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Game Recommendation?
  • Unfortunately splitscreen and local multiplayer games are getting pretty rare. There are some steam curators that make lists of them, here's one that I know of for local 2-player games:

  • YouTube and Ad Blockers?
  • sorry to reply to this old comment but i just wanted to say the comma after the } on line 21 breaks it, remove that and it imports in and works great. thanks for the code!

  • It’s okay to take a break from the anti-trans news cycle
  • I hope you stay strong. Outside of terrible news I've had to take breaks from lemmy because of the "Floridians deserve this" sentiment I've seen around a lot.

  • LGBTQ+ YouTube Channels

    gotta mention Leadhead for gaming and more

  • Audio Player Thread
  • I use a pretty basic and ugly fb2k layout with the Waveform Seekbar addon up top and love it.

  • Who else's got a wet trunk?
  • they should be, they're put there to drain out spills.

    here's a video of someone pulling a trunk drain plug out of a car:

    not a volkswagen but it's a very common feature for cars to have

  • Who else's got a wet trunk?
  • you can pull out one of those round black plugs to drain the water then towel dry or leave it in sunlight for a little while

  • Probably the worst Deck 2 design I've seen
  • They also seem to have replaced the Steam and QAM buttons with home (?) and menu buttons

  • What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?
  • I always keep a notepad in my inventory with the first page dedicated to my "dead fuckers list" of broken servers

  • Outer Wilds and BOTW/TOTK
  • if you ever end up getting a steam deck, outer wilds runs well on it. you won't get 60fps on highest settings or anything but I played through the whole thing with the frame rate limited to 45 and it was a great experience.

  • Deleted
    Threads profile can only be deleted by deleting Instagram account, Meta says

    here's a post where alyaza talks about beehaw joining the anti-meta fedi pact

  • Leon Leon


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