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figs 1 & 2
  • This made me chuckle

  • good morning let's get this gabagool
  • That was hot garbage too, but at least it didn't drive on a wall

  • good morning let's get this gabagool
  • Ok but really though, that batcycle was the most unhinged, unrealistic, unbelievable piece of hot garbage to (dis)grace all batman movies.

  • NSFW
    [CW// all phobias] |_X_|
  • does CW stand for cis white?

  • CLEARANCE - WAS $2.57
  • How I picture WilsonWilson talking about muh nards

  • I was a user
  • And it's the fucking best, aside from not being able to use emoji. I also save them to my phone and use them manually; didn't know there was a difference in how it's displayed.

  • Orange
  • What can I say: orange man bad

  • Why do I have to agree with USA law when installing Fedora or openSUSE ?
  • They all technically are subject to the same terms, they just don't bug you about it the way suse does

  • null
  • Is this what's meant by the null hypothesis?

  • People be spending 300k in an undergrad degree???!!
  • Also doesn't require school! But to be honest, as cheap as community college is, learning to weld there is a dilly of a deal. Contrast the, what, $800? spent on tuition per semester with at least double that for the same time period in welding supplies and electricity bills alone if you were learning at home. And that assumes you already have a welder.

  • Are "God damn", "damn" and "hell" really considered curse words in America?
  • Oh, yeah, that hurts. I'm also sensitive to sound. I haven't figured out how to watch TV so that it doesn't hurt and I can also understand the dialogue.

  • People be spending 300k in an undergrad degree???!!
  • Yeah I think your numbers may be about 5-10 years out of date

  • People be spending 300k in an undergrad degree???!!
  • Yes, they are. University tuition has an inflation curve similar to that of Disney World.

  • Map of the US 2024 (colorized)
  • And shidding. Don't forget the shidding.

  • Look at this cringe.
  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa: what did amateur radio operators ever do to you?

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals Lucien [hy/hym, comrade/them]
    Cuddly man
    Jesus saves

    before a boss fight. Every time. I've seen him do it. He's too chicken shit to take on a boss without saving.

    Issue Updating

    I mentioned in a comment a few days ago that updating to the new version broke for me. I tried updating again and managed to get a screenshot of the errors I see. Uninstalling the app and reinstalling fixes it, so it may be a JSON format change or something causing it.
