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Connections #380 2024-06-25
  • Connections
    Puzzle #380

    I am quite happy about this as a non-native speaker :)

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  • Wie ist da eigentlich der aktuelle Stand? Ich könnte alternativ auch auf eine community aufmachen. Bin da ganz offen :D

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  • Wenn du magst, kann ich da auch mit Mod machen (bin einer der Mods von dieser rad-community) :)

  • Question: How do you donate to FOSS contributors

    Hi guys, I want to give something back (in terms of money) to FOSS projects/devs/teams. There are lots of options like LibrePay, direct donation via PayPal, Crypto and so on.

    So here is my question: is there anything you would recommend? I think I want something like this:

    • Low transaction costs
    • Payment works from inside the EU (European Union)
    • Donating to a certain project or a "pool" of projects

    But I am also open to any further ideas and discussion :)

    I like to spread knowledge
  • more teeth

    I have questions.

  • Why does it feel like too much effort just to go from sitting around looking at garbage online to simply watching a film or playing a video game?
  • So being depressed can also be a symptom of something far more serious than just depression.

    This is very poor wording. Depression is one of the deadliest illnesses in young people.

  • How to buy music?
  • Yessss

  • How to buy music?
  • Actually I have the same issue for years. I used to buy from Amazon and Bandcamp, but Amazon is...Amazon and Bandcamp does not offer most of the music I am listening.

    If you do not want to scrape from YouTube here are their three albums, each as zip file with MP3 320 kbit/s: nextcloud link

  • How to buy music?
  • If you want I can send you my CD rips as MP3 files. I have EZ Aquarii and sweetlilly93@hotmail :)

  • Vulgar
  • Remeber that their lead is really an asshole:

    Anselmo has given some controversial statements about race, skin color and related cultures throughout his life. At a Pantera concert in Montreal in 1995, he gave a speech expressing that "Pantera are not a racist band" and that he and his bandmates had friends "of all colors and all kinds", but that he had a problem with rap artists "pissing all over white culture". In another concert, he expressed his disgust with affirmative action, saying "fuck all that Black Power bullshit".[76]

    Winda Benedetti of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer accused Anselmo of mouthing the words "white power" and making Nazi salutes at Superjoint Ritual's performance at Ozzfest on July 27, 2004.[77][78] Speaking with Kerrang!, Benedetti alleged that she was seated in the second row, and saw Anselmo lean down and mouth the words towards a crowd of skinheads at the front.[78] Kerrang! was unable to reach Anselmo for comment.[78]

    On January 22, 2016, an intoxicated Anselmo ended the "Dimebash" Dimebag Darrell tribute show by giving a Nazi salute and screaming the words "white power" to the crowd.[79][80][81] The incident was captured by an audience member's cell phone camera and the video was posted on YouTube. Anselmo later claimed that it was an in-jest reference to drinking white wine

  • Und täglich grüßt die Umfrage
  • Ach Mensch. So ein Ding. 48% zu 48%.

  • Non-binary
  • There are also only two different animals: elephants and non-elephants.

  • Every base is base 10
  • Wow I never thought about that.

    But it is always like this:

    let there be any base "b"
    That can represent a number by the sum of their positional digits:
    number = sum(d_i * b ^ i)
       where i is the position index and d_i is the digit at this position. (note: index starts with 0, from the least digit farthest to the right)

    So the (decimal) number 4 in base 4 is then

    1×4¹ + 0×4^0 = 10

    And (decimal) number 8 in base 8 is

    1×8¹ + 0×8^0 = 10

    And 10 in base 10:

    1×10¹ + 0×10^0 = 10
  • Ratkind's greatest fear is ratkind itself
  • Pardon my French but I don't understand this meme ;(

  • That's a lot of corned beef...
  • Seems to be Jamaican Dollars: which is about 12800 US$. Which is still a lot of beef.

  • Google fires 28 workers for protesting $1.2 billion Israel contract
  • Please note that Germany has (compared to other EU members) quite strict and company-friendly protesting laws.

    Such protests may be even considered as political protest (Politischer Streik) which makes them not illegal per se but could be illegal.

  • Polizeigewalt: Der Schlächter von Hamburg
  • Kann man da überhaupt von Unterwanderung reden? Wohngemeinschaft trifft es wohl eher fürchte ich.

  • Menschenrechtsgerichtshof: Erste Klimaklage in Straßburg erfolgreich
  • Meine Theorie: Es ist bei Gericht meistens viel erfolgsversprechender, ganz konkrete persönliche Betroffenheit zu belegen. Je umfassender, abstrakter oder allgemeiner der Klagegegenstand ist, desto geringer die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit. Aber könnte auch Quatsch sein.

  • Fake views
  • Ämen Bröther

  • LeFrog LeFrog
    Posts 9
    Comments 48