Magiccupcake @ Magiccupcake Posts 4Comments 99Joined 2 yr. ago
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- In Europe
This post unironically turned me into a Georgist.
We have reactor designs that use already spent fuel, we just aren't building them. We have enough spent fuel for centuries, and afterwards the reprocessed fuel is much less radioactive, and only for a few decades.
Anybody got a non paywalled version?
But it's text, an entire persons message history can be stored very cheaply.
A million words is only 2MB.
Most people are expexted to text less than 10 millions words in a lifetime.
An entire persons lifetime message history is only 20MB, that's trivial to store.
If they want to charge to save media, thats fine, but text backups should be free
Marriage is the ultimate sign of commitment, making your relationship legal and/or spiritual while declaring it in front family and friends.
Men who are against marriage are seemingly against commitment, but I think that comes out of a strong desire for commitment and stability.
Children are whole different issue from marriage admittedly.
It's not turning out very well for women. A recurring theme in this area is that men seem hesitant on commitment, which ends up ending the relationship one way or another.
The issue is more complex and deeper.
If you're barely scraping by, having less money can significantly affect quality of life, or at least percieved quality of life.
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Prey and outer wilds are games especially enjoyed blind with no prior knowledge.
I made a switch to linux recently and some of my paid software works there too.
Most steam games, Matlab. Wine and proton make it possible to run many Windows applications
This is an unusual experience,
I've had a 2800x,3700x, 5800x3d built other computers with 5600x and 5600x3d. Totaling 4 computers on am4 in my house, and all are working fine.
I wish they had done another test with a decent lock.
You could try titanfall 2, its a bit dated but still has some players.
Supported with mods and custom servers with a client called Northstar.
How much is the subscription?
Why does the author care about raytracing?
Hardly anybody uses raytracing on desktop why would they do it on a phone?
I have a 3080 but I never use raytracing because it's not worth the loss in framerate.
While not a very helpful comment, its true.
Honey bees displace native bees and pollinators, and are vectors for disease for other bees.
While the free market should be able to correct the problem, it can't.
I can't talk specifically about the uk, but in the US many locales have strict zoning regualtions that hamper building medium density cheap housing, perfect for all these people that can't afford to live where there's work.
Examples are things like minimum parking requiements, driveway setbacks, and limitations on multifamily homes.
Honestly, it's so easy to block accounts, so if there's only one bot in you community you should just keep it.
If they don't like it they can block it.