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Lol. Lmao.
  • I agree, German kids could have resisted, there was the White Rose and shit, and let's not forget the thousands of leftists thrown into the camps. It's not like people didn't know what they were doing was wrong, they just didn't want to take the risk of opposing the regime like the peers did. And to forgive them, punishes those who did resist. That's why Nazi collaborators deserve a swift execution along side the true believers.

  • German anti-fascist hero Lina E. and her comrades on trial for giving Nazis exactly what they deserve German left-wing extremist Lina E. found guilty – DW – 05/31/2023

    Left-wing extremist Lina E.has been found guilty in a German court of leading a series of violent attacks on neo-Nazis. The sprawling trial has sparked controversy and fears of extremism driven by leftist ideology.

    German left-wing extremist Lina E. found guilty – DW – 05/31/2023

    >A 28-year-old German student is standing trial in Dresden accused of founding a criminal organization and committing six serious attacks on neo-Nazis, in an unusual case of violent left-wing extremism in Germany.

    >State prosecutors say Lina E.* and her three co-defendants — Lennart A., Philipp M., and Jannis R. — carried out a series of attacks on neo-Nazis in the eastern states of Thuringia and Saxony between 2018 and 2020, including two attacks on Leon R., a notorious far-right extremist who was himself arrested for allegedly forming a far-right extremist organization.

    >The group around Lina E. is believed to have raided a well-known neo-Nazi bar in the town of Eisenach in late 2019 and attacked Leon R. with hammers and batons. When the initial attack failed, the group attacked him again a few weeks later outside his car. Other neo-Nazis were left with broken bones and other injuries after the attacks.

    >Prosecutors are asking for an  eight year prison term for Lina E., who has already spent well over two years behind bars as the long and complicated trial continued, and up to 3 years and 9 months in prison for the co-defendants. The defense called for Lina E. to be convicted only of the lesser charges of attempted bodily injury and theft.

    >The case has created plenty of political tension, with the defense and far-left scenes in Lina E.'s home city of Leipzig saying that she has been scapegoated as a left-wing terrorist by both the media and the authorities. Many allege that the justice system is too lenient on neo-Nazi perpetrators.

    >The state prosecutors say Lina E. is still extremely dangerous. Leading prosecutor Alexandra Geilhorn said the defendant had shown no remorse and had not distanced herself from her left-wing ideology. The prosecutor also described what she called the "severe violence" of the attacks, carried out with an "extraordinary extent of criminal energy," coupled with a "notable measure of callousness."

    If any German comrade knows how to support her defense, you should drop a link.

    E-girl influencers are trying to get Gen Z into the military
  • At what point are we going step back as a society and realize this shit is pathetic? I'm sure our rivals don't need to use softcore porn to meet their recruiting targets. This is some real imperial decay shit right here.

  • E-girl influencers are trying to get Gen Z into the military
  • US military has been failing to hit it's recruitment targets for years now. Mostly because American young people are too fat/insane/depressed/addicted to drugs to pass the basic physical and mental requirements, and not because of based reasons. It's like only 20% of that age range is potentially healthy enough to serve which is kind of insane. Hope we won't need to fight a big war soon lol

    Maybe they think they can trick horny teenagers into getting into shape and joining the military if they believe there is some hot gurl waiting for them. I doubt it.

  • Musicians are cringe, more news at 11
  • I’ll go ahead and say it was worse in Stalin’s Russia

    wow so brave. It was worse to live in a unindustrialized backwater that was recovering from invasion and civil war than it is to live 100 years later in a modern western service economy where your every want is catered to. Thank you liberalism for your insightful conclusions.

  • But you see, they're neutral because other than all the slavery and fascism they also keep the roads safe
  • part of that is that the whole faction is half-baked because it was rushed to release. Legion got the most cut from it, multiple towns beyond the Colorado were scrapped. And siding with the legion locks you out of a lot of other quests, so why bother?

  • Wtf I love Putin now
  • Gorbachev wasn't a full liberal he was a reformist and basically wanted social democracy. The liberal opposition that he at first championed with glastnost quickly outflanked him while the Soviet conservatives also hated him. His naivete and ineptitude destroyed the country by allowing liberal and nationalist forces (Yeltsin and his cronies) to tear the union apart from under his unsteady feet. The August coup was an attempt by the conservatives to force Gorbachev to fucking do something to save the country (several states had already declared independence at this point), but he couldn't even be assed to take a side so the conservative had to try to throw together a new government overnight.

    So he's less of a sell out (that fits Yeltsin better) and more of a person who was just completely incapable of recognizing the situation and was overcome by more decisive forces.

  • Thoughts from random libs I've overheard at work

    "well you can still travel between states, it's not like we live in a military dictatorship"

    "it's just up to the states, I think a lot of people are getting too excited"

    "if you want an abortion you can still get one in America, none of the laws are changing here" [not even true here, we have pre-roe abortion ban that got struck down by roe]

    "well the justices can still change their votes, it's just a draft. Altio wrote so much crazy stuff that one of them must disagree."

    "I'm surprised the federal government would give away so much of their power to the states with this"

    "People in Mississippi can still drive to Illinois for an abortion." "or Florida I think" (lol)

    "My roommate was crying" 'oh yeah my roommate was too, I told her to calm down and everything will be fine"


    Lib :cope: engine in full force

    The current vibe rn

    haven't even reach the resource wars part of climate change yet or the mega migrations :joker-shopping:

    So Games Workshop just published a "40k is satire, nazis pls leave" statement. What do you nerds think?
  • guard is great you get to be like those historically incorrect descriptions of the Soviet Union, sending unarmed masses to soak up the bullets with their cheap bodies while your commissars shoot everyone who even thinks of running away. Great fun.

  • [Serious] On Logging Off OR How I learned to Stop Posting and Join an Org
  • while I think joining an org is worthwhile and you should try, everyone should also know that not every org is worth your time and energy. Many are just lib shit door knocking for the Democrats, but even some "hard communist" ones will just make you sell stupid newspapers on the corner to teenagers. These orgs make you feel used, exploited for free labor even. Also especially with the communist orgs you run a good chance of befriending a undercover police officer who will fuck with you and the org, often undercovers get into the leadership position because it's literally their job to be there unlike everyone else. So make sure you feel like you are actually participating in something you feel is meaningful. Maybe look for mutual aid like food not bombs

  • Xi Jinping Aims to Rein In Chinese Capitalism, Hew to Mao’s Socialist Vision

    :xi-clap: China haters aren't going to be able to cope


    Taliban says they will respect women’s rights, press freedom, not conduct reprisals on former government associates in group's first press conference Taliban says will respect women’s rights, press freedom

    The group says it will allow Afghan women to work and study, assures media workers they will be protected.

    Taliban says will respect women’s rights, press freedom

    >“We are going to allow women to work and study. We have got frameworks, of course. Women are going to be very active in the society but within the framework of Islam,” Zabihullah Mujahid, the group’s spokesman, said at a press conference in Kabul on Tuesday.

    >Mujahid, who had been a shadowy figure for years, said that “there will be no discrimination against women” adding that “they are going to work shoulder to shoulder with us.”

    >Pressed on how the new Taliban government will differ from the previous one, Mujahid said that the group has evolved and will not take the same actions they did in the past.

    >“There will be a difference when it comes to the actions we are going to take” compared with 20 years ago, he said.

    >“We are committed to the media within our cultural frameworks. Private media can continue to be free and independent. They can continue their activities,” he said.

    >He also said the group has no plans to enter the homes of people or carry out retaliatory attacks on anyone who served in the previous governments, worked with foreigners or were part of the Afghan National Security Forces.

    >There have been unconfirmed reports of Taliban fighters entering the homes of Kabul residents, but Mujahid said those were impostors who should be turned over to the Taliban and face appropriate punishment

    I'm ready for the delta variant lockdown

    Stable Modlist ✅

    Lots of weed ✅

    No gods ✅

    No masters ✅

    what the fuck even is the appeal of zionism anyway
  • Yeah basically. There was already prior political pressure from the Zionist movement before WW2, and when the UK decided to get the fuck out of Mandatory Palestine they signed off on Zionists' plans there. The UN was then quite generous to Israel in the partition plan, and hoped that they could live in harmony with the Arab in an economic union with equal rights and everything. But then Israel, with it's population and army swelling from post-war immigration, realized that there would basically be no consequences if they just took more Palestinian land by force (insert "it's free real estate" meme). And well, Israel has been trying to ethnically cleanse the territory ever since.

  • what the fuck even is the appeal of zionism anyway
  • To put it simply: Jewish people found out the hard way what happens to people who don't have a nation-state to represent and protect them. International politics is fucking brutal, and without an army you are mostly helpless to prevent larger states from trampling all over you. Indigenous people all over the world have been genocided just because they were living on a piece of land too valuable to somebody else, so after the Shoah the world thought that giving the Jewish people a state would protect them. Now Israel's actual formation is much more complicated since only a select minority of Jews were part of that specific project but that's the basics.

    The issue now is that Israel became one of those strong nation-states that trample all over weaker defenceless people. Now Palestinians are the (functionally) stateless ones that are stripped of their basic human rights for being born in the wrong place. The core problem of ultimate state sovereignty leading to ethnic cleansing still remains, just the targets have shifted over time as peoples move up and down the geopolitical ladder.

    TLDR: "what if we just gave the Jews their own ethnostate? then if they keep getting killed no one can blame us anymore because they would be in charge of their own security" - UN post-war trying to solve fascism while nearly blacking out from liberalism

  • Fellas is it democratic socialist to support the Khmer Rouge over Vietnam?
  • I think they are arguing that Vietnam "colonized" Cambodia (and Laos too I suppose) because they had troops and fought a war there? It basically just nonsense, especially because all three of those countries used to be 1 french colony of Indochina, and the Vietnamese Communist Party used to be the Indochinese Communist Party and quite regularly operated in Laos and Cambodia.

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