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How many of you are really into minimalism alongside Simple living?

To me it all started with bumping into r/minimalism years ago (shoutout to !, the migrated r/minimalism) and reading books about it.

I noticed that with minimalism came simple living, enjoying the small things in life. I often feel like they are interconnected due to this, but this could just be my experience.

How many others had a similar experiences, or did something else bring you here? Also welcome experiences about directly searching for simple living topics and bumping into this community (originally on reddit).

How to view the list of blocked communities?
  • AFAIK there were trolls commenting and harassing beehaw communities from .world and lemmy (I believe also Kbin) lack proper moderation tools to counter that. Supposedly it's only temporarily blocked until those required tools are implemented.

  • Hey keebinetters and fediverse, what are your favourite kbin/fediverse magazines (communities)?

    Lets make a thread to post our niches that we have found here. Big magazines are ok too.

    I'll start: /m/mechanicalkeyboards, so glad it migrated here!

    Edit: You can add a direct fediverse link (so that any users from any fediverse instance looking at this post can click on it) with the following two methods:

    Click on the "link" button in the text editor, or manually write in the following format (all together):

    [ /m/mechanicalkeyboards ] ( )

    OR (all together):

    @ mechanicalkeyboards @

    Edit 2: magazine / community names are case-sensitive apparently, mind the uppercase letters!

    CROSSPOST: A small FAQ to hopefully help new users to kbin (updated June 11 17:00 GMT) - kbinMeta - Kilioa Kbin A small FAQ to hopefully help new users to kbin (updated June 11 17:00 GMT) - kbinMeta - Kilioa

    I wanted to post this here since I want to help as much as I can in my own way to people coming here for the first time. I hope it is useful and helpful! I tried to assume low knowledge with the Fediverse in my responses which I collected here from a different post and assembled into a single arti...

    A small FAQ to hopefully help new users to kbin (updated June 11 17:00 GMT) - kbinMeta - Kilioa

    CROSSPOST to a helpful beginners guide to Kbin (the link takes you to a different Kbin instance). Sorry if I did this wrong, I have no idea if there is a proper way to crosspost. Please let me know if there is.

    Lazycog Lazycog

    I am but a cog in a machine. A lazy one though.

    Mastodon: @Lazycog

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