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Trump charged in Georgia 2020 election probe, his fourth indictment
  • It will certainly be interesting to see how they handle Trump. I read that Georgia doesn't have governor pardons equivalent to the presidential pardon at the federal level, it has a pardon review board and you have to complete your sentence and then be crime-free for the following five years to even apply.

    On its surface, this case seems like it is the hardest for Trump to get out of.

  • New Covid vaccines are on the way as 'Eris' variant rises
  • I've usually just walked into a local pharmacy and asked if they have the booster. My local pharmacy just has a standard paper form for all vaccination (flu, shingles, covid, etc) walk ins, there is no website or arbitration clause or even specific covid form. You might want to try a different pharmacy if that has been your experience.

    I just hope they don't cost an exorbitant price now that the national health emergency has ended here. It was really nice being able to get them for free because I am poor.

  • Republicans Wanted a Hunter Biden Special Counsel. They’re Pissed They Actually Got One
  • They went on endlessly about Benghazi. No amount of investigations will shut them up until they get bored and latch on to a new topic to beat to death. Same thing with the long form birth certificate from Obama. Finally producing it only brought claims of forgery and more conspiracy theories. The thoroughness of the investigation is irrelevant when the doubters aren't seeking the truth to begin with.

  • Enterprise era new trek show?
  • They had a lot of weird stuff in Enterprise. I would love if they did a show in that era that was actually about that era instead of time travel shenanigans. It would be fun to learn about how the alliances and rivalries built up, the successes and blunders and cultural clashes. From what I recall, season 4 was when they finally started looking at that stuff and by then it was too late.

  • defederating calckey firefish social. Cites behavior of lead project dev
  • Well, on the plus side, one of the admins of (not the one at the center of this art drama) has been very public about his belief that there need to be lobby servers that do federate with Threads to help provide a path for Threads users to escape the Facebook ecosystem and transition over to the fediverse. He thinks some Threads users will find other servers more appealing in the end. He picked up a second domain,, to eventually set up as a separate fedipact option, but that hasn't even been upgraded from Calckey to Firefish yet so I don't know how seriously they take it.

    You won't have access to from, but you can access the threads-welcoming side of the fediverse.

    Honestly, I was hoping to find a fedipact firefish server that doesn't have meta in the name (why would I want to advertise for them in my server name?), but the information on which servers are in the fedipact is so poorly organized that I gave up on that entirely for now.

  • Spotify is about to cost more with a price increase planned for next week
  • I listen to things in my car a lot where the only forward button on that interface is a skip to the next episode button. I'd have to pull out my phone and open the app on my phone to find the skip forward 15s button.

  • DRM removal tool was taken down from github. If you can, please download it from gitlab before its taken down too
  • My local library is 25 miles away and only open 4 days a week, plus it's about 40 miles away from the city where I do all my shopping so it is really out of the way. There is a different library in the city where I run my errands, but they charge a hefty fee for non-residents.

  • How do you support elderly relatives' use of tech?
  • For reading news, I recommend getting a tablet and a case with a stand to prop it up at a comfortable reading angle. It's easier to read with aging eyes than a smartphone. It will still have the accidental long press problem, but icons need to be dragged a longer distance to be rearranged so there is a better chance it will snap back into the right spot after an accidental long press. Someone needs to make an elderly-proof launcher that has a way to lock things in place on the home screen and disable that long press there. Maybe someone already has? I haven't played with alternative launchers in years.

    I use Blokada 5 on my android phone which is a free, phone-wide ad blocker that runs as a local VPN based DNS service that blocks spam address DNS requests. They do have a newer version, 6, that's cloud based instead of a local VPN and requires a subscription and I haven't tried that out. Maybe that one is easier to reconfigure remotely if something important inadvertently gets blocked. The only reason I never tried it is I have a very limited income right now as a full-time caregiver. I have used Blokada 4 and then 5 for several years now.

    My pi-hole on my home network is also pretty set it and forget it and protects all of my mother-in-law's devices while she is connected to the Wi-Fi, which is most of the time since she only ever wants to leave the house for doctor's appointments or occasionally to eat out. I bought a cheap orange pi zero to set the pi-hole up on and it lives next to the router. My MIL is a 70+ year old gamer so she is a little bit more tech savvy than your average elderly person, but she constantly falls for ads and terrible tabloid clickbait that shows up in her news app.

    I kind of want to try setting up an RSS app for her with more curated news sources and see if that will give her a satisfactory news feed without all the junk. I used to use Google News, but it has become nothing but spammy tabloid links with no relevance to me. I mostly got my news through Reddit in recent years, but Lemmy reintroduced me to RSS and I've been working on collecting good news sources like back in the good old days before the social media firehose of info.

    Unfortunately (for the purpose of offering advice), I have no experience with remote tech support. My dad is a retired computer engineer so he's got a handle on things at his place. I live with the tech-challenged person in my family.

  • Cancel Amazon Prime [2021]
  • I live in a rural area and gave up Amazon shortly before the pandemic. I switched to ordering items directly from the manufacturers' websites. Giving up Amazon doesn't mean giving up the rest of the internet, though admittedly some manufacturers link you right back to Amazon instead of running their own separate storefront, so I have to look for another.

  • Microsoft wins FTC fight to buy Activision Blizzard
  • Blizzard also has Overwatch, StarCraft, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone.

    I don't really know the Activision side. I was a big Blizzard fan before learning about the Cosby room and their treatment of women in the workplace.

  • Microsoft wins FTC fight to buy Activision Blizzard
  • Microsoft lost an antitrust lawsuit a long time ago regarding making internet explorer a required part of Windows, so they had to allow other browsers in Windows for competition's sake, but they didn't get broken up. That might be what you are thinking of. I can't think of anything Intel related though.

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