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  • Would explain the failed assassination attempts

  • Oxygen
  • Please get fucked

  • Trump falsely claims he didn’t call to lock up Hillary Clinton | CNN Politics
  • Because most people are NPCs. They've been spoonfed their information for a century, and before that they just knew nothing. There has never been, and likely never will be, a period in history where the average person actually is an independent rational actor. Most people are proles

  • Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women
  • Didnt need a study to tell you this. They may as well be bots for all the critical thinking they got

  • Portable convenience [The Square Comics]
  • I feel bad for a drawing of a laptop with a face

  • Ant smell
  • This thread makes me glad Im bad with regular smells, let alone ant pheromones and shit like that. Downside is I cant tune out sounds, I always hear everything full blast

  • Reminder...
  • How do you explain the historical examples of it happening then? Example: Roosevelt and Hoover

  • Non-binary
  • Thanks for the confession :D

  • Dunes vs Star Wars
  • True, storytelling is just easier to track and what the thread was about

  • Dunes vs Star Wars
  • That just is what all storytelling is. You mix and match characters, tropes, settings, and such from other stories and irl and mix it all together to get something "original"

  • Dunes vs Star Wars
  • Good artists copy, great artists steal

  • California is about to tax guns more like alcohol and tobacco − and that could put a dent in gun violence
  • It's no different than the "time and manner" restrictions placed on speech

  • California is about to tax guns more like alcohol and tobacco − and that could put a dent in gun violence
  • Are you serious? A tax does not prevent you from legally acquiring anything. At worst, it risks putting the poor at even more of a disadvantage

  • Democrats propose ban on officials receiving payments from foreign governments after Trump probe
  • Ban gifts and job offers too. In fact, let's make force any and all politicians to live on nothing but a pension forever, remove any incentive for corrupt people to be there

  • OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game
  • either freeing up several people to pursue leisure or the arts or starve to death from being abandoned by society.

    You know EXACTLY which one it's gonna be.

  • How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals
  • It doesn't improve it. You could argue it makes it worse since I often face social rejection from the left for it...for some inexplicable reason. But I don't simply choose to hate or not hate something, the same way one does not simply chose their sexuality or gender or race or emotions.

  • How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals
  • After a certain point, you have to realize your bully is either incapable or unwilling to engage in that empty. At which point, your option is beat or get beat

  • How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

    I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying "woke", "critical race theory", ""grooming"", and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open.

    You never see the inverse. There is no ConservativesofTiktok getting churches harassed into shutting down for the day or calling in threats. You don't see cringey boomer memes on the left. And whenever I openly express those feelings, try to create that sentiment; I get shut down. Noone agrees, I'm often shamed and muted. I just don't understand why that parity exists, it's extremely isolating to feel so alone in this

    If you get a blood transfusion from a Force-sensitive, do you get Force sensitivity?

    I know a little bit of lore, but not a whole lot (I just listen to lore channels at work lol). But the question occurred to me upon thinking about midichlorians. I recall hearing somewhere they connect to blood cells, but I know I'm losing my mind so maybe I just made that up somewhere

    I'm transsexual, not transgenser

    Some people feel the term is outdated. They say this while parading around what to me seem oxymorons, like "non binary women" or "he/him lesbians".

    When a lot of these people say they aren't comfortable with their gender, I notice they often mention things like clothes, makeup, hobbies. More generally, they seem to talk about gender roles- masculine and feminine- than something to do with their bodies.

    Here's the fact of the matter. Bathrooms, pronouns, legal documents; they aren't referring to any of that. They're referring to what's in your pants, or if you have boobs, or grow facial hair. Most people, myself included, don't care if you wanna wear clothes or behave in a way assigned to the opposed sex (there are folks who do of course, and most of us here know they're assholes). But unless you're changing something about that, it doesn't warrent a change in your pronouns or documents or bathrooms. As much as my own rights are under threat, I can't help but sympathize with the folks upset with that, I don't wanna share the ladies' room with what amounts to a femboy or "metrosexual" either.

    Sex is bimodal, and I use the term bimodal specifically. There are edge cases, such as intersex people, or those with hormonal conditions like PCOS. I would argue transsexuals, those like myself who seek to change or sex, are among them. And hell, actual enben who seek out procedures like gender nullification too. I don't take hormones because I want to be feminine. I take them to be as close to female as I can possibly get with the medical technology available. That's how I want to be seen, and treated. I plan on surgery to change what's in my pants. If I could get a menstrual cycle out of that, I would, and probably go on to have children (because infertility is another perk of transition).

    I don't have anything against the sorts of people I'm talking about- I want to be abundantly clear on that. Same with those who say, dont want bottom surgery. My frustration is more with the terminology, because there is a delineation there that I feel is erased. People decry older terms like transsexual as "outdated", but I feel it's much more apt for my experience. I am transitioning to the other sex (or as close as I can). My gender has been constant all the while
