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Why publishers are preparing to federate their sites - Digiday
  • How about corporations fuck off? Let us have our own small slice of people own and ran Internet back again.

  • Head of nursing body sacked following financial investigation
  • We sadly allow religious people to hold all sorts of positions.

    Belief needs to stop being given respect by society.

  • Why Super for Housing is a Bad Idea - Purplepingers
  • How about we ban owning multiple properties, remove any incentives for property as an investment, enforce quality building standards, and use government funds to build affordable housing.

  • TIL that a Frenchman ate a plane
  • Irony deficiency.

  • Very curious doggo
  • Hah look at those no-interesters, can’t even attract a puffin with a camera.

  • Civilian casualties rise in Myanmar's civil war as resistance forces tighten noose around military
  • Wow the title really makes it sound like the resistance forces are to blame.

  • UNRWA to close East Jerusalem headquarters after arson attack by ‘Israeli extremists’ | CNN
  • Israeli terrorists are literally attacking the UN and the world's doing nothing about it.

  • SBS advertising Tucker Carlson event in Aus

    What the absolute fuck? Has anyone else seen this ad play on SBS, how can they advertise for such a piece of shit to spread his brand of hate here.

    iPhone 16 Lineup Dummies Show How Four Model Sizes Compare
  • I'll upgrade when we get a new mini.

  • Dia Duit - Come join my Irish/Gaeilge learning/speaking community!

    I've started a community to help learn and practice Irish/Gaeilge. I'm learning myself and would love to meet others who are also trying, or even people who can already speak who'd love to teach or just talk.

    Links to Community: Gaeilge !

    What have theories got to do with it?

    This is a useful primer to start thinking about how theories exist within the work we do.

    5 Fields of Early Childhood Theory
    • Developmental
    • Socio-cultural
    • Socio-behaviourist
    • Post-structural
    • Critical

    These are 5 ways to break down ECE theory. Here’s a brief overview on what they may look like when applied.

    Developmental theory focuses on how the child develops, physically and mentally. We focus largely on stages and broad milestones.

    Socio-Cultural theory looks at how society affects the growth of a child. What does their family and community impart on them as values.

    Socio-behaviourist theory is a focus on stimuli and interactions with environments. We might look at structured routines and positive or negative reinforcement.

    Post-Structuralist theory is about challenging our own understandings. What is really best, is eating with cutlery a goal to achieve when at home a child’s household may use their hands more for meals. How do our own cultural values impact a child’s.

    Critical theory seeks to challenge our power structures. Are we dictators of children’s development or do we value their input? Should social constructs be enforced or should we challenge them?

    What are your views on them? Do you value any over the other, do you incorporate all these things into your practices?

    Terry Anderson, AP reporter abducted in Lebanon and held captive for years, has died
  • That is 100% what the headline is designed to sound like happened.

  • Paedophiles could be stripped of parental rights under new law
  • I’d be against setting the bar at rape.

    Stripping the right at paedophilia makes because there is a legitimate risk to the parents child.

    “Simply” rape does not endanger the child, and rape claims have been weaponised before. Not to mention in the UK’s instance legally only men can be guilty of rape.

    Add to that the “slippery slope” of if we strip parental rights for a heinous crime, why stop at rape? What about murder? Drunk driving resulting a death? Etc.

  • Australia supermarkets should face hefty fines for code of conduct breach, says report
  • Neoliberal governments ain't going to do shit about shit.

  • Unreal Tournament 2004 20 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective
  • Oh shit this isn’t 2003 but a third game? I was wondering why I didn’t remember any vehicles.

    I just played ‘99 as that’s all my PC could run.

  • TIL: You can easily check eggs for being bad or fresh
  • When you think about it dinner is really breakfast for the late shift.

  • TIL: You can easily check eggs for being bad or fresh
  • That makes sense, breakfast food + breakfast food = breakfast.

  • TIL: You can easily check eggs for being bad or fresh
  • Why does the tosser egg have some sort of donut shaped cereal in the bowl?

  • What would education in a SolarPunk society look like to you?

    Curious to hear people’s ideas on how education would look in such a world.

    For me, I’d like to see it moved away from testing and results based learning.

    A stronger focus on physical engagement with things, e.g. learning biology by going out and cataloging wildlife and learning what’s in a local ecosystem before coming together and researching findings and looking for new questions to ask.

    Less sitting around at desks being fed information and a greater focus on individual agency in exploring topics of interest.

    Not to say there isn’t a time and a place for “high level” stuff where you need to deep dive into books and listen to lectures, but there needs to be a greater balance in methodology.

    Quick Questions

    Got any concerns or questions you'd like to discuss? Share them here and I (we? please join me I'm so lonely) will do our best to answer them.

    Early Childhood Education - A community of ECE Educators or those interested in pre-school aged children's education & development (i.e. parents)

    As the title says it's a community based around early years learning and development, so from birth up to pre-school.

    Mainly aimed at educators, teachers, and anyone else who works with these age ranges but more than happy to field questions from parents who may be wanting more information to help them.

    It's a bit of a niche community, so I'm going to struggle to grow it but Lemmy needs more industry professional spaces!

    Edit: It's a .au domain, but the community is for everyone no matter where you live.

    Links to Community: Early Childhood Education !

    Child Theorists and Their Theories in Practice Child Theorists and Their Theories in Practice - Aussie Childcare Network

    As Educators working with children, it's important to understand each theoretical approach and use parts of different theorists in context. Each theor...

    Child Theorists and Their Theories in Practice - Aussie Childcare Network

    Do you use theory in any of your documentation or planning?

    I personally find myself using Parten's model a lot, although I find a lot of the stages can occur differently depending more on a child's personality than their age. But it is useful for thinking about what sort of play the children may be engaging in.

    I'm very much against the fully committing to one method, such as you see in Montessori or Steiner schools. Children need a much more holistic approach, using elements from everywhere.

    Let's enter this into LemmyVision (Donny Benét - American Dream)
    • It's weird
    • It's political
    • It's recent
    • It's Australian, but the title will confuse people
    • It's the vibe

    I think it'll resonate well with the Lemmy audience, see these instant upvote lyrics:

    >When the Orange man Came into power The Minutes Soon Felt like hours Then the Old man Won the election But the world Didn’t change direction

    HungryPanda punishes union member after organising protest of unsafe practices HungryPanda stop punishing your workers!

    HungryPanda is punishing Zhuoying for speaking up about delivery rider conditions. Now she is unable to afford rent and is relying on food from her housemates. The company thought punishing Zhuoying would silence her - they were wrong. Zhuoying is determined to continue the fight for herself and...

    HungryPanda stop punishing your workers!

    More information can be found here:

    Is anyone else seeing more insects?

    Feels like I’m seeing more than I have in the past decade this summer, even saw some crickets when I haven’t seen them since I was a kid.

    What were some of your favourite Australian TV shows?

    I’m trying to download, archive, and upscale as much older Australian TV content as I can, and would love to see what other people watched or enjoyed so I can try to preserve it as well.

    CCTV footage shows 16-year-old assaulted by guard during riot inside notorious Unit 18 youth prison 'You know there's a camera up there?': CCTV assault on handcuffed teen reveals youth justice problems

    Confronting CCTV has captured a prison guard assaulting a handcuffed, 16-year-old inside a notorious youth jail in Perth.

    'You know there's a camera up there?': CCTV assault on handcuffed teen reveals youth justice problems

    "You know there's a camera up there?" he told his colleague.

    US Intelligence Shows Flawed China Missiles Led Xi to Purge Army US Intelligence Shows Flawed China Missiles Led Xi to Purge Army

    US intelligence indicates that President Xi Jinping’s sweeping military purge came after it emerged that widespread corruption undermined his efforts to modernize the armed forces and raised questions about China’s ability to fight a war, according to people familiar with the assessments.

    US Intelligence Shows Flawed China Missiles Led Xi to Purge Army

    China missiles filled with water, not fuel: US intelligence. Xi seeking to root out corruption, prepare military for combat.

    Cyber attack on Victoria's court system may have exposed recordings of sensitive cases 'YOU HAVE BEEN PWND': Victoria's court system hit by ransomware attack

    Recordings of hearings including witness testimony from highly sensitive cases may have been accessed or stolen from Victoria's court system in an attack discovered in the lead-up to the Christmas break.

    'YOU HAVE BEEN PWND': Victoria's court system hit by ransomware attack

    A spokesperson for Court Services Victoria (CSV) said hackers accessed an area of the court system's audio-visual archive. That would mean recordings of hearings including witness testimony from highly sensitive cases may have been accessed or stolen.

    Marsupial Quokka
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