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Nonexistent moderation on Beehaw /c/neurodivergence
  • I didn't look at the post myself, I was just going off of the statement I responded to stating it was "mild disagreement." That's on me. As for the symptoms, I can explain in my own words next time, that may read better.

  • Director Kevin Costner's Western "Horizon" poised to bomb at the box office
  • You apparently struggle with reading comprehension. You wrote out that entire tirade against something I didn't say. Again, the advertisement was KEVIN COSTNER, the actor not a character, going on about what great people settlers were. In fact, it was a rather terrible advertisement because all I could gather is that the movie is about settlers going west.

  • Israeli army knew of Hamas plot to take hostages before 7 Oct
  • If you consider that around 3,000 people were killed on 9/11 and around 5 million were killed by America's responding "war on terror," this really was Isreal's 9/11. Hell, the US put boots in damn near every country in the region except the country that funded, trained (with our help), and planned the attack.

  • Jon Stewart's prediction about changing beauty standards from 2004
  • I apologize if I wasn't clear in my statement. I was not supporting shaming fat people. As someone who is, once again, overweight, I know they are well aware. I am, however, opposed to those who state that you can be healthy and obese, as the evidence does not support it. Also, no one is owed to be found attractive by others. The greater your weight deviates from healthy, the lower your pool of potential partners. People need to accept the realities, not expect others to indulge in fantasies. That was all I was trying to convey in short hand. I still think all people should be treated with respect, and it isn't anyone's job, except maybe a medical professional, to point out someone's weight to them.

  • Jon Stewart's prediction about changing beauty standards from 2004
  • This was a decade before all about that bass, the healthy at any size nonsense, etc. Either way, it really is unfortunate that we've gone from "you shouldn't be shitty to people because they're fat" to "being obese is something to be celebrated."

  • Donald Trump faces travel ban to 37 countries
  • I spent six years there as a kid and experienced quite a bit. I really wanted to revisit as an adult, but that's not in the cards now. I will always cherish the memories of my time spent there, and I'm glad my parents made a point to see as much of the country, people, and culture as possible.

  • Donald Trump faces travel ban to 37 countries
  • Not funny at all, actually. I got a DUI a month after turning 21. Fortunately, nothing terrible happened. There are many countries that either consider a DUI a felony (Canada) or just don't want you endangering their populace (Japan). There's quite a list, but it's less than 37, lol.

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