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New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease
  • That naming does makes sense, given what the treatment does, although I agree they really need to work on their marketing and come up with a term that won't cause confusion or get the anti-vax folk excitable.

    From the article:

    "A typical vaccine teaches the human immune system to recognize a virus or bacteria as an enemy that should be attacked. The new “inverse vaccine” does just the opposite: it removes the immune system’s memory of one molecule. While such immune memory erasure would be unwanted for infectious diseases, it can stop autoimmune reactions like those seen in multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or Crohn’s disease, in which the immune system attacks a person’s healthy tissues."

  • What if it works out?
  • I can relate to this, but how are you actually preparing yourself?

    Are you planning your response to the problem, considering how to improve the outcome for next time, learning from any mistakes you or others may have made to end up there?

    Or are you just dwelling on the possible negative outcome that hasn't happened yet, so you can say 'Told you so' to yourself or anyone who will listen after the fact?

    Like I said, I can relate to this, but I'm slowly trying to turn my pessimism into something productive.

  • Sync for Lemmy is now available for everyone
  • I was keen to try Sync but, after I saw my first ads on Lemmy with it and then saw the cost to remove them, I uninstalled.

    I'm actually really happy with Connect, which has everything I want and for free.

  • What's a quote that has stuck with you for your whole life?
  • I really tried to get into Bojack after seeing so many recommendations online, but just couldn't.

    I like animation, I like clever dialogue and introspective drama. I'm fine with anti-heroes.

    But I just didn't like any of the characters enough to care about their issues and how, or if they would be resolved.

    What is the key takeaway that I'm missing by not watching?

  • Good novels or short stories?
  • I recently listened to the audiobooks of this and its sequel, 'A Prayer for the Crown Shy' for free on Libby.

    It made a very nice change from my usual dark dystopian sci fi reads...

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