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it's a big deal jack
  • We are in the 4th turning. History repeats. The end of the 4th turning is a crisis. Call it mysticism but things are looking like a repeat of the 4 turnings in the past. Usually ends with war, disease, and famine before revolution.

  • Texas school district agrees to remove ‘Anne Frank’s Diary,’ ‘Maus’ and 670 other books after right-wing group’s complaint
  • I didn't know, all the passages they don't like talking about. Do you know about 2 Kings 2 23-24? I'll tell you, even in context it makes God look like a psychopath. God literally sends a bear into a village to maul 42 children to death because they made fun of a delicate man's bald head. That's not even twisting the story.

  • Evidence
  • Not a tiny speck. You're not far off however. Theoretically, before expansion, all matter and energy is contracted into an infinitely dense space. Infinite density of infinite mass and infinite energy occupied infinite space. Or at least that is the start of the big bang.

  • Evidence
  • The original commercial was showing different women as if to imply it works for anyone. The arrangement of the panels is different from the original ad. It looks like panels 2 and 4 are swapped. I believe there are 2 different women.

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • Windows 11 pro OOBE > get device online either via WiFi or wired network or bypass via commands > set up for school or work > sign in options > Domain Join. This asks you for local account name and password for a local administrator account and then drops you on the login screen.

  • Over Here
  • Introduced, not passed. They are not a terror organization and calling them as such is an attempt to discredit a political movement for the sake of fascists and racists. There have been analyses, reports, and studies that have concluded that antifa is not a major domestic terrorism risk.

  • Next he summoned a lemon
  • Yes as a historical event that happened in English, linguists talk about it's impact and what it was as a cultural moment in the language's history but if you know linguists, you know that they do not care one little tiny bit about prescriptivism or the rules of English. Linguists study how people use language not how people should use language. That's what English teachers are for.

  • L.A. County wants to cap rent hikes at 3%. Landlords say that would push them to sell
  • Then don't provide housing at all, let the market be affordable enough that people can buy housing. All rental companies provide is a funnel to keep the impoverished from saving their money to buy a home they can't fathom according anyways. Same thing with house flippers. Buying a shit hole and giving it a paint job should not make it worth 3x the value you bought it at. Affordable housing is not the job of citizens, it is the job of the government and the government is doing its job making said housing, more attainable through rent caps.

  • Next he summoned a lemon
  • A linguist would tell you that this is a stupid argument to squabble over and pronunciation and rules are less important than how people use the language they speak. Linguists don't correct grammar, pedants on the internet do. And if you want a prescriptivist take on the rules outlining the pronunciation of acronyms, there are none. Every acronym ends up being pronounced the way it gets pronounced by the people who pronounce it. There are just as many acronyms that are pronounced like the words they use to make it up as there is that aren't. You don't say Jay-feg (JPEG) or Skub-ah (Scuba) so you should have no qualms with someone using a soft G in GIF. If you have an issue with a soft G in GIF then you should absolutely have an issue with a soft G in Giraffe or the hard G in Graph. Your rules make no more sense than the coinage of the term deciding how it should be said.

  • Senate GOP blocks bill to guarantee access to contraception
  • What part of my comment was defending child molesters? My point is that legalizing physical castration as a punishment for any crime at all, they have set the bar for what is considered cruel and unusual punishment below mutilation. Since our legal system is based on precedent, that means other forms of mutilation as punishment are now on the table in the courts.

    Also, the absolutely are women child molesters. You can't physically cut a biological woman's balls off. The punishment targets men specifically and does nothing to actually stop molestation in the future. Also, Louisiana has the highest rate of false guilty verdicts in the country and they are the ones cutting men's balls off... Just saying.

  • It’s quicker
  • Cool bro. You're better than me for how often you drink tea I guess. All I'm saying is I have heated water in a kettle enough to know tea floats no matter how you hear your water.

  • It’s quicker
  • Tea bags float in my kettle heated water as well. And for the 27 years I lived without a kettle and microwaved my water (maybe 2-3 times a week) I have never even once seen water get superheated and explode.

  • Senate GOP blocks bill to guarantee access to contraception
  • It's not even about having babies. It's about control in general. Louisiana just passed physical castration as a punishment. Yes it is for one of the worst most disgusting things a person can do to another living being, but it leaves no path for redemption, it is irreversible, it is cruel and unusual, and it is about control. They'll literally cut your balls off in Louisiana for molesting children.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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