Sea urchins? We have those on land, too, they're called land sea urchins.
You keep saying to people that they're missing your point but over all of your comments, I don't see what point you're trying to make. You keep alluding to some mistreatment by the EU when we left, but haven't elaborated further.
You keep saying we're better off with the US as an ally, but haven't given any real steer as to why that is - especially concerning given that the US has turned on many of it's closest allys. They've also not given us a trade deal and I'm far keep threatening tariffs so how much better off are we with them, really?
All of this is kind of moot anyway, the world and political landscape has changed massively in the last couple of months; most Britain's now so not see the US as an ally according to recent polling, so no political leader is going to lose face by aligning with the EU.
Besides all that, everything is a negotiation and in this instance, both the EU and the UK will benefit each other. It would be senseless for either party to be spiteful over what happened years ago when the real looming threat is in the whitehouse right now
Worryingly, she genuinely looks like an ex of mine from like 20 years ago.
He quit. He's the best at quitting drugs, he's quit them hundreds of times.
Anyone that's played plague Inc knows how this goes. It's not a winning strategy.
Yeah I think your problem was trying to use ~ in a path. That's a bash thing, not a linux thing - slightly pedantic distinction for many but worth knowing about in case future applications give you a similar problem.
Don't set it to your home path, set the path explicitly. That'll be what it's complaining about, the ~.
It shouldn't really matter where you've got your files as long as they're mounted on a standard path. Maybe try creating a symlink from where your media is to a standard path like /mnt/media
or something?
Hmm sorry not sure why it would be complaining about an invalid path. Is it all paths that are invalid, or just the ones to your media?
I don't think you should be getting downvotes for having an opinion and I appreciate your reply.
However I do love a good debate - what's the advantages for you for installing apps on "bare metal" (I'm assuming you mean a base OS install rather than actual bare metal). What about virtualisation?
I'm also on emby and it works well for me. My main grievance is setting up a new device is a chore, "emby connect" is far too clunky to use so I end up configuring via URL every time - and on some devices that's a real chore.
What's wrong with docker?
Let's not rewrite history, 20 years ago desktop Linux was an absolute shit show.
Pretty sure this is just part of the "give them a terrible deal they wouldn't agree to" strat that means Trump can say "we gave them a very good deal and they refused, Russia can do what they want".
It's all bullshit and always has been.
Yup most of the hubs can do modem mode so you should be fine there. I believe their FTTP Hub can't do it but that's not in many areas.
Virgin will definitely be faster, they'll do up to a gigabit. Hopefully open reach rolls out fibre to you soon. I only got the fibre to my house last month!
We're testing this same tech in the UK as well:
China might be a little ahead but it's hardly a leapfrog.