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Shut up mike
  • I ask people things because I've calculated the efficiency between asking and looking it up and if I can ask you something and get a quicker answer and the probability that the answer is accurate enough, that's what I'll do.

  • Are trailers revealing too much again nowadays?
  • That 5 second clip is the ad and then it plays the rest of the trailer which is also the ad. They know post people will skip the ad so they have a short spot at the beginning as an attention grabber in hopes you won't skip.

  • Can anyone recommend a wireless doorbell that works with home assistant?

    I currently have a ring doorbell that I pay a yearly fee for but I want to get away from Amazon and a subscription fee. I would prefer if it used the Wi-Fi and it was able to connect with my house doorbell. Edit: I'd also like to add that I would like it to have the ability to stream and record video.

    When people say that apps are stealing your data, what exactly does that mean?

    Apps like Temu or TokTok. Or those cheap electronic devices where you have to download a questionable app and register an account. What exactly is being stolen and what is being done with it? Who is doing it? Why?

    Has anyone used meshtastic?

    I just found out about it. Open Source messaging. It seems intriguing although I'm not sure I would have much to do with it. I honestly can't find too much information about it except for the website and a few YouTube videos. I was just curious if anyone has had experience with it.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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