I Made a English Dictionary Front-End for Terminals 1 0
If you're interested in functional programming you could try haskell. It has a reputation for a steep learning curve but it was worth learning for me.
Linux Kernel 6.8 Officially Released, Here's What's New 32 0
No, a magnetized needle and a steady hand is all you need.
How important is the option for dynamic linking (vs static linking) in the modern day? 1 0
Yeah, you can dynamically link in Rust, but it’s a pain because you have to use the C ABI since Rust’s ABI isn’t stable, and you have to miss out on exporting more fancy types
How important is the option for dynamic linking (vs static linking) in the modern day? 2 0
Depending on which is more convenient and whether your dependencies are security-critical, you can do both on the same program. :D
is it just me or GitHub is turning into some sort of LinkedIn 2 0
Who tf thinks that's reasonable
Johannes @programming.dev
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