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Hexbear federation megathread
  • No you aren't.

    You just want me to say more so you can pick it apart, fight, and troll. That's what you guys do and that's the exact behavior at issue in this thread. There is discourse with you and that's the exact problem. There seems to be n such thing as a good faith discussion with members of your instance. That's why you've already been defederated from multiple instances and you're about to be again.

  • Locked
    Hexbear federation megathread
  • Are you telling on me? like a child. Love to see how you included the context that show that these were all in response to the exact sort of behavior at issue in this thread. Enjoy your defederation. and enjoy your life where you're such an insufferable person that people are literally fighting about how to best not be anywhere near you. You must be proud.

  • Locked
    Hexbear federation megathread
  • That's hard to believe when it's basically almost the only thing (and other serious and aggressive trolling and not trolling.) I've not seen any calm reasonable and rational responses from hexbear users until this post threatening to get rid of them

  • Locked
    Hexbear federation megathread
  • It's quite disingenuous to say defederating because of political differences. It because you guys are intolerable and intolerant trolls who go on the attack at the drop of a hat at every opportunity. I haven't seen hexbear ever participate in good faith outside of this very thread. You're only nice and capable of calm, rational, reasoned discussion when you're being threatened with consequences. Ironically a luxury that communist nations would not provide you with.

  • Sheltered Reddit liberals finding out in real time that they're not in a pro-west echo chamber is fucking hilarious.
  • Who said shit about worshiping the US? You guys are so pedantic. You are all worried about exact language when it comes to yourselves, but take all kinds of liberties when it comes to others. You don't even have any goal other than being an asshole. there's no actual discussion to be had. You just consistently make wild, inaccurate speculation in order to (try to) enrage people. You're so far off the mark though that it's completely impotent. Have good life auto-fellating your self-perceived intellect..

  • Sheltered Reddit liberals finding out in real time that they're not in a pro-west echo chamber is fucking hilarious.
  • It's just evident that you don't actually have that real life experience. This is not what Chinese people say when not under duress. Something like 80% of Chinese people not living in China (read, who aren't forced to support the government) disapprove of the Chinese government. I've lived and worked with Chinese people. They don't say what you say they're saying. I've lived and worked in communist countries. It's not this socialist utopia you make it out to be. So yeah, it's pretty clear you don't have any idea what you're saying. You keep talking about "Experience" when it's obvious you don't have any......I do. So fuck off with your fantastical agenda pushing bullshit.

  • Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week
  • Is being uninformed suspicious?

    Yes. You're starting to get it. Being willfully uninformed and forcefully pushing that uninformed view in an organized way is suspicious. Ergo the comparison to the Maga's and anti-vaxxers. 🤦

  • Sheltered Reddit liberals finding out in real time that they're not in a pro-west echo chamber is fucking hilarious.
  • All the Chinese people in China who I totally really know in real life for sure. Those Chinese people in China that I totally really know all say they love love Xi. It's totally because they really really want to and not because dissent isn't allowed. They totally didn't start making grade schoolers go to several extra hours of school a day to learn to worship Xi 2 years ago btw. Also there is no air pollution in Beijing. Did I mention I totally know some Chinese people. You're all a bunch of sheltered white libs.....not like me. I mean yeah, I am a lib, only 15, white, and I do live in my parents basement.......but I know things, things that you don't. There's no way other people have any experience of the world so you have to believe, because I pretend......I mean DO, I do know some Chinese people in China and they are Chinese. They totally love their Chinese life in China where everyone has 120% literacy rate and reads 5 astrophysics books on their way to work in Beijing where there's no air pollution in China.


  • Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week
  • dO yOur OwN rEseArcH

    You sound just like every other idiot that says that. Trumpers, anti-vaxxers and the like. If you have to look around for yOur Own rEsEaRcH that lines up with what you want it to say, it's because it's not based in facts. You guys seem to honestly think you sound smart.......smh

  • Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week
  • Yea, it feels like 4chan suddenly saw the light and then turned far-left all at once

    Exactly this. They're running around spewing barely-sensical insults acting like they're dunking on people, but all their really doing is turning off anyone who was ever possibly sympathetic to their cause. And are completely un-informed on top of that

  • Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week
  • It would appear that way yes......and as mentioned, they have a history of having extremely thin skin and doing exactly that. So do I expect some group to do the exact thing they have always done? Yes. Yes I do.

  • Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week
  • You're the only one who has brought up race and are speculating what mine must be. I'm not the racist one in this conversation and I'm not the reddit-y one either. I'm not a refugee, I left that shitty site years ago bot.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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