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Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • I think that is especially true in the United States where sharing cultures is so central to the nation's identity. I think it really comes down to intent. As long as you aren't doing something in a mocking or condescending way, I don't think any reasonable person would be offended.

    I know this is a little different due to the power dynamic (America being a powerful country) but people around the world love wearing random American stuff like baseball jerseys or whatever. Saw a lot of it in Europe. Probably theres no profound reason behind it, they just like the style. I think it's cool, I'm not mad that they don't really know who the Texas Rangers are or whatever.

  • Immigration fears are pushing centrists to the right in the US and Europe
  • That's kind of a weird take. Centrists have not always done that (otherwise society would get steadily more conservative century after century) so you can't just wave it away as meaningless. Instead I think liberals need to look at what is driving away centrists. (it's immigration)

  • ACAB.

    This is a really good and even-handed breakdown of what happened in Minneapolis after the George Floyd killing. Leftists can be as high minded as they like on the internet but when the police officers cut back on their patrols/traffic stops the overall reaction from the high crime communities that no longer had a strong police presence was not very positive. I think it is naive to think that you can gut police forces and crime won't go up.

    To be clear I am all for police REFORM and increased accountability but I don't think less police is inherently better.

  • A cool guide to the top 10 global economies over time (1960 to 2024).
  • Well once they start living here I would say their perception is more valid than pretty much anyone else's. I get that it's a subset of people who are predisposed to like the U.S. but considering how overwhelmingly positive that feedback is, plus the sheer number of immigrants who want to come to the US, that means something.

  • A cool guide to the top 10 global economies over time (1960 to 2024).
  • I mean.... higher numbers are better yeah, all things equal. America has some serious problems but there's a reason so many people want to come to the United States. The most patriotic people in America are immigrants which says a lot.

  • pov rule
  • Did you look at the graphs though. Something happened right around 2012-2014 and it was definitely social media. I mean yeah its not the only problem but it's definitely one of them.

  • pov rule
  • No it's definitely not. I was just making the point that we shouldn't just assume that new trends are fine by default, just because past generations have had panics about new trends that turned out to be harmless.

  • Big Bad Wolf Thought
  • No it's still definitely violence. Like, day to day, you try to use violence as little as possible but it is necessary for the laws of society to be backed by violence or people would ignore them. "Violence" doesn't have to refer to killing people, it means the use of force against somebody without their consent (killing them, arresting them, or evicting/exiling them).

    The state we have right now in America and most of Europe is a community that decides how it wants to be policed (i.e. a democracy). Different jurisdictions make different policing decisions and have different outcomes, but they all follow that structure.

    The point I was making was that any attempt by anarchists to "overthrow the state" is silly because the "state" will return in a new form as power reconsolidates. If you consider a recognized federal or state government to be a "state" but an armed "anarchist" militia that runs a city to not be a state, that's just a silly semantic argument.

  • Big Bad Wolf Thought
  • Yeah, down with the violence of the state! Although, to prevent bad actors and armed gangs we do need to have some sort of militia to protect the vulnerable from the greedy and cruel, human nature being what it is. And to prevent said militia from turning into the very thing it was supposed to protect us from, we need some sort of oversight, preferably from a democratically elected body, that tells the militia how to act and prevent them from violating the rights of the people. Oh wait I just reinvented violence of the state hehe.

    People in Somalia hearing that America has a 1.8% homelessness rate: "wow. Things are really just as bad over there."

  • Pew! Pew!
  • I was stunned, and my belief in society is shattered. Gonna give my girlfriend a call so I can feel better. (Crazy story by the way. She texted my number by accident! She's out of my league pretty and she has given me some amazing investment tips. Can't wait to meet her irl!)

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