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Trump says Ukraine is 'demolished' and dismisses its defense against Russia's invasion
  • Well that is part of the defense mechanism. There really are trolls, bots, agitprop etc. So we now anyone who is using an argument that Trump or Putin ever made, must be an enemy (genetic fallacy). And is hence is "fair game" to attack and lie about to protect the narrative. Being called a bot is like the ultimate dehumanization.

    I don't think it's reddit culture, it's bigger than that. People are just badly informed and the disinformation is total. Journalists who even slightly deviate are fired all over the world.

    Maybe there is so much noise now that people rely more and more on mainstream media that are completely captured now.

  • Trump says Ukraine is 'demolished' and dismisses its defense against Russia's invasion
  • The complete post-truth doublethink the liberals are doing these days is shocking. There is no difference between MAGA Trump supporters and the vast majority of liberals these days. I don't think they are capable to be truthful any more.

    It really shows what happens when the mainstream media is owned by oligarchs and use the right propaganda to hone in on the "emotional truths" of a group. For them it's about justice and and evil and a good. US supporting Israel commit genocide is evil. US supporting Ukraine become demcoratic is good. Russia attacking because of NATO expansion is evil.

    So everything that doesn't fit with this narrative, that they are the good guys, is dismissed or rationalized. Easy when it just so happens if the arguments are made by their evil enemies. Historical facts simply don't matter.

  • After a year of operation, Switzerland's government closes its Mastodon instance
  • Yeah. Discord can create FAQ and "threads" now that I believe work better for this. You can take some question and the answer and discussion and put it in a threat in some channel for issues. Presumably once you have a quality chat server, it is easier to add threads / articles / issues to it than starting from a forum.

  • Israeli strikes on Lebanon causing ‘carnage’ - health minister
  • Well, I believe the marxist-leninist definition of liberalism and "fascism is capitalism in decline" just means that everyone not calling for the overthrow of capitalism is a fascist. I don't find those definitions that helpful. And it doesn't really tell you how you should use your limited political power.

    But I do understand arab americans who just can't bring themselves to vote for democrats. So there would be a reason 3. you're just so revolted and you just can't stand the disgusting feeling of supporting them.

    For example Jake Tapper just spread racist lies about Tlaib. Tlaib criticized the Michigan US attorney office for prosecuting and showing biases against Pro-Palestinian Protesters (including Jewish protesters). Now they are smearing her as anti-semitic. CNN Hosts BUSTED Manufacturing Quote To Smear Democrat

  • BlueBird 1-5 Launch Thread!
  • Woah just learned about this, space based cellular network with unmodified smartphones is pretty amazing!

    Now I wonder if it's better to have bigger satellites in space, or smaller starlink satellites that need bigger receiver phased array on the ground.

    Do these satellite communicate with each other over laser in vacuum?

  • Trump-Zelenskyy feud escalates as Republicans demand envoy’s removal
  • I don't get how people honestly think Trump is Putin's bitch. Trump is a malignant narcissist and impossible to be "handled". He'll throw anyone and everyone under the buss and had no problem escalating with Russia. The thing is that Trump like his base simply don't give a shit about any Slavic people, even if they're married to one. The republicans are simply not susceptible to the "justice and democracy" nonsense the liberals are selling. So Trump does whatever serves Trump and he had no problem arming the worse of the far right elements in Ukraine:

    From this

    Manafort duly resigned, and the RussiaGate racket erupted–a connivance that went some way to ensuring the “pro-Ukrainian agenda in American foreign policy” wasn’t compromised one iota.

    Indeed, Trump’s term in office was typified by ever-escalating hostility between Washington and Moscow, the Oval Office resident going to dangerous lengths his predecessor had consistently refrained from to arm and galvanize the most reactionary and violent elements of the Ukrainian armed forces, including the notorious Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, and tear up Cold War arms control treaties, much to Moscow’s chagrin.

  • After a year of operation, Switzerland's government closes its Mastodon instance
  • A good quality open source "federated discord" would be as important as lemmy or mastadon. But there isn't much hype around it. Afaik matrix is still far behind discord quality wise and the architecture has limitations for anonymity and encryption.

    Discord is just high quality and so easy to use because making a server is so easy.

  • Israeli strikes on Lebanon causing ‘carnage’ - health minister
  • This is just incorrect mathematically. I get the argument - in foreign policy both parties ARE fascists. But they are not equal. Especially internally they are not. But there is a huge difference in ideology between liberals and fascists, and one of them is much worse, and much harder for revolution or reform.

    I believe there are only two reasons for your position: 1. is you stick to principles absolutely, refusing to acknowledge the consequences of your actions - which is wrong and stupid. 2. You believe in accelerationism and believe Trump leading to collapse of the US empire faster is the better outcome.

    Neither has to do with ideology. I'd love someone to explain how an actual fascism is a better outcome than a neoliberalism or "capitalism-in-decline" fascism. This is simply about outcome and using the little power we have.

    Another consequence of this tactic of arguing for not-voting is that it creates a rift between mainstream and socialists or "tankies". The actual fascists love that.

  • Meanwhile, in Springfield Ohio
  • I never realized until now why they use the "45" so much. Just move one of the black bars and it's a fucking swastika... And Haitians are really a stand-in for black people.

    The real problem is that we allowed the plutocrats to control both the news and social media and the government. Basically the US doesn't have a free press any more but a quasi-government controlled oligarch media. As long as these neoliberal policies continue the degradation of institutions and politics continues.

    Something drastic would need to happen to purge this incredibly power imbalance from the captured state. A kind of reformation or practically a coup.

  • Let me at 'em!!
  • Hmm this made me wonder why something like this wouldn't melt the rock and then sink into the crust and then into the planet. Probably not hot enough.
    And that made me think if we could build something like a big pellet of fissile material, encase it in tungsten or something so that it is hot enough to do so but remains stable, and then let it sink into the earth. Maybe that could be tracked? Then we could learn something about how it moves and where it ends up. But probably can't be tracked since this isn't star trek 🖖

  • Taking the fight to Reddit... FOR MONEY.
  • I was wondering if gaslighting was the right term to use, but decided to use it anyway. Maybe it is not appropriate here, maybe I'm hypercritical of your words, but I'm very much aware of what it means.

    Gaslighting is today used in political context because of Donald Trump. Definitions change. And I think it fits here maybe not specifically because of what you said, but for the context. It is not the first time I heard "reddiquette about upvoting never existed". It's not just 1984 style historical revisionism, it's self-righteous american jerks like you LOUDLY screaming "NEVER HAPPENED! LOL WHAT, ARE YOU ON COKE?" (paraphrasing you here, might have gotten your words slightly wrong)

    If you look at other replies, you now also see a moving of the goalpost: It was just the monoculture of neckbeard circlejerks. Or it was just some "purists" who argued about it. But it's always been this way.

    Except I was there (3000 years ago). I've seen comments not downvoted that were disagreeable but well stated. Sometimes it still happens. They were not made invisible because they contributed to a discussion. I remember it. And it's still in the long forgotten, now hidden reddiquette. Threads exists where this was argued about. Your comment is just wrong and it is rude. I am not insane.

    Even when the fascists loose, they win. Gaslighting is now a routine tool of the liberals to reframe their narrative. Liberal was at war with Tankie; therefore Liberal had always been at war with Tankie.

    I also see four lights, so maybe don't take my post too seriously.

  • Taking the fight to Reddit... FOR MONEY.
  • I'm surprised that you deduce from that article that echo chambers are a good thing or "work". If you're here purely for entertainment and funny memes instead of discourse, then that's fine. But you can honestly do that better on reddit, more niche communities as well.

    And you seem to be advocating that everyone should defederate or block all three major socialist instances...

    And that is what I meant, Lemmy has already failed. Because instead of seeing the actual enemy, the very real rise of fascism, nationalism and escalating war and genocide, they focus their aggression on the mythological tankie. Absolutely unwilling to tolerate any dissenting opinion outside the mainstream.

    I can understand that people get a severe culture shock from the dirtbag left from chap traphouse because they are not well behaved, and there are boneheads in every movement, but even fucking

  • Taking the fight to Reddit... FOR MONEY.
  • Doesn't look like anything to me (lol)

    He didn't deny the ills and the repression in the USSR but showed with sources that there were significant economic upsides. He states that Russia isn't communist or socialist any more. At no point does he deny Russia's invasion is illegal. He at no point denies genocide.

    So what does make him a tankie? That he has a different analysis of the history about how this war came to be? Which wasn't even the topic of discussion! You can argue about the quality of the sources or survey - but you were already ready to call him an odious tankie and shitpost.

    People equate anyone socialist or antiwar or anti US empire with being a tankie and putin apologist. Which leads to the wholesale censoring and defederation.

    I do agree that mods are WAY too ban-happy on lemmy.

    Arguably neither that post nor the political discussion belongs in that community.

  • Taking the fight to Reddit... FOR MONEY.
  • It was meant lighthearted, but trolling by fascists (maga) or agitprop (putin) does have an mental effect. That is my point, the culture and attitude has changed. To say it hasn't changed is just factually incorrect.

    This is the factually incorrect comment, heavily upvoted:

    Lol what? What year did you join Reddit? As someone who’s been there since 2008, I promise you that this is nothing new.

    He's not just laughing at me, implying I'm some reddit noob, and then attempts to gaslight me. But I'm the meanie? Ohwee.

    You're saying you don't waste time and when someone disagrees on facts, they are wrong and you move on. Could you imagine that if the mainstream constantly fed you one version of events, you might be the one being so sure that the historical events are one way that you end up saying 1+1=3?

    You rely on facts being what they are because a google search results in sources trusted by you say so. All neoliberal sources fed by the US state department. And the dissident arguments and evidence just happens to be the same as a certain russian dictator - so they must be wrong. Which is called a genetic fallacy.

    Luckily blocking, banning and defederation is easy on lemmy, so we can just live happily ever after in our echo chambers.

  • Taking the fight to Reddit... FOR MONEY.
  • Thanks, really interesting analysis! I'd argue that profit seeking is significant in this change though. Polarizing content leads to anger and higher engagement. So any algorithm that is written or trained to increase profit from advertisement will encourage that outcome.

    I believe there are other influences too, the fascists and putin trolls (agitprop) has led to some "automatic downvote and ban reflex". On lemmy the mods are basically power tripping non stop in trying to curate their fief into a single minded community that brooks no dissent. There is one narrative and anyone dissenting is a <insert slur>. On all sides, people are just sick of the bullshit and are on a hair trigger.

    This seems to the be result of the last decade of mainstream media and social media being run for profit through engagement. I have no idea of how to reverse this.

  • Building a village designed for people (not cars) near Phoenix

    Nothing spectacular but an interesting car free alternative to suburbia with high urban density and local small shops. If large enough could have it's own school and more amenities.

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