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Haxe Roundup 697 Haxe Roundup 697

The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

Haxe Roundup 697
Haxe Roundup 696 Haxe Roundup 696

The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

Haxe Roundup 696
Haxe Roundup 695 Haxe Roundup 695

The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

Haxe Roundup 695
Haxe Roundup 694 Haxe Roundup 694

The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

Haxe Roundup 694
Haxe Roundup 693 Haxe Roundup 693

The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

Haxe Roundup 693
Haxe Roundup 692 Haxe Roundup 692

The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

Haxe Roundup 692
  • Phind?

  • Title
  • It happens rarely but frequently enough to be notable, I guess? iirc it's the brain checking whether your muscles have been paralyzed like they should (so you don't move in reaction to a dream.)

    Edit: Hypnic jerk - "Hypnic jerks are common physiological phenomena. Around 70% of people experience them at least once in their lives with 10% experiencing them daily."

  • Most and Least Verbose Programming Languages
  • There are two images. One of them has Python as #1, the other doesn't.

  • Removed
    Classy Kafka by Dogface
  • Beautiful.

  • Haxe Roundup 691 Haxe Roundup 691

    The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

    Haxe Roundup 691
    What are you some posters on the lemmyverse that you've enjoyed seeing around so far?
  • You just brightened my day. Thanks for the shoutout.

  • Haxe Roundup 690 Haxe Roundup 690

    The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

    Haxe Roundup 690
    HaxeJam 2023: Summer Jam HaxeJam 2023: Summer Jam

    A game jam from 2023-08-06 to 2023-08-15 hosted by logo4poop. This Jam’s Theme is… Split break or cause to break or ... divide into two or more groups Create a game where the theme is splitting. You can inter...

    HaxeJam 2023: Summer Jam
    Haxe Roundup 689 Haxe Roundup 689

    The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

    Haxe Roundup 689
    Google's New Web Environment Integrity Proposal Dismissed by Brave, Mozilla, and Vivaldi
  • That works until you are forced to interact with a website that only works with it, either by work or school.

  • Haxe Roundup 688 Haxe Roundup 688

    The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

    Haxe Roundup 688
    FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users
  • I believe Mastodon has a "transfer accounts" feature. I don't know if Lemmy and Kbin do though.

  • Haxe Roundup 687 Haxe Roundup 687

    The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

    Haxe Roundup 687
    Haxe Roundup 686 Haxe Roundup 686

    The latest news covering the Haxe community, featuring upcoming talks, the latest HaxeLib releases, game previews and lots more!

    Haxe Roundup 686

    I remember the Haxe roundups being posted on release on the subreddit. Should we do the same here?

    Help a new flutter man out!
  • You could pass it up a level by having the ScrollController be a class property obtained thru the constructor, which the parent would then provide when calling the widget.

    This gets unwieldy fast. That's where the state management solutions come in. From the pubspec.yaml, it seems Thunder uses Bloc for that. Look at the docs.

  • Qingque and Sushang by Janeaiのイラスト


    A fully self-contained natively compiled C# Hello World, including GC and everything can be as small as ~440 kB
  • I might be missing a joke? but they are referring to NativeAOT, aptly named as it compiles a .NET application into a native binary ahead of time (instead of using a JIT.) The benefit being no dependency on the .NET runtime, faster startup time (but slower runtime performance, due to lack of JIT), lower memory footprint, and any other advantage you'd find in Go.

  • Joph Joph


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