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hl2 resistance rule
  • yay :3

  • Deleted
    U(rule)thea cactus
  • kinky

  • hl2 resistance rule
  • I am tho :3

  • Giant Custom Rules
  • 👀

  • I miss text-based tutorials
  • Honestly, I'm 21 years old and 95% of tutorials I consume are text-based. For really complex stuff or really niche stuff, sometimes only a video exists, but I think text is a big norm. That can be because I'm in software development though as most things are documented by text and most tutorials in that area are text-based.

  • Used to do this to my rule all the time
  • I didn't know there are countries where it's not legal to walk your dog off-leash.

  • Come on folks, do better
  • No

  • escape rule
  • Next to a furry convention

  • BSW will Rede Selenskyjs im Bundestag boykottieren
  • Hufeisen macht an der Stelle nicht Sinn; Wagenknecht ist gesellschaftspolitisch ja auch rechts

  • Europawahl: Grüne erleiden deutliche Verluste, AfD wird zweitstärkste Kraft
  • Es ist einfach so deprimierend und traurig…

  • Warum es sich lohnt kleine Parteien zu wählen
  • Finde es gut, dass es keine Hürde in DE gibt und man viele kleinere Parteien wählen kann, und ich stimme dir auch komplett zu, dass einige kleine Parteien echt viel erreicht haben, aber

    Auch wenn es in Österreich keine 4% werden, ein paar Prozent reichen, damit die Partei deiner Wahl in die Medien kommt und somit ihre Themen.

    sehe ich nicht so. Wenn die Stimme weg ist, ist sie weg und hätte sonst mehr bewirkt und die AfD kleiner gehalten. Also das ist doch genau die gleiche Argumentation wie bei Nichtwählern (Wer nicht wählt der wählt AfD (+ CDU/SPD), die haben ihre Wähler, die auf jeden Fall zur Wahl gehen und diese fallen dann mehr ins Gewicht.). Ob die Partei nicht durchkommt oder man erst gar nicht wählt, macht keinen Unterscheid.


    Wenn keine Menschen kleinen Parteien Stimmen geben, wird es kaum Veränderung in der Politik geben.

    sehe ich auch nicht. Warum sollte das so sein?

  • They'd still both rather use C++ than each other though
  • As a Rustacean, I'd rather use C than C++ for a small project.

  • EU-Wahl fürs Klima: Grüne, Klimaliste oder Letzte Generation?
  • Man muss sich leider schon in gewissen Maßen dem Wahlsystem anpassen. Zur Europawahl glücklicherweise weniger als zur Bundestagswahl, aber z.B. bei der US-Wahl musst du auch "strategisch" die Demokraten wählen.

  • tech support
  • It is though!

  • EU-Wahl fürs Klima: Grüne, Klimaliste oder Letzte Generation?
  • Schließe mich größtenteils an. Halte alle drei für eine vernünftige Wahl tbh. Ich denke auch, dass es in der Praxis keinen großen Unterschied bei den Abstimmungen geben wird, zumindest nicht in diesem Kernthema, wo die alle ohne Fraktionszwang sich für diese Inhalte einsetzen.

    Edit: Die eine Frage, die mir im Nachhinein doch noch eingefallen ist, ist natürlich, ob Letzte Generation oder Klimaliste überhaupt nur einen einzelnen Sitz bekommen. Die Zersplitterung führt natürlich eher dazu, dass mehr Stimmen verloren gehen. Schaut man sich die Ergebnisse der letzten Europawahl an, sieht man, dass auch der eine Sitz schon eine größere Hürde für viele Parteien darstellt.

  • Linux share on Steam bounces back to nearly 2% for March 2024
  • Hey, sorry for the late answer, but I think you might be interested in this:
    First of all, as a disclaimer: I'm not a professional front-end developer. I'm usually doing backend stuff and this is the first time I wanted to program a cross-platform desktop app. I spent a lot of time researching and settled on GTK / Libadwaita.
    And I actually spent the last months building and packaging the project for every platform. With every platform I mean macOS, Linux and Windows. I strongly recommend doing this with a CI pipeline as there are many specific steps you need to follow.
    I will provide a template on Github when I'm finished as well as a more in-depth blog post about all the steps and explanations. The main problem is that most is not documented at all and what's documented is super outdated. So I had to figure out many things by myself. But the actual process, when you know how to do it, isn't even really hard. I'll post the links to the template here when I finished it all but it might still take some months as I currently also have other stuff to do.

  • Garfield rule
  • Cinema often is a group activity. And even if you have many friends, it can still be nice to go there alone.

  • Switzerland released their Eurovision song: The Code by Nemo

    Switzerland has released their song for the Eurovision song contest 2024. What do you think about it?

    Back to the rules (+ trans rights!)

    I noticed how there's no Spronkus Kronkus at 196 anymore at all, and since they were the original reason I discovered 196 back on Reddit, I thought it would be nice to get back to them and post them for once. :)

    Art is by u/Nate_Meowski on Reddit (I don't know if they have a Lemmy account).

    How to easily play Windows only games on macOS

    I just found this community, and in case anyone here has a game they really like and really want to play, but sadly doesn't have a macOS port and is just Windows only, this might help.

    The best option you have is wine-crossover. While the Wine website currently doesn't offer a macOS build, the main macOS Wine maintainer has published the Open Source version wine-crossover, which works amazingly well and can even translate Direct X, meaning that video games work with it. Just use brew install --cask --no-quarantine gcenx/wine/wine-crossover to download it. It will then just be a regular program in your programs folder called Wine. And if you double-click on any .exe-files, it will open them with Wine, translate them in realtime and execute them. Then you just need to download the Windows version of Steam, just open it (with Wine), download the Windows game, and voila, you can easily play it :D This is e.g. how I played Will You Snail (which is a really great game, but sadly only available for Windows) on macOS without any problems.

    This works with most games, and as I said, I personally often use Wine to play Windows only games (or even games whose macOS versions are 32bit, which my computer can't run anymore). However, if a game has too high graphic requirements for your computer to run, or does not work with Wine (which can happen with e.g. some games that use custom DRMs), then another alternative I know is Nvidia GeForce Now, a could streaming service which allows you to use your own bought games (e.g. on Steam) and play it on a remote computer. It is free to try, although you can only play an hour at a time with the free tier. I've used the free tier for years (I mostly played in the middle of the night, so there were no waiting queues), and I even often played games that had a macOS build (like Planet Coaster), but which were too large to fit on my disk space. So this is definitely something I can also recommend and it's a good way to play even the most demanding games without any graphical problems. The downsides are the limitations of the free tier (although the paid tier without queues or the one hour limit is also worth it you really use the service), and that you need at least a medium-well internet connection for it. Also, they sadly don't have the full Steam catalogue but just a very big selection of games.

    So yeah, those are the tools I usually use to play games that don't have a macOS build on my macOS computer. I'm glad if this helps anybody else and have fun playing! :D

    me_irl Korne127
    Noa Kirel's Eurovision incident


    They're awesome and make many other funny things like this one, so check them out if you like this. :D

    Top 20 Most watched Eurovision videos in June

    This is the monthly video of the Eurovision Youtube channel about the top 20 most watched videos. It's always interesting to follow it, and how it develops after the contest has finished.

    I wrote down the exact results about it but spoilered it in case you want to see the video first (I'll write my thoughts in the comments). Click on it to read them!

    The results

    I marked the songs that are not out of the recent contest by making their names bold. 20. Carpe Diem (Grand Final) - Joker Out | New Entry 19. Tattoo (Official Video) - Grand Finale | Down 10 places 18. Dancing Lasha Tumbai (Grand Final) - Verka Serduchka | Up 25 places 17. Due Vite (Grand Final) - Marco Mengoni | Down 7 places 16. Cha Cha Cha (National Final) - Käärijä | Down 9 places 15. Unicorn (Official Video) - Noa Kirel | Up 2 places 14. Zitti E Buoni (Grand Final) - Måneskin | Up 5 places 13. SloMo (Grand Final) - Chanel | Up 12 places 12. Énvidemment (Grand Final) - La Zarra | Down 1 place 11. My Sister's Crown (Grand Final) - Vesna | Up 3 places 10. Soarele și luna (Grand Final) - Pasha Parfeni | Up 2 places 9. Who The Hell Is Edgar (Grand Final) - Teya & Salena | Up 9 places 8. Euphoria (Grand Final) - Loreen | Did not move 7. Uno (Official Video) - Little Big | Up 30 places 6. Fairytale (Grand Final) - Alexander Rybak | Up 25 places 5. Solo (Grand Final) - Blanka | Down 1 place 4. Queen Of Kings (Grand Final) - Alessandra | Up 1 places 3. Unicorn (Grand Final) - Noa Kirel | Did not move 2. Tattoo (Grand Final) - Loreen | Down 1 place

    1. Cha Cha Cha (Grand Final) - Käärijä | Up 1 place

    The videos that were in last month (May) and fell out of the top 20: 20. Samo Mi Se Spava (Grand Final) - Luke Black 16. Heart Of Steel (Grand Final) - Tvorchi 15. Eaea (Grand Final) - Blanca Paloma 13. Blood & Glitter (Grand Final) - Lord Of The Lost 6. Mama ŠČ! (Grand Final) - Let 3

    What ESC songs did you start / stop liking after the Eurovision shows?

    Not just necessarily restricted to 2023, just in general: What songs did you initially like but stopped liking (as much) after the ESC Grand Finale (or the ESC semi in which the song NQed), and what songs did you initially not like so much, but started liking after the ESC Grand Finale (or an NQ)?

    Luxembourg announces a national final for January 27 Luxembourg sets January date for televised national final

    Broadcaster RTL has announced the launch of the selection process to find the act who will represent Luxembourg in the 68th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest.

    Today, Luxembourg started accepting applications for their ESC entry in 2023 on their website The national final will be televised and deciding on which artist can represent Luxembourg.

    All applicants must be a Luxembourg citizen, have lived in Luxembourg for at least three consecutive years or have a strong cultural commitment and a proven connection to the Luxembourg music scene.

    The exact requirements with more information about the participation are available on the linked website.

    Each country's first participation result

    This graph shows the result each country got in its first participation in the Eurovision song contest. Because the amount of competitor rose so much over the decades (originally, there were just 7 competitors, while now, there are regularly over 40), just taking the place each country got wouldn't be accurate or fair - even the last place back then would be much higher than a really good result now. Therefore, I took the relative placement: The first place is 100% and the last place is 0%. This is more fair since it takes into account how many people have participated and accurately shows how good a country really was in the contest.

    Some countries with special circumstances are marked with an asterisk and slashes in the line. For one, this is Switzerland 1956 who won the first contest (which some could be argue is kind of unfair because one country had to win it). Additionally, it won with a shady voting system since the Swiss jury had twice the voting power and juries could vote for the own country. The other countries marked are the countries who participated in the first contest 1956. The exact results of it have never been published (just the winner); therefore their real first result is unknown. Instead, I took their results in the second contest (which they all participated in). I also included Switzerland 1957 because of the special circumstances of their win in 1956.

    The country bars are also marked in different colours. This is to easily show the type of their placements: Blue bars represent countries whose first participation was before the introduction of semifinals. Green bars represent countries who qualified to the final in their first participation. Red bars represent countries who failed to qualify to the final in their first participation.

    Luxembourg will launch the selection process for their Eurovision return on July 3rd Luxembourg: RTL releases a statement on Eurovision 2024 pre-selection

    Eurovision 2023 news: RTL, the Luxembourgish national broadcaster,  has confirmed to ESCToday that it will be revealing further details on its Eurovision preselection next

    Luxembourg will finally return to the Eurovision Song Contest after a 30 year pause. They now publicly stated that RTL will be responsible for the song selection and that they'll start the Eurovision process next week. All details regarding registrations and the recruitment of candidates will be communicated through their official (new) website .

    How do you compare the 2023 Eurovision songs to their 2022 equivalents?

    What I mean is Sweden 2023 vs Sweden 2022, Finland 2023 vs Finland 2022, etc.

    I’ll start in the comments, and I’d be interested in what other people think as well! :)

    It doesn’t need to be every country, just write it for the countries you want: Maybe the top contenders, or your favourites, or the ones where you’ve got an unpopular opinion.

    Loreens reaction to the edit of her getting crushed on stage (video)

    I found it really funny and cute how she reacted to the video; and it's really nice for the originl editor to be recognised this way :)

    Difference between the stream rank of ESC 2023 GF songs and their actual placement

    I found it quite interesting to see what songs from the grand finale have been streamed most and how that differs from the placement in the Grand finale itself. Therefore I made charts out of it.

    This is the second chart which depicts the difference between the stream rank (from the Spotify streams) and the actual placement in the Grand finale.

    The United Kingdom has the best stream rank compared to their placement, which makes sense since they've had a good pop song which can be popular in the radio and on TikTok, but an underwhelming performance with a bad placement. Poland also got a much better stream rank, which I also expected, given how that's rather its target audience.

    On the other side, Lithuania and Croatia have the worst stream ranks compared to their placements. They both are songs that (in my opinion) are very fitting for the ESC and appreciated by its juries and viewers, but are not songs many people would frequently listen to and stream, so I can also see that.

    What do you think about these results? Are there things that surprise you or what you were sure would be like this?

    Most streamed ESC 2023 Grand finale songs on Spotify

    I found it quite interesting to see what songs from the grand finale have been streamed most and how that differs from the placement in the Grand finale itself. Therefore I made charts out of it.

    This is the first chart, showing the streams. Sweden has, as expected (since they won the contest) the most streams. Interestingly, Norway also has more streams than Finland.

    Korne127 Korne127
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