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Trying to understand JSON…
  • Kinda, I guess we all can agree it’s more typical to deserialize into POJO where theres is no such thing as missing field. Otherwise why would you choose Java if you don’t use types. This great precondition for various stupid hacks to achieve „patching” resources, like blank strings or negative numbers for positive-only fields or even Optional as a field.

  • Russian space control center in Crimea struck by Ukrainian ATACMS missiles
  • You talking about those forcefully recruited after being blackmailed into accepting Russian passport or those who already had it before 2014 and were sent there after? Yes, sure, there are people who genuinely wanted those regions to be part of Russia. As there are Russians fighting on Ukraine’s side. Following your logic Ukraine or other “high moral” party should’ve run “special military operation” to help Russian Freedom Legion to overthrow Putin. Why not mentioning Crimea’s tatars in Russian army? Is it coz they were repressed, their property was taken and they were forcefully moved out of their native lands? Why their ethnicity is not that important? Can’t absorb Russian identity nationalism to the degree they blindly follow their tsar? Or better tell us if Russia is so pro-ethnicity independence then why Russia taking down those Dagestan rebels? Or not giving Siberia’s people independence? “That’s all western propaganda” you’ll say. Don’t bother.

    I’m join my neighbor in request to you to fuck ff. Don’t make me mad and keep “your” imperialistic opinion for Russian Empire fan meetup. The only anecdote here is you

  • How to find truth in Agile?

    Hello my fellow, lemons? I have this problem in my current project I’m out of clue how to approach it. Maybe someone had similar experience and can give an advice.

    Our requirements captured in JIRA. Throughout years we accumulated thousands of user stories. Say suppose following naive requirements team knows about:

    • Day 1: create home page
    • Day 20: create profile page
    • Day 50: add green footer to all pages
    • Day 100: create admin page Day 150: change footer color to blue

    Now I’m doing refactoring (yes, I know, this is the actual problem) on day 400 and noticed that footer on profile page having green footer. Because requirements are just set of individual statements not consolidated with all history of system no one on the team knows why is that, is it bug or requirement did change on day 300 but we cant find it now.

    When I worked in Waterfall we had BRD and FRD stating current actual desired state of system which was “reduced” from individual requirements which were coming in throughout project life. When in doubt devs can check FRD and not only know how system expected to behave but also which are other parts of the system that will be affected. How is it in Agile? To my understanding FRD is not a thing in Agile. Do I need to scan through hundreds of tickets and hope I didn’t miss anything every time i’m doing any non-trivial change to system?

    What is the deal with API documentation that can seem so terse to a hobbyist?
  • Agree. I find “get started” usually is the best way to give an example of “entry point” to API. After that API documentation should get anyone covered for most of the cases. If API is big then it probably has primary and secondary set of features. Secondary then can be covered as tutorials.

  • South Korean military set to ban iPhones over ‘security’ concerns
  • I don’t know. Maybe read article. It says „Korean military”. According to them stock Android with 3rd party security app is acceptable and has no security concerns. Article itself highlights that 3rd party security apps are inferior and security holes in Android OS are basically neglected by Korean military since they will be addressed in updates at some point.

    OS does not matter when approach to security so superficial. Judging by this article Korean military has less robust security practices than some banks.

    Everyone here talking about some hypothetical Android based custom OS built for Korean military which does not exist and it is not what Korean military doing. They are allowing stock Android OS with „security app”. Not surprised they are not building custom OS because it is economically idiotic idea. You need army of cyber security experts familiar with Android OS architecture that will review whole OS code and customize for military. Then you need to pen-test it and keep on doing it on each upstream OS update or fork it and maintain internally. Which is another can of worms coz you’ll need to make sure internal fork works fine with up-to-date versions of apps. Otherwise you just have dumb smartphone with higher risk of vulnerabilities in outdated apps. At this point as I said, just force sensitive staff to use dumb phone or internal landline.

    And don’t tell me “but Samsung is Korean they can do it for Korean military”. It doesn’t not change the fact that it will cost astronomical amount of money and time. Can Samsung do it? Probably yes. Will Korean military be able to offer enough money to probably the only local company that can do it which also has revenue of approx. 20% of Korea’s GDP. I doubt.

  • South Korean military set to ban iPhones over ‘security’ concerns
  • I’ll tell it again. You’ll have security concerns on any Internet/Bluetooth capable device. There is no software without vulnerabilities. There is software in which vulnerabilities were not found, yet. Also, the biggest attack vector is human

  • Genuine Question - have you migrated DBMS on a Production System which wouldn't have been possible with vendor lock-in on the backend?
  • My colleague was working on migrating around dozens of batch jobs written in Java. All jobs had JPA/Hibernate but people which were writing those jobs didn’t understand abstraction and encapsulation. It end-up as vendor locked as you can imagine. Procedures, reading cursors, Oracle specific functions, metadata, logic spread between Java and PL/Sql, all the fun stuff, you know. So it took around one year of work to migrate to Postgres. And that’s with support of DBA who was helping with rewriting most complicated queries and procs. So yeah, don’t worry about that DBMS specific features.

    Don’t get me wrong, though. Efforts spent on making design decisions should be proportional to potential size/complexity growth of the software. If you building todo list , how many different queries you might have in fairly pessimistic scenarios? Maybe couple dozens. Don’t bother with JPQL or HQL. If you expect your app to grow significantly. I’d do as much as possible to avoid my colleague’s fate.

  • Is "female" offensive?
  • As a non-native speaker I find woman more offensive than female. Noun male/female puts all as equal. Girls, boys, birds, ponies. Woman, though, seems to be de-attached. Especially when talking about humankind it’s common to refer to humans as just „man”. „No man been there”, „for all mankind”, „dog is a man’s best friend”. As it applies to man only and woman doesn’t count

  • when is it best to use a recursive function vs a for loop
  • I don’t think loop vs recursion choice is what significantly impacts performance in most cases. Most of the software I saw, suffer performance because of wrong API design or overall architecture. If app needs to fetch 100 objects from API which can provide only one object at the time no optimization will save that app.

    App team - we need bulk API.

    API team - cannot because of capacity, budget, backward compatibility, DB, 3rd patry API, not a KPI

    Also it’s mostly QAs measuring performance and validating it with product guidelines which set by person who mostly detached from specific product and sometimes reality.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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