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Basal metabolic rate calculation.


I've found on Wikipedia the following formula to calculate the BMR estimation


We can read just after the formula: > According to this formula, the woman in the example above has a BMR of 1,204 kilocalories (5,040 kJ) per day.

But when I take their example of a 55-year-old woman weighing 130 pounds (59 kg) and 66 inches (170 cm)

and do ((10*55)+(6,25*170)-(5*55))-161 I get 1,217 and not 1,204

Am I doing something wrong ?


Stripe, Error: You have not registered or verified the domain.
  • So I have tried with payment_method_types and it works flawlessly under Firefox

    but still not working under chrome

    So it might be because of the cross-site cookies ? Do I have to change something ? or Stripe ? Thanks.

  • Stripe, Error: You have not registered or verified the domain.
  • Have you explicitly declared which payment methods are allowed to be used in your script? Maybe if you haven’t declared anything the browser just infers it somehow, and Firefox and Chrome might have a difference in inferring default value

    Indeed it's what I'm thinking too.

    Actually I'm using the payment_intents with it's attributes automatic_payment_methods That state in it's description two contradictory thing

    1. Settings to configure compatible payment methods from the Stripe Dashboard
    2. Automatically calculates compatible payment methods

    So maybe FireFox use the first one and chrome the second..

    I've just found


    The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use.

    "payment_method_types": [

    Now I have to found the complete list of the accepted string of payment_method_types if somebody know where they are laying , let me know, because I can't find them..

  • Post automatically removed :/
  • And yes there was a lot for awhile and now there’s also spam on images from the mastodon side that’s been coming in

    I guess there is out there some Lemmy haters :)

    It’s only image posts and its not all posts with a picture, just if the user has basically no posts

    Hoo ok, that indeed better.

    Thanks for the precision.

  • Stripe, Error: You have not registered or verified the domain.
  • because I see in the Stripe Dashboard & API call that the transaction is successful...

  • Stripe, Error: You have not registered or verified the domain.
  • be cause I see in the Stripe Dashboard & API call that the transaction is successful...

  • Stripe, Error: You have not registered or verified the domain.
  • Are you actually trying to use apple_pay, or it that just an irrelevant error you’re not expecting?

    No, like I said, apple_pay is disabled ( willingly ) in the stripe dashboard, so I don't know why the error mention even apply_pay...

    Firefox... Did you actually go through the entire process, and eventually received your payment?

    yes ! I mean under the testing environment, so with the test secret key etc.. The Strip API and dashboard show the related transaction as successful...

    Cause it would seem kinda weird as well if the Stripe dashboard says apple_pay is not enabled, but apple_pay does work…

    That why I'm surprised !

    Are you targetting the same Stripe account...

    Of course I change nothing beside the visitor browser..

  • Post automatically removed :/
  • Thank you

    It's that so much CSAM[^1] that all posts with a picture need to be censored automatically ? I'm amazed if it's the case.

    FYI: in Lemmy, an user can block another user ! (do not see it's bullshit content, and maybe report to admin and authority the content)

    I'm not a huge supporter of automatic censorship...

    [^1]:Child Sexual Abuse Material

  • Post automatically removed :/


    For the moderators of this community:

    I've just cross-posted one of my post and I got from this bot

    >your post xxx has been removed as you do not have enough activity on your account to create image posts in that community

    Hopefully I saw the message, because I could really have miss it ! is that necessary ?

    Stripe, Error: You have not registered or verified the domain.

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > > I'm using stripe.PaymentIntent (server side) > > and Stripe.js for the client side. > > everything work flawlessly under Firefox. ! > > With Chrome it's another story... > First of all a .js file is being loaded !! [^1] > Then in the browser console I received this error: > > > [Stripe.js] You have not registered or verified the domain, so the following payment methods are not enabled in the Payment Element: > > > > - apple_pay > > Funny thing is that in the Stripe "dashboard" is that the apple_pay is not enabled.. and it work in Firefox.. > > Any ideas ? > > [^1]:

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