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The Deprogram Episode 51 with Konstantin Syomin
  • That fella comes from the group of "lefty influencers" who denounced war as "Russia doing imperialism", called those trying to organize humanitarian aid "Putin's collaborators" and called the entirety of Russian military imperialist nazis. One of that group, Andrew Rudoy, escaped to France a couple of days ago aided by French trots and through them by Macron himself. Guess all that should give you an idea of what kind of guy we're looking at here. He also admitted to being funded by some bourgeois guy, probably someone from the western-rigged opposition. Never looked into it, the fact itself is enough.

    P.S. "Прииивеееееет, козлыыыыыыы!" Those who know - they know.

  • South Korea accidentally hit its own base with missile while warning the North
  • ...yeah, the moment the earliest reports of explosions in South Korea came in the thought "Did those morons actually shoot themselves? No, they can't be that stupid... They can't be... But there's no other explanation... Are they actually stupid?"

  • China and Russia veto new sanctions package against the DPRK! International Solidarity is based!
  • It feels so good to see such giant wreck to come out of this all situation going on since February.

  • Somebody threw a grenade in lib space. The results are obvious. Enjoy the comments.

    Already blaming r/GenZedong for spreading that propaganda. Well done, comrades, they totally know about our existence.

    Edit: Well, they went and deleted it. Only took a day or so. Not cool. For those who missed the fun: it was a pic with one of Chen Weihua's biggest slaps ("US first, China last" episode) . The comments were accordingly along the line of "Fuck CCP", "Fist in muslim genocide", "Muh concentration camps" and "Chinese bots going for it again".

    Poland to annex western parts of Ukraine
  • You know. We like to hate muricah. We like to hate bri'ish. But jesus fucking christ, living in Eastern Europe I certainly hate Poland the most. As soon as nazis come to power that shithole turns into a comedic hyena trying to bite off whatever falls near it and then with no fucking shame they scream how THEY are the ones getting abused when their own bullshit backfires.

  • Found out not long ago Jackie Chan is extremely based
  • Chose the people and not the murican cash. Good for him.

  • That time when a DPRK audience had to watch a live K-pop concert for the first time
  • Those people were clearly coming to see some kind of a high value southern art and arrived in their best for such an occasoon. Oh boy-oh boy, what a weird day that was for most of them.

  • Wait, since we are off reddit
  • I can already see lines forming to get the product in extra high demand - heads of fucking capitalists

  • /r/enoughcommiespam now that GZD is banned
  • I wonder if they will ever miss us lmao.

  • Kind_Stone Kind_Stone
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