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Only gamers understand
  • This day is to be remembered.

  • Only gamers understand
  • Apologies, I'm not really familiar with that franchise. Can you elaborate?

  • Only gamers understand
  • [Me, player of CnC General who favor Nuke General as main faction]

    I more than understand. I embraced it.

    The glow, the wonderful glow.

  • Liberals type CCP instead of CPC. I'll type AmeriKKKa instead of America.
  • I'll go for "USian" instead, becaus for whatever reasons it seem to pissed them off more.

  • Chinese rocket maker Space Epoch is working with Alibaba's online shopping platform Taobao to make reusable rockets for express deliveries that could arrive globally in an hour.
  • I mean, I could think of this as an extension of existing space infrastructure, allow using the spaceport as hub for extra-fast delivery.

    The problem is this require said spaceport to existed in the first place, which we still have exactly zero of it.

  • Chinese rocket maker Space Epoch is working with Alibaba's online shopping platform Taobao to make reusable rockets for express deliveries that could arrive globally in an hour.
  • Chinese commercial launch sector is very, very competitive area, where at least a dozen company still fighting over each other to find their own niche to fulfill. Land launch, sea launch, solid fuel, Lox/LH2 rocket, Lox/Methane rocket, expendable, reusable, Falcon 9 clone, mini-falcon 9, small payload rocket, gigantic rocket, and more. And this is only the commercial sector. I haven't even touch what the CASC and other state-own agencies are probably working on. (probably, because a lot of what they are working on is dual civilian-military program, which came with fuck tons of secrecy as a result). My guess is this is their attempt to gain investors and find their own place, nothing more.

    Curiously, compare to more prominent players like Deep Blue Aerospace, LandSpace, Galactic Energy, or iSpace (seriously?), I don't think the name Space Epoch came up very often. Like with almost ALL Chinese commercial launch companies, what they will produce, if it went anywere, remain to be seen.

  • What is a "tankie"? Wrong answers only
  • This one is Soviet's ASU-76. It didn't get pass prototype stage, but led to the development of ASU-57.

  • What is a "tankie"? Wrong answers only
  • You beat me to it.

    Image example :

  • British aircraft carrier suffers fire while docked 😂
  • Every times I tried to give the British some benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe my opinion of them has been too harsh in the past, something like this always happened.

  • Anyone here into Hinduism or Hindu mythology?
  • Ramakien (wikipedia link)

    It's the only one I remembered, thanks to secondary school. I remember that they are other mythology, mostly in the form of children stories, but I can't remember the name or even the plot.

    [warning : incoming rant]

    Frankly, literatures is one of my least favorite subject in my entire school years, partly thanks to many local literatures that was so terribly written I have no idea why people still talk about them fondly. For heck sake, one of the first story we learn in primary school is a few step away from being a porn. Compare to these, at least Ramakien is somewhat enjoyable.

    [end rant]

  • Anyone here into Hinduism or Hindu mythology?
  • I'm Thai, so, thanks to the Buddhism-with-Hinduism-characteristic over here, I'm a bit familiar with a few of localized version of Hindu mythology, including Ramayana. I agree, it's weird when you really think about it.

  • Out of context quote from Leviathan Wakes by James S.A Corey
  • It's been a while since I read that book. What's the context again?

    I mean, it's such as Amos thing, so I'm not surprised, but I have no memory of that quote.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If they tried to get there again, I hope they didn't neglected to put toilet facilities onto their spacecraft this time.

  • Deleted
    liberals: "lenin be damned"
  • Yep, I'm stealing this.

  • So sad 😭
  • And all those guys were purged when the Iranians found a security breach in the american intelligence networks, got the informants’ names and sent the list to Russia and China.

    I need to hear more about that part.

  • Thailand launches first experimental tokamak device in collaboration with China.

    Quite frankly, I never expected to see a fusion reactor became operational in our country for at least another decade. Such cooperation is practically unimaginable with any Western countries. The best we usually get is to take a few look at their own reactor, plus a few notes.

    Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Magos_Galactose
    Understatement of the century.

    I don't think "Storm" is sufficient to describe the planet's condition.

    So...basically the entirety of War Thunder existent, but I don't see w*stener have problems with it until a few months ago.

    Syrian war : March 2011 -

    Mali War : Jan 2012 -

    Sudanese conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile : 2011 - 2021

    War Thunder release : Jan 2013

    Ukrainian war of subjugation against DPR and LPR : Apr 2014 -

    To named a few.

    Magos_Galactose Magos_Galactose

    "Misdirection is the key to survival, never attack what your enemy defends, never behave as your enemy expects, and never reveal your true strength. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable."

    Medical engineer in Thailand with chronic headache from west-worshipping libs here.

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