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  • This dude isn't even whining about the false positives, they're complaining that it would require a repository of CP to train the model. Which yes, some are certainly being trained with the real deal. But with law enforcement and tech companies already having massive amounts of CP for legal reasons, why the fuck is there even an issue with having an AI do something with it? We already have to train mods on what CP looks like, there is no reason its more moral to put a human through this than a machine.

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  • This is a stupid comment trying to hide as philosophical. If your website is based in the US (like 80 percent of the internet is), you are REQUIRED to keep any CSAM uploaded to your website and report it. Otherwise, you're deleting evidence. So all these websites ALREADY HAVE giant databases of child porn. We learned this when Lemmy was getting overran with CP and DB0 made a tool to find it. This is essentially just using shit any legally operating website would already have around the office, and having a computer handle it instead of a human who could be traumatized or turned on by the material. Are websites better for just keeping a database of CP and doing nothing but reporting it to cops who do nothing? This isn't even getting into how moderators that look for CP STILL HAVE TO BE TRAINED TO DO IT!

    Yeah, a real fuckin moral quandary there, I bet this is the question that killed Kant.

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  • This actually takes the cake for one of the dumbest comments I've ever seen attempting to sound smart and philosophical. Leyla, victim of CSAM production as a kid, and amateur programmer. First off, no you actually don't need the images themselves. Hashes are good enough. Second, if you want humans to do it, YOU STILL NEED REFERENCE MATERIAL!

  • getting older rule
  • No jokes, I'd recommend staying away from it, especially as a Kratom user. Phenibut was my drug of choice, but it has some hidden issues even if it isn't.

    First off, they're both giant pain in the asses to get the hitting right. But when you get the phenibut and kratom combo done right, it's one of the best highs ever, don't do it. They create extremely weird habits when combined and can become a nasty addiction on par with real hard drugs when used together. Second is withdrawal. Phenibut has BY FAR the worst withdrawal I've ever been through, and I've withdrawn from everything at least once, sometimes at the same time as each other. I haven't touched the shit over a year. The acute withdrawal lasted for like a month and then the PAWS sticks around for around a year. I'd rather quit fentanyl and kpins at the same time again than ever doing Phenibut withdrawal again.

  • Laptop just changed font one day

    I have an 8th gen LG Gram from 2018. I've been running Windows 10 since I got the laptop and been doing fine. This week though, without downloading anything suspect, my font changed. The only way I can describe the change is it looks like an improperly setup Linux distro, text being thinner and blocky from aliasing. There is nothing serious going on, it's just blocky looking text. However I find it odd that it changed randomly. The only thing I've downloaded recently was Pokemon Showdown, and that's literally just a locked down chrome instance, no I don't mean electron. This also happened DAYS after I installed the program, so I don't think it has anything to do with this.

    Do it for your own reason rule
  • Lol you clearly don't go to the gym if you're saying this. Went to the YMCA as a kid and saw elliptical politics that made my middle school that literally split us into "teams" by economic class look tame in comparison. Because of the death of the third place in western society, any activity that isn't where you sleep or work becomes a third place, where people are kind of inherently judging the people around them, to fulfill this. All the shitty people you went to high school gym with are mostly the same people now, and need a place to continue their bullshit. Some will grow past this, but by that point the next generation of gym shitheads is ready.

    The only way I agree with your comment is if you said "people at the gym aren't judging you any more than people outside the gym already do". Maybe it's just the area I live, but everything becomes a game of judgement. It's one thing to say "yeah I'm being judged by other people and I don't care". But to determine that you aren't being percieved at all off of this idea is more delusional than the idea that you are being percieved.

  • Would porting a Windows application to Android be a good way to get started learning again?

    I'm a very results oriented person. Doing shit for arbitrary numbers in class? Doesn't do anything for me, they're just numbers. However making something that I actually find useful will get me going. I used to take comp sci classes and know Java, even made a few shitty apps for class back in the day. However, I had a hard time sticking with it because we weren't really learning anything to make it immediately valuable. Could dick around in Php for weeks trying to build a website, but cannot focus for classes.

    Anyways, my idea is to port PKHex, a popular open source Pokemon save editor. Someone made a port a few years ago, but it doesn't work with anything past Android 11, hasn't been updated in 2 years, and the dev expects you to build the app yourself. So making a new version for Android seems very interesting to me. Is it a good idea for a first 'big' project?

    Mumford and Rule

    Link to article:

    We were in slaverule
    [Meta] Y'all should get a scrobbler

    One of the most exciting events of music people every year is the Spotify wrapped or whatever it's called on other platforms. It's fun knowing how much we've actually listened to something. However, most streaming services version of this kinda sucks. You can only get it once a year, there's no way of seeing all your previous years, it's just very limited. Not only does this not need to be a timed event, but you can get far better information.

    What is a scrobbler?

    A scrobbler is something that just tracks what you listen to for your own data. A "scrobble" is what one data entry would be. For example, if you listen to 90210 by Travis Scott on August 10th 2022, that would be a scrobble once added into the database. Weird name, but once you get used to it it makes sense. Anything you listen to music on probably has an automatic tracking feature, but they don't give you the data. This is specifically a database for you. Here is an example that shows you what it looks like

    Options for scrobbling

    The obvious answer here is as they are by far the biggest. They require a subscription for some features, but none of the missing features are essentials. is going to have the most robust community and widest out of the box support. If you're fine with it being proprietary, just make the account there now. You don't have to use's scrobbler if you don't want to though, so you can still use open source software to collect your own data before it goes to the servers. is very streamlined and has good recommendations for music. Here's an example of my page so you guys can see what it looks like

    There is a self-hosted alternative that I've never tried called Majola. The layout is really nice, it looks good, but it's far more about having control over your scrobbling than being universal so it's missing some of the social aspect of (music recommendations, comments, ect.). Some people will prefer that, others won't. I don't know much about the project, but if it's lightweight enough and could actually support multi user, it would be so cool to get an instance of it hosted by us. Here is an example that shows you what it looks like](


    Scrobbling is cool and gives you better ideas on your own listening habits. I'd strongly recommend it. It makes for lively discussion

    Chip Da Ripper - Interior Crocodile Alligator Chip tha Ripper - Interior Crocodile Alligator (Official Video)

    HERE IT IS!!! The official “Interior Crocodile Alligator” remix video! One of the world’s first viral meme/viral interactive TikTok phenomenon in the form of...

    Chip tha Ripper - Interior Crocodile Alligator (Official Video)

    This verse has a lot of great lines for being an old freestyle. But Chip finally made it an actual song

    American Terruleist
    Badass rule

    I'm sure this is supposed to be bigoted, but it looks sick af

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