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Victoria 3 - Game 1 Session 1 --- [Info and Time]

The game will most likely be held this Sunday at around 5 CT. We've got a good few players already.

Here is a link to the Discord server we will be playing on. You can pick your nation, do diplomacy, and so on.


I'm working on a solid set of rules, but I'm we're going to have more than a few. From what I've seen, if you don't make some things clear these games get messy.

Anyways, I have all the DLC, so anybody with the game is free to drop by.

Nations up for grabs are as follows:

-Great Britain



-The United States





-All of South America

-All of Africa

Would anybody be interested in a Hexbear Victoria 3 game?
  • Well if you'd like to join in spite of that or watch feel free too. However, this game is very steep learning wise and you probably will die.

  • Would anybody be interested in a Hexbear Victoria 3 game?
  • Good looking out, comrade, but anyone who wishes to play will not have to worry because I bought all of the DLC like a dumbass

  • Would anybody be interested in a Hexbear Victoria 3 game?
  • I'm gonna just let folks duke it out

  • Would anybody be interested in a Hexbear Victoria 3 game?

    I made a comment about this on a Vic post and wanted to ask more formally as to who would be interested. If you are, leave a comment. If we have a good amount of people interested I would not mind working to get something put together. I know we have a good few players.

    P.S. Vic games are long as shit and usually one is split over multiple sessions.

    My communist Sweden is doing very well
  • Hexbear Vic 3 game when?

  • I need this in my life
  • He looks lonely :(

  • Ik. I wasn't trying to shit on you. Just had to do an info dump rq

  • I'm dumb

  • roll tide

  • Any American socialists who don't know anything of it really should considering its role in the Civil rights era (the 16th Street Church Bombing) as well as it being where the Alabama Chapter of the Communist Party originated and operated up until the 50s.

    "In 1928, at the Sixth World Congress of the Communist International, an association of international communists, established the official line on the "Negro Question." Being that the region of the American South was dominated by cotton plantations and rich white elites despite a numerical black majority, the entire region would be defined as an "oppressed nation." The adopted resolution maintained that as an oppressed nation, African Americans had the right to self determination, (the control over political power as well as the economy,) and as such had the right to secede of the United States. In 1930, the resolution was further defined to account for the material differences between the North and South. The new resolution took the position that Northern Blacks sought integration and assimilation giving Blacks in the South the exclusive right to secession.

    While it had been argued that South was impenetrable to radical politics and organizing, the Central Committee of the CPUSA chose Birmingham, the industrial center of the South, for the location of their headquarters for their newly establish District 17 chapter. This district encompassed, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

    From 1928 to 1951, the Alabama Chapter CPUSA played its most important roles in terms of organizing and fighting against unemployment and the development of the Alabama Sharecroppers Union, a court case involving a group of falsely imprisoned Black youths known as the Scottsboro Case, and for basic civil rights such as voting, to sit on juries, as well as housing and employment equality."

    (lifted from Wikipedia but the sources are solid Hammer and Hoe and Organizing in the Depression South: A Communist’s Memoir)

  • What do I NEED to read outside of the regular theory (a la "Settlers")
  • Black Reconstruction is excellent. I do still need to read the Jakarta method tho so thank you for the reminder.

  • What do I NEED to read outside of the regular theory (a la "Settlers")

    I am as white as the day is long. I have never set foot outside of the south. I'm just starting Settlers rn and it is very insightful. It does, however, have me afraid of my own ignorance. I'm the only person from my neck of the woods that I would even call somewhat "progressive", but still. I am aware I was raised in privilege and surrounded by hate. (I even attended a segregated school for many years as a child...) I've always been pretty proud of how far I've come, but I feel like I still probably have some things ingrained in me that need to be smashed up. Recommendations welcome for all kinds of topics. I like to read and learn from whatever is put in front of me.
