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Stay Mad, Tankies
  • No I want both of them to unalive, preferably as violently as possible. Unemployment is a vastly flawed metric that doesn't account for underemployment or discouraged workers, and real wages would be significantly down if the government was accurately measuring inflation, which they're intentionally not doing so they can continue to pretend that everything's fine.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • The economy is booming

    For who? The American people are struggling. Meanwhile the wealth gap is wider than it's literally ever been and Biden is too busy bombing brown children to give a shit

  • “Let’s go Brandon” was kinda funny at first
  • The problem it was never a joke, it was always barely conscious retards saying "Let's go Brandon" thinking it was some kind of clever inside joke and that no one knew what they were actually saying

  • Haha (b/j)eans
  • Oh no, it's so hard to come up with different words to get the pretty image I want!!1!1!1!!1! It's not hard, you're just a dumbass who thinks your effort is more valuable than it is

  • Haha (b/j)eans
  • I mean personally what bothers me about it is that it's all AI-generated. Personally seeing an AI image just kills any potential humor. Even the lowest effort of slapping two images on top of each other in PowerPoint would be preferable. And in fact the lack of effort in and of itself can be funny there too. But there's nothing creative or interesting about asking an AI image generator to make a funny image imo

  • People who generalize as if the US is one government instead of one big inept government and then 50+ governments that have districts and counties and cities are aggravatingly ignorant and smug.
  • You literally said in your post that America is not that bad and that there's somehow a world of difference between different states, I'm just stating facts about how everything about those statements is bullshit. You can be mad about that if you want but you can't claim it's not that bad here when it's literally worse than every developed nation

  • People who generalize as if the US is one government instead of one big inept government and then 50+ governments that have districts and counties and cities are aggravatingly ignorant and smug.
  • I've almost never felt like a European was talking down to me. If you feel like you're experiencing that often, maybe there's a reason. I know self-reflection is hard for you, our school system propagandizes our children to never do such a thing, but I believe that you can change for the better.

  • People who generalize as if the US is one government instead of one big inept government and then 50+ governments that have districts and counties and cities are aggravatingly ignorant and smug.
  • I mean if you wanna play this game, our public education also is not up to the standards of those countries, unless you're comparing to Bosnia instead of Germany for some odd reason. Yes, especially in those states you mentioned. Also those states are still subject to the American healthcare system. And those states, possibly excluding VT, have a much higher rate of poverty and homelessness than any developed nation in Europe. All of these things are enough to destroy your argument by themselves, but when added up you have no legs to stand on

  • People who generalize as if the US is one government instead of one big inept government and then 50+ governments that have districts and counties and cities are aggravatingly ignorant and smug.
  • I find it hard to believe that Vermont Colorado and California even fit in with Western European standards considering the absolute lack of any useful public transportation in any of those states. Even NY only resembles Europe in NYC, upstate NY is some of the worst parts of the US to live in.

  • People who generalize as if the US is one government instead of one big inept government and then 50+ governments that have districts and counties and cities are aggravatingly ignorant and smug.
  • American here, these discussions have absolutely no bearing on anything. The US propaganda machine will keep churning regardless of what any of us think, our lawmakers are only doing the bidding of the corporate ruling class and if they try to go against that grain they're blackballed from politics basically forever. I'm glad some Europeans see through the propaganda but many non-Americans truly don't understand how bad it is here and still to this day move here seeking "freedom" that no longer exists (and arguably never did). Honestly the guy who made this post is at best a bad faith troll parroting twenty year old talking points to distract people and piss them off. Anyone with access to Google should know that the cultural distinction between the bay area and Chicago are smaller than the distinction between Sussex and Manchester. Calling OP a fucking dumbass is both an understatement and unproductive, but it's no less productive than any comment actually trying to change OP's mind about such an uneducated opinion.

  • The lamest countries
  • Yeah totally. But if you dare even insinuate that Japan was anything other than a victim of WW2, the public outcry is so massive that you will be forced to publicly apologize and denounce your previous statement

  • Strange cameraman
  • I worked as a cameraman in college for about a year and a half. Your producer can see every angle from every camera simultaneously. So depending on the producer, you'd either get chewed out or get big laughs for doing this. But people still did it all the time regardless

  • You may want to sit down
  • It wasn't just lesbian relationships. Pretty much any gay/lesbian relationship when written about by historians calls them roommates or very close friends or some bullshit like that

  • Rule of political satire in 1945
  • In terms of outcomes they demonstrably have no difference lmao. Making fun of enlightened centrists is no longer a thing. Both the DNC and the RNC serve the same master, and it isn't the voting population. Decades of picking the lesser of two evils have led us to this point.

  • Is it possible to list all communities on an instance other than your home instance?

    I just found out exists after finding the Chicago community there. I was trying to list out other communities on that instance and couldn't quite figure it out. Do I have to visit in order to list them, or is there a way to do it from

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