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Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • Oh so everyone who wants free speech just wants to shout slurs? You were saying something about black and white thinking...

    Way to incite anger and hatred for no reason. If someone wants to do that then they suck and you should tell them. You might gain a better understanding of yourself and the world if you challenge peoples beliefs instead of creating imaginary strawmen to get angry at.

  • Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • Cilantro tastes like soap because of genetics, it tastes like soap to me too. You are creating a straw man to argue against. Do you really think all people who don't agree with you are against basic human rights? You're right that those people deserve to be shut down and stood up against. But to lump EVERYONE under the banner of either good or bad so that you can lazily dismiss all dissenting opinions in the hopes that that'll change anything for the better, then you are doing nothing but helping to devolve society in to a cancerous cesspool of backstabbing and virtue signaling. Nobody wins without nuance.

  • Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • And how do you expect to change anyone's mind if you don't talk to each other? How are you supposed to empathize, be empathized with, challenge views, and have your views challenged? Nothing changes and society is weakened by burying your head in the sand.

  • Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • You may want to look up the psychological concept of projection.

  • Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • Your viewpoint is beyond disturbing. The idea of exterminating any group of people based on some arbitrary criteria is horrible. You're talking about human lives, real people with stories, families, and potential. Advocating for their 'termination' like they're just a problem to be erased? It's chilling. This is not just about right or wrong viewpoints; it's about basic human decency. Such a twisted mindset has caused untold misery in the past. Your belief genuinely terrifies me.

    Also, ALL convicted criminals? From shoplifting to murder? Where do you draw the line, o' holy judge, jury, and executioner? Hopefully you've never trolled someone before or we'll have to send you to the gas chambers. Redemption is not allowed in this utopia.

  • Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • There’s 8 billion of us now, we can afford to lose the trash.

    Sounds like you and nazis have more in common than you think.

  • Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • Certainly

    Of course, but it’s important to keep in mind that so-called “free speech absolutists” don’t actually want free speech. They want freedom of consequences for their very specific, narrow, non-free speech. They would love to censor the living shit out of everybody else.

  • Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • The biggest problem with this "us vs. them" mentality everyone seems so eager to jump towards, is that since both sides must always be opposed, you're now on the side that is against free speech. That's going to do nothing but strengthen their side and weaken yours. Open your heart to other humans, especially the ones you don't like. Try to understand them and realize you can hold your beliefs without silencing theirs. How will anyone change if nobody talks to each other? Words are what make us human, they have the power to change everything. It's how we've survived as long as we have. One "hello" from a fellow human can save a suicidal persons life. The only way you can change the world is if you speak your heart and listen to others.

    I know there is a lot of hate and nonsense out there but you're grouping it all together under one image and painting everyone who doesn't think like you as the enemy. It's not helpful. Yes, they do it too, but that's not an excuse. Be better.

  • Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • Exactly, and that's why this topic is important to me. I don't wanna be silenced for wrongthink.

  • Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner
  • It's starting to worry me that "free speech" has become something to be feared and avoided. Avoiding confrontation to your beliefs just makes you and your beliefs weaker.

  • US scientists achieve net energy gain for second time in a fusion reaction
  • What if you used the sun as the source of the laser?

  • *LLMs and AI art stepping over the corpse of NFTs*
  • Them Wright Brothers will never change anything! Airplanes are obviously a scam. Snake oil salesmen I tells ya!

    NFT and Crypto are not in the same realm as AI other than to people who have no foresight.

  • *LLMs and AI art stepping over the corpse of NFTs*
  • Jesus you are dense. AI is already the most advanced and versatile tool we've ever made and it's only the beginning. They've already used LLMs to decode the brain waves of people looking at an image and were able to replicate the image JUST from brain waves and LLM algorithms. You seem like you don't want to understand just how huge AI is so I guess all I can say is wait and see. It's going to change every single thing about human society while you're blabbering on about crypto and NFTs. The ignorance of people is astounding sometimes.

  • *LLMs and AI art stepping over the corpse of NFTs*
  • AI is literally going to change everything. It's already started, don't you feel it?

  • *LLMs and AI art stepping over the corpse of NFTs*
  • Calling AI a fad is like calling electricity a fad.

  • You're irrelevant, I'm irrelevant, we're going to die and most of us will die in obscurity
  • Everything you do has a significant impact. When you take care of yourself, love yourself, and proactively change what's in your control, you inspire those around you. Your actions shape their behavior and perspective. But if you let your hardships get the best of you and you start to harbor resentment towards the world, it negatively affects EVERYTHING in the world. This negative mindset spreads, bringing down not just you, but those around too. Hell, it affects the animals and plants that you come across. Just the pheromones you emit and the way you walk changes peoples paths and their thoughts. Your actions matter. They have consequences. I'm typing this response quickly to balance out your negative post, and it's making me late for work. It's time to get your act together. Only you can change your situation. Try to become proficient at something and make a positive contribution to society. Good luck, everything you need to improve is already within you. Just follow your heart, and don't overthink. Love yourself and you'll love the world too.

  • even on fuckcars people still like cars,... damn
  • The amount of arrogant ignorance you have is hilarious. Have you ever been to the US, outside of a major city? You understand how large and disparate most of the US is right? You could fit 40 UKs in to the US. Should the mountains just be filled with busses going to every small town on tiny ass roads? What if there is no bus or train to where I'm going? Just horse and buggy it to "save the planet" or "stick it to capitalism"? Do you realize how many people LOVE cars? Go try and fix things so you can potentially do SOMETHING, not just sit here arrogantly shouting your narrowminded views. You need to have your opinions challenged in the real world, otherwise your fantastical arguments hold no water. You're not seeing from others perspectives, just naively trying to force your limited understanding of the world on to others.

  • /kbin meta Kantiberl
    I've been trying to block a magazine for over a week and keep getting an error.

    196 is over half my feed and I can't take it anymore.

    Kantiberl Kantiberl

    Just a feller

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