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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • Teilweise schlicht und einfach für den Lerneffekt. Jeder meint, man müsste ja nicht mehr lernen, weil man das ja schon alles kann, also gib mir gefälligst einen Termin. Wenn man dann ca. 70€ für einen neuen Versuch bezahlen muss, dann werden (meistens) ganz kleine Brötchen gebacken.

    Außerdem kann ich mich nicht erinnern, wann wir das letzte Mal einen Schüler mit gerade mal 70% zugelassen haben (so wie der interviewte Fahrlehrer), mittlerweile fordern wir sogar meistens 97%.

  • Huh, really? I thought there were slightly more women than men, but maybe that depends on the economies etc.

    As for your second point, yes, exactly. They don't reproduce. So it doesn't matter if many men get one wife each, or if a few men get many wives each, the number of pregnancies won't change, and the number of pregnancy-related deaths won't change either. So (again), I don't see how polygyny helps in this situation.

  • Edit: This first point was wrong, but the second point still stands.

    Polygyny wouldn't solve the aforementioned problem if we suppose that the birth rate of men and women is roughly the same. If one man has many wives, some of whom even die, then several other men won't have any wives.

  • I see, for me, that just looked like inclusive borders (meaning the clip is only over when it reaches the outer border), but you're saying they should be exclusive (so the borders themselves aren't supposed to be part of the clip)?

  • Cookies required for the website to work (like that one) are totally fine and, in fact, they don't even have to ask you about them - if they're not used for tracking. So no, asking each time is definitely avoidable.

  • Sync for Lemmy

    Deeply nested comments not showing up properly