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‘We don’t have a democracy’: why some Oregonians want to join Idaho
  • These people support the electoral college because it benefits them almost exclusively. They don't care about democracy.

  • And now you get the bad ending
  • This is a weird meme. He kicks that guy's ass...

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • It's also bad for the children, somehow... I don't need to explain how, because they won't when they say this to convince everyone.

  • Seems like @mozilla is doing something right
  • Web developer here: This is 100% sloppy code on the part of Twitter. Like... I can't believe the amount of incompetence required.

  • Seems like @mozilla is doing something right
  • Something on Firefox keeps blocking x embeds as well, asking me if I want to load them instead. I love it!

  • As Russia Advances, NATO Considers Sending Trainers Into Ukraine
  • Yeah, it's fucking wild... Trump is straight up a Russian asset as well. If he wins in November we could see radical failures all over the world.

  • Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI. His allies have a plan
  • Lol, are you for real?

    Biden did worse things for America during the pandemic?!

    You are 100% spreading insanely stupid propaganda.

  • BBC thinks we might as well get comfortable, fellow Zoomers.
  • Yeah, it's not just Zoomers. It's so many more than just Zoomers.

  • Seems legit
  • What a joke. Nobody ever saw Dune 1. Heard it, sure... But it was far too dark to be seen.

  • Samsung mocks Apple’s crushing iPad Pro ad with its own ‘UnCrush’ pitch
  • Samsung doesn't use child labor in China to make their phones. Why again are they worse?

  • Israeli tank fire kills five IDF soldiers in north Gaza
  • I also am not sure. My instance is also federated with them. I mostly just see CCP propaganda from them.

  • Kim's sister denies North Korea has supplied weapons to Russia
  • All bullshit aside, I agree. I've heard North Korea is actually pretty damn industrious.

    Evil, fucked up, and building upon the blood, sweat, tears, and bodies of their poor and working class... But industrious all the same.

    I guess I'm saying fuck them, but maybe don't discount them.

  • Kim's sister denies North Korea has supplied weapons to Russia
  • You mean... Like Russia? I'm not joking... I'm being 100% serious.

  • Kim's sister denies North Korea has supplied weapons to Russia
  • Lol, wait... Russia is "one of the greatest superpowers in the world right now"?

    Are you for real? Russia is a paper tiger. Yes, they do have nukes... But let's not blow air up their asshole.

  • China is burning all its bridges with Israel
  • I imagine it's highly political, and likely directly due to the fact they are an adversary to the US. So let's not get carried away...

    But yeah, it's pathetic the US just sent a billion dollars in munitions to Israel.

  • Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom
  • The US is the worst country? Wat? Bro, have you heard of North Korea?

  • if you are here now, you will find joy
  • Yes, they are very close with China.

  • Sucks to suck!
  • Wait, yeah... Why do they look like that? I've literally never seen ugly tires in my entire life before. This is the first time.

  • Apparently, Google's new AI-based search is quite honest.

    For those not aware, Google is rolling out their new AI-based "Generative AI" search, which seems to mesh Bard with the standard experience.

    I asked it today why Google no longer follows their "don't be evil" motto... The results are pretty hilarious.

    Why am I not seeing the correct comments and vote tallies for certain communities from other instances?

    I hope it's alright to ask a question here, because I'm very curious about an important facet of this instance:

    I noticed this morning that when I visit some of the communities hosted on other instances, I'm seeing an incorrect vote count, and few to no comments. Is this due to the recent breach, and does it relate to defederating from other instances temporarily?

    Example: 85 total comments 12 total comments

    Lucidlethargy Lucidlethargy
    Posts 2
    Comments 1.3K