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  • I lived in Boston and some of its suburbs for 14 years during and after college. I think Boston has the best townie bars in the country. Some of my best bar memories are hanging out with friends who'd lived in the area their whole lives.

  • Is Lemmy growing or shrinking?
  • I'm subbed to r/horrorlit and keep wondering if I'm taking crazy pills because it feels like 30% of the posts are some variation of "What's the scariest/best horror book you've read?" They reword it or give it a slightly different spin but it's essentially the same question over and over. And then of course the responses are always the same 40 books being mentioned repeatedly. I don't understand why anyone who's been on the sub for more than a month would keep upvoting the same question.

  • Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu
  • I made the transition to Linux Mint at the beginning of the year. I just booted into Windows the other day and saw that it had been six weeks since the last time.

  • What if public libraries...
  • Nothing a flask can't fix.

  • Science Always wins
  • I grew up in a fairly conservative Christian home and was taught that God gives humans the intelligence to use science. There was no big disconnect between science and Christianity. This was the 1980s though...

  • legendary times
  • I had coincidentally purchased a big pack of Clorox wipes from Costco not too long before lockdown. I quickly turned into the Silas Marner of disposable cleaning products.

  • Idaho halts execution by lethal injection after 8 failed attempts to insert IV line
  • Better than someone with no "real medical training."

  • Hey, I'm new to GitHub!
  • I think there was a golden 20 year era for learning basic computing. If you were a kid somewhere between 1985 and 2005 you had to figure out some slightly more technical things to use a computer. I'm late Gen X and so was exposed early on to the Commodore 64 and MS-DOS, but kids working with Windows 3, 95 and 98 would have developed similar skills.

  • Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros
  • I've tried Quest 2 once at a friend's house. I thought it was pretty neat but nothing about the experience made me want to run out and buy one or even plan to buy one in the future. I believe that unless good VR headsets come down in price significantly (sub $100) they're never going to be more than a niche hobby.

  • ‘They lied’: plastics producers deceived public about recycling, report reveals
  • I've noticed that Japanese candy often has a ton of packaging. There'll be a box of small mints and you open it to find each one individually wrapped.

  • Tipping culture npcs
  • For POS they'd be much more likely to get a tip from me if the options were $0.50, $1.00, or $1.50.

  • What are some things you think tech people presume others know, and know how to do?
  • You bring up a good point about the stability of Windows. I've been using Linux Mint for the past few months and am quite happy with it. However I've experienced at least four different times when the OS has become completely locked; I couldn't do anything and had to hard reset. Not a deal breaker for me but it made me think about how that never happens to me in Windows any more.

  • “Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement
  • If you like feature rich apps then I recommend Podcast Addict.

  • Lauren Boebert's Ex-Husband Calls Restraining Order "Cruel and Unfair," Says He Wasn't Served
  • I'll be happy when, in the hopefully near future, I no longer have to see headlines about this nitwit.

  • Do you have a separate 4k library?
  • I get you. I do something similar. I love physical discs and have a healthy blu ray collection. I tend to buy older or more obscure cult movies that I'm worried may not be readily available on streaming. But I avoid DVDs specifically because of the low resolution. For some movies it just can't be helped. Very obscure content may even only be available on VHS transfers and I'll watch those if I'm really interested in the movie or show.

  • Do you have a separate 4k library?
  • I think my DVD days are mostly done. Even with a decent upscaler (Nvidia Shield) 480p looks terrible on my 4K TV.

  • Do you have a separate 4k library?
  • I have a lot of 720p movies that I watch on my 4k TV. I'm always surprised at how good they look.