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Opening Garage Door Options
  • Yes, in more recent times I've seen comments about the Tailwind. Unfortunately it's not sold in Australia so I'd have to import it. It does rate really well, so you chose wisely!

  • Opening Garage Door Options
  • Yeah sometimes simple is best. Certainly a lot of folks have suggested this. I tend to wear different jackets as the seasons vary wildly here, so not quite as easy an option for me.

  • Opening Garage Door Options
  • Oh my regular door responds to remotes, the meross is just there to add internet capability. I'm one of those who keeps worrying they haven't closed the garage door and is already so far away it's a bit awkward to turn around.

    I also don't want a remote attached to my bike that's easily recognisable as one, in case the bike is ever stolen. This is why my interest was in modules like the FlashToPass, as it's not easily recognisable as being a garage remote.

  • Opening Garage Door Options
  • Yeah I really should set up Home Assistant, especially as I have some other devices that would greatly benefit from it.

    This will do me for now... until I want to really screw with more of my "smart" devices.

  • Opening Garage Door Options

    I figure I might as well post some stuff to the Fediverse.

    I have a Meross MSG100 to add "smart" connectivity to my otherwise dumb powered garage door. To my pleasant surprise, Meross can be hooked up to Samsung SmartThings, and you can set a routine for when you arrive within a certain radius of home (100m is the smallest), it can then open the garage door. It can even be set to note if you've been gone long enough (I have mine set to 10 minutes).

    For more precise location detection, you have to do a little finangling to get it to be hooked up to the Modes and Routines app where you can then also set a location setting that includes connecting to your home wifi.

    The finangling involves setting up a virtual switch in SmartThings (as garage door openers aren't "supported" by M&R, but a switch is), and having a routine in ST linking the switch's state to the garage door.

    If you don't have ST Labs (only available in USA and KR), then you can make a virtual switch using Samsung's own web ui:

    Anyway, we tested it this afternoon and it worked fine.

    For those without a Samsung phone, this will be a lot harder to set up (if not impossible).

    My backup options were:

    1. Getting my Cardo set up (whenever it arrives) and yelling Hey Google open the garage door, waiting for it to go 'sure, what's your pin', and yelling that at it... from like two roundabouts away from home.
    2. Buying and installing a Riders Magic Touch
    3. Buying and installing a Mo-Door
    4. Buying and installing the Garage Door Opener from Vizi-Tec (hooks up to brake line), apparently you do a zip-zip-zip-braaake on your brake and it activates it?
    5. Taking apart a garage remote and making my own version of any of the above, including like the FlashToPass/FlashToOpen (they don't exist anymore sadly) which activated when you flashed your high beams
    6. Tucking a remote into my tank bag and smashing the shit out of it
    7. Do what I've been doing which was stopping, glove off, open jacket pocket, fish out remote and press button, shove it back into pocket, glove back on, roll into garage

    Anyone got any other unique ways of managing their garage door whilst on the motorcycle?

    Intel is trucking a 916,000-pound 'Super Load' across Ohio to its new fab, spawning road closures over nine days
  • They did something similar with some transformers here in Australia, and unfortunately there were some possibly associated traffic incidents where people might have not been going the right speed and got rear-ended. One man died, even.

    Please avoid the route, even when it is pulled over to "rest", as your fellow motorists may not be able to resist rubbernecking.

  • Robot cars can be crashed with tinfoil and painted cardboard
  • Excuse us for being sceptical that businesses will actually be held accountable. We know legally they are, but will forced arbitration or delayed court proceedings mean people too poor to afford a good lawyer for long will have to fuck off?

  • Nearly 80% of Americans now view fast food as a luxury
  • Used to be able to get $1 cheeseburgers. The loose change menu was a huge thing here, you could actually wander in with some coins and walk out with some food.

    At $1 a burger, in less than 3 minutes, that's way cheaper, "tastier" (subjective), faster, and no cleaning up, than having a pot of lentil curry.

  • After successful animal trials, human trials to begin for tooth regrowth drug
  • That's like asking why we can't just eliminate gonorrhea... people keep inoculating each other with the bad shit.

    I do tell my expecting parents (who happen to have bad teeth) that they should not test the food in their mouth and use the same spoon with their new child, as they will be passing on their bacteria to the kid. I do also imply they shouldn't share things like drinks.

    Whether or not they listen to me isn't my problem...

  • British couple died on holiday after adjoining room fumigated for bed bugs British couple died on holiday after adjoining room fumigated for bed bugs | CNN

    A British couple died from carbon monoxide poisoning while on holiday at a luxury resort in Egypt after the room next door was sprayed with pesticide to kill bed bugs, a coroner has found.

    British couple died on holiday after adjoining room fumigated for bed bugs | CNN
    British anti-trans rights activist issues John Pesutto and leadership team with defamation concerns notices Anti-trans rights activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull threatens legal action against Victorian Liberal party

    The British activist has demanded opposition leader John Pesutto and his leadership team apologise and compensate her for false claims made against her.

    Anti-trans rights activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull threatens legal action against Victorian Liberal party

    The context:

    The British activist, who also goes by pseudonym Posie Parker, spoke at a "Let Women Speak" event outside Victorian parliament in March that was gatecrashed by neo-Nazis, who joined the anti-trans rights demonstrators and repeatedly performed the Nazi salute.

    MP Moira Deeming's involvement in the "Let Women Speak" rally led to her suspension and eventual expulsion from the Liberal party.

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