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Everything old is new again.
  • Dude, my driving instructor charged less than a Taxi and that guy was charging in the triple digits per hour, it is insane as to how Taxis are still in business. Who the hell pays those prices?

  • Pity, really.
  • Fellow Zer here, my elective IT class had grading done depending on how well you could use the computer:

    'A' if you could do everything perfectly well, 'B' if you needed some help from the instructor, 'C' if you needed a lot of help, 'D' if you couldn't even get past the login screen on the windows machine.

    We had a lot of people who got a pity 'C-'

  • Katzastrophe Katzastrophe

    AI pictures are for those, who do not respect the art of extremely weird stock pictures

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