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Samsung brings new rugged Galaxy XCover7 smartphone and Tab Active5 tablet
  • Motorola, sony, and even samsung made smaller versions of these before. I had a moto defy, sony acro s, sony xperia z3 compact and z5 compact personally. The last 2 ish generations of phones with ip ratings, headphone jacks, and expandable storage have all been 6.3+ inches with the possible exception of the cat or bullet phones and the oddball chinese ones. Don't get me wrong, this is a step in the right direction for a lot of reasons but I am really over 6+ inch phones. They don't fit well in pockets, they are less user friendly with 1 hand, and don't offer significantly more features anymore.

  • How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone?
  • It is not my primary method of audio use, I use bluetooth earbuds/headphones in a workshop environment for that so I don't get the cables caught on machinery or materials but I use it when traveling or listening to music at home because the sound quality is better and there is only one device to keep track of or charged. Its not an everyday thing but still a requirement for me.

  • Queens of the Stone Age - In My Head

    Need for speed underground 2 is to thank for my intro to QotSA, great track and good driving song.

    Offroad Know_not_Scotty_does
    Finally got my 01 Tundra out to Big Bend. Old Ore Road was a blast!
    Custom "Explorer" partscaster I built a few years ago.

    25.5" scale neck, poplar body, coil tapping pickups, knockoff floyd from guitar fetish. The body was dyed using angelus leather dies (recommended by BigDGuitars on yt) it was a good first project to learn on and a lot of fun to make. Picture was taken before I installed the control knobs but it really pops in the sun.


    EarthPorn Know_not_Scotty_does
    Nowhere Exotic, just sunset under the clouds out in Galveston Bay.
    aviation Know_not_Scotty_does
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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