. In truth, it broadcasts a message manipulating low-ranking members of a ship's crew and forces them to mutiny. The chaos and destruction that ensues can range from Bridge Officers seeing their abilities delayed to ships temporarily defecting.

    Experimental Weapon – Nova Starburst

    > This weapon uses a plasma canister as a projectile, this weapons creates a dangerous cloud that deals damage over time to anyone inside it. After a few seconds the plasma is ignited creating an explosion on an area several times bigger than the initial plasma cloud.

    Starship Trait – Bold Piloting

    > ... One such case involved tampering with standard engine boosting protocols to achieve greater maximum speed. This let him deal damage to other ships and partially bypass shields by grazing during hot pursuits. Due to stress applied to engine subsystems, Locarno's special move could only be used sparingly....

    [Console] Flagship Celebration Event Flagship Celebration Event

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Flagship Celebration Event
    [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • I plan to try each of these and see how the feel with enjoyment, speed, and completion. Let's all come back here after release and discuss our thoughts on the new content!

  • Removed
    [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • I'll try each of these and see how they feel for enjoyment, speed, and completion.

    Come back here after release and let's all discuss our thoughts on the content.

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols! New Task Force Operation and Patrols!

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    New Task Force Operation and Patrols!

    Dimensional Typhoon Event

    • Task Force Operation: Royal Flush
      • Battle alongside unusual allies, the Undine, to defend the Planet Killers from a massive Borg invasion.
      • Use the Planet Killers against the Borg.
      • Survive the onslaught from a Borg Fusion Cube.
    • Patrol: Out of Control
      • Defend an Iconian vessel stranded in an unstable gateway.
      • Avoid annihilation from a devastating Borg Cube weapon.
    • Patrol: Unwanted Guests
      • Work with Thaseen-Fei to defeat the Borg and close reality vortices in the Kinjer system.
    [Console] Dilithium & Legendary Sale Dilithium & Legendary Sale

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Dilithium & Legendary Sale
    [PC] Enter the Dimensional Typhoon!
  • Depending on the play/engagement of the new patrols, I'd recommend ReSB1 on solo private queue for its AFK potential. However, if the new content is fun to play OR can be fast/rewarding (like the Red Alerts), then I'll do those instead.

  • [PC] Enter the Dimensional Typhoon!
  • So, basically, character-bound non-reclaimable. Like the shotgun in that one Zen bundle.

  • [PC] Dilithium & Legendary Sale Dilithium & Legendary Sale

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Dilithium & Legendary Sale

    September 5th, 2024 (8am PT) to September 9th, 2024 (12pm PT) on PC

    • Vanity Shields will be available in the Dilithium Store for 280,000 Dilithium.
    • All ships in the Dilithium Store will be 20% off.
    • Return of the Anniversary Bundle
    • Legendary Bundle Discount: All Legendary Bundles will be 35% off, including the 10 Ship Legendary Anniversary Bundle.
    [PC] Phoenix Prize Pack Event Phoenix Prize Pack Event

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Phoenix Prize Pack Event

    September 5th, 2024, 8am PT to September 12th, 2024, 12pm PT

    • Receive a free Phoenix Prize Pack once per day from Grym on Drozana Station or Onna on Deep Space Nine.
    [Console] New Items in Mudd's Market New Items in Mudd's Market

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    New Items in Mudd's Market
    [Console] Save 25% on Keys & Key Ring Bundle Save 25% on Keys & Key Ring Bundle

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Save 25% on Keys & Key Ring Bundle
    PC Patch Notes for 8/15/24 PC Patch Notes for 8/15/24

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    PC Patch Notes for 8/15/24


    • Resolved an issue with the Captain Alteration Token that caused gender changes made with the Captain Alteration Token to not fully reflect the change in dialogue and some items.
    Admiralty Bonus Week Admiralty Bonus Week

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Admiralty Bonus Week

    From August 15th at 8am PT to August 22nd at 12pm PT on all platforms

    > all of your assignments give out double Campaign XP

    > all Tour of Duty missions will award bonus Dilithium Ore during this event

    The Galaxy Goes to Red Alert The Galaxy Goes to Red Alert

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    The Galaxy Goes to Red Alert

    August 15th, 8am PT to August 22nd, 12pm PT

    • All Red Alert Events Active: Borg, Elachi, Tholian, Tzenkethi, and Nakuhl Red Alerts will be available.
    • Grand Prize: After five days of progress, receive an Ultimate Tech Upgrade and a Specialization Point.
    [PC] Bundles Sale Bundles Sale

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Bundles Sale

    August 8th at 8am PT to August 12th at 12pm PT on PC

    Save 35% on Ship Bundles and Expansion Bundles in the Zen Store

    PC Patch Notes for 8/8/24 PC Patch Notes for 8/8/24

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    PC Patch Notes for 8/8/24

    PC Patch Notes for 8/8/24


    • Resolved an issue that caused some Romulan Duty Officer missions to only grant Klingon aligned Duty Officers no matter what faction the captain was aligned to.
      • As part of this fix, Federation aligned Captains who received these Klingon aligned Duty Officers will have the correct Duty Officers granted to them.
    • Resolved an issue with the Elite Force Sniper Rifle that caused its FX to appear on dead enemies rather that its active target.
    • Resolved further cases of the windows of the Premonition appearing to flicker.

    Known Issues:

    • Currently the Achilles Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer is defaulting to normal Quantum Slipstream Drive over the cyclical quantum slipstream drive.
    [PC] Double XP Weekend Double XP Weekend

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    Double XP Weekend

    From August 8th at 8am PT to August 12th at 12pm PT on PC

    >content that provides skill points and expertise will reward a 100% (2x) Bonus above normal amounts – this bonus will be available for all content that rewards skill points and expertise

    New Items in Mudd's Market New Items in Mudd's Market

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    New Items in Mudd's Market
    • Sompek Energy Rebounder Universal Kit Module
    • V’ger Probes Universal Kit Module
    • Fek’ihri Byr’Jai Interceptor [T6]
    PC Patch Notes for 8/1/24 PC Patch Notes for 8/1/24

    Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

    PC Patch Notes for 8/1/24

    General: ======

    • Resolved an issue with the Typhon where it had too many Tactical Bridge Officer seats. The Lt.Commander Tactical has been correctly downgraded to Lieutenant Tactical.
    • Added an additional Universal Console slot to the Achilles Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer to match other Miracle Worker Ships.
    • Resolved an issue with the Premonition Temp Op Science Spearhead that prevented that ship from equipping dual cannons.
    • Resolved an issue with the Prototype Phaser Hexa Cannons that caused it to act like a torpedo.
    • Resolved an issue preventing the unlock of Valkyrie Squadron Fighters when owning the Typhon.
    • Resolved an issue preventing the Typhon Command Escort Carrier from using the Type 7a hull material.
    • Resolved an issue with certain windows and lights on the Premonition appearing to flicker.
    • Resolved an issue causing the glow of the starboard nacelle of the Premonition to be too small when going to warp.

    Known Issues: ==========

    • Currently the Achilles Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer is defaulting to normal Quantum Slipstream Drive over the cyclical quantum slipstream drive.
    PC Patch Notes for 7/26/24


    • Resolved an issue that caused the Console – Universal Temporal Disorder to have no cooldown after activation.
    • Resolved an issue that caused the Starship Trait - Temporal Stasis Field to not have a description when hovering the mouse over it in the traits menu.
    • Resolved an issue causing the glow of the starboard nacelle of the Premonition to be too small when going to warp.

    Known Issues:

    • Currently the Achilles Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer is missing the cyclical quantum slipstream drive and a Universal Console Slot.
    • Currently the Typhon Command Escort Carrier’s Bridge Officer stations does not match the stations in its’ description.
    [PC] 20% Ship Sale

    July 25th, 8am PT to July 29th, 12pm PT (PC only)

    • 20% off all ships, dry dock slots, fleet modules, and ship upgrade tokens in the Zen Store.
    • Included: All individual ships and ship bundles.
    • Excluded: Bundles containing items other than ships.
    Indy Indy
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