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Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned
  • Forgot about replying but I’m begging y’all to stop coming up with reasons this isn’t an issue, I have proof of purchase on an old hard drive and my username and password worked til the day I stopped playing. Very quickly googled and support used to help people migrate accounts with no email access, so yes authenticating a login on the server was plenty for them, just not anymore. Comparison doesn’t work

  • Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned
  • Nice to hear someone’s thoughts, but this is actually covered by US case law regarding EULA/TOS consent, and in places like Australia with even better protections regarding video games it is even more obviously not something Microsoft is allowed to do. Something else you may be unaware of is that their support page specifically says they won’t assist with account migrations. It doesn’t matter, I paid for a product and now I have full use of it again—with the caveat that I can’t use official servers, because I guess what I should actually do is devote daily attention to whether or not a company is trying to take back something I paid for.

    Actually, something I paid someone else for.

  • Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned
  • What do you mean, they warned about it long enough? I bought it, I played it as a kid. Now I want to share it with my kids and it turns out Microsoft said on some website somewhere, and maybe in a few emails to a nonexistent aol address, that they want me to update my account, and since I didn’t do that I have to buy it a second time? I learned today that they’ve “attempted to contact me”. I never agreed to a EULA that said I had a limited amount of time for anything. Nor did anyone else who purchased before 2011.

  • Lemmy today
  • Sorry, I’ll extrapolate more precisely.

    Casinos spend unfathomable resources on learning exactly how to wedge their ads deep into your mind and get you hooked on their satisfying little dopamine loops, but it’s your personal failure if you, an ordinary person who is statistically speaking living paycheck to paycheck raising a kid with no savings, succumb to them. And your responsibility to fix it.


  • Lemmy today
  • Sure was nice of the state to require your 2001 online casino to list in writing the odds of winning and enforce payment. But sure, they did you a favor and the state is bad, people are solo acts and you should be free to prey on the less powerful

  • People want 'dumbphones'. Will companies make them?
  • I thought I wanted a dumber phone. Not a flip phone necessarily, but not a pocket supercomputer. I looked at the majority of options out there and concluded that (ignoring the ones that are basically just running Android) they’re all missing a feature or two I really like, like the Light Phone looks great but I listen to audiobooks on Libby all the time. So then I just decided to delete a bunch of stuff from my iPhone, and then I didn’t get around to that so I still just have the same phone. 🤦‍♀️

  • I mean have they seen our stipends
  • They used to be the poorest age group in the United States. Senior discounts made a lot more sense when something like 30% of seniors lived in poverty in [1960? 70? Can’t recall]

  • College protesters seek amnesty to keep arrests and suspensions from trailing them
  • You’re replying to people who can’t believe the injustice of these laws by explaining that the laws are legal. No consensus will be reached; these are two completely different perspectives. Personally, I think laws, being a made up construct, should generally promote positive behavior like stopping genocide, so I easily side with the protesters and commenters here expressing indignation alongside them.

    The legality argument also ignores the police tradition of breaking the law while shutting down protests just because they can get away with it.

  • Iranian foreign minister says it will not escalate conflict and mocks Israeli weapons as ‘toys that our children play with’
  • I fail to see the difference. Israel’s policy has been to help Hamas and hurt the Palestinian Authority. They have successfully blockaded incoming aid in recent months yet for years money and weapons flowed freely to Hamas in Gaza. All to divide Gaza and the West Bank and avoid statehood, while stating as much. Must Netanyahu hand deliver the bills, or may we take him at his word?

  • Almost every problem in the world would be dealt with meaningfully if we outlawed billionaires.
  • Ah, well whether or not fast food joints continue to exist is interesting to ponder, ideally you’re never in such a hurry that you want to go to a burger joint where you’re being slowly poisoned by 15 year olds reheating decidedly unhealthy meals, but given how many people try starting restaurants and just how intrinsically tied to existence the food industry is, I imagine in an ideal world plenty of people who are stuck in the fast food sector would leave but plenty more who’ve never explored their passions would be drawn to food in a different form

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