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My laptop hinge just ripped its screws right out.
  • HP by chance? Had this happen to a 360 HP laptop (and I almost never used that functionality!), repaired by replacing the backside of screen where it screws in. This of course required disassembling the whole damn laptop. I was horrified by how cheap it was and now have a ThinkPad T480.

  • He do
  • Also some intruder could be living in there with you without your knowledge. That's my irrational fear about large homes like this, too many places for someone with bad intentions to hide.

  • Anon is a fish
  • I can't be the only one who wishes these screenshots were mostly in dark mode. How am I supposed to browse this sub at night while laying in bed when I should be sleeping?

  • VR support for GNOME Wayland is here!
  • It doesn't use open weather unfortunately. It uses the Norwegian Meteorology Institute and their weather prediction is poor/entirely inaccurate for much of the world. I do wish open weather was an option especially since it's easy to get your own weather api key.

  • Elden Ring on Debian 12
  • If you are super new to Linux I would suggest another distro besides Debian. Debian is great and I love it but it's not set up out of the gate for games and newer people in general. Distros like Mint, ZorinOS, Bazzite, and Pop!OS are. Those distros will come with nvidia drivers or help you set up. Bazzite in particular is set up for gaming out of the box, I think it comes with steam and lutris pre installed.

  • Start Steam minimized
  • If you have steam installed as a system app then copy the .desktop file from /usr/share/applications/steam.desktop to your /home/yourusername/.local/share/applications. Once you have the .desktop file in local, edit the desktop file and go down to the first Exec= line and and the -silent switch at the end.

  • Suggestions for Linux Distribution
  • If you like the interface of the steam deck in desktop mode and you are most familiar with Ubuntu, you could try Kubuntu.. which is just Ubuntu with the KDE desktop environment like what the deck has. Theres also the KDE Fedora spin. If you do want to go the Arch route you could install EndeavourOS, which is practically arch with a little bit of hand holding to get you on your feet quickly - and to help you learn the ropes.

  • Great Wave Japanese Abstract [1080 x 1920]

    An old favorite I always come back to. Found another lower quality image on Yandex image search but no artist was listed, so I am going to say artist is unknown.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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