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Thoughts on Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Scientology?
  • My parents are Jehovah's Witnesses. They are 100% detached from reality and it sucked being raised into it but they are staunchly pacificist and non-political so they are at least benign in my opinion compared to something Falun Gong.

  • US won’t guarantee Australia will have complete control of Aukus submarines
  • The US doesn't give you military equipment, you give the US bodies to operate their military equipment.

  • Why did the USA fund ISIS?
  • Assad, disrupt China from economically developing the region in and pulling it closer towards BRICS, and hopefully have ISIS bleed into Iran. It's also worth noting that the US wasn't very successful in establishing a loyal puppet government in Iraq, most Iraqis still hate the US.

  • How will socialism/communism deal with school bullying?
  • While socialism does have any specific doctrine for dealing with bullying, a lot of bullying stems from reactionary sentiments and ideas e.g. racism, ableism, classism etc., so by fighting those you'd be naturally fighting the causes of bullying. Social Darwinistic modes of thinking are fundamentally incompatible with socialism/communism.

  • DJI might get banned next in the US
  • Dear god, they are really calling it the "Countering CCP Drones Act". That name itself gives it away that the act stems from baseless China Bad nonsense.

  • Removed
    The birthrate in Finland has plummeted by nearly a 33% since 2010, despite parental support policies
  • My take, it's because people in developed countries are perpetually locked away inside their homes and many can go years without even the potential of meeting anyone. You go to poorer global south countries that have higher birth rates and you will notice that a lot more people are outside doing things and interacting with one another.

  • Why is North Korea and the Kim family so demonized?
  • Because they do not allow Western corporations to come in and exploit their labor/resources like they can with almost any other country. The idea of one singular dictator controlling everything is also a favorite libs like to use to make X country look scary and bad.

  • US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia
  • Blinken in meetings with African nations pretty much admits that the US is too stretched to focus much on Africa. I remember him saying stuff along those lines when the Tigray stuff in Ethiopia started happening.

  • Germans be like
  • Germany is a like rapist who went to rehab and then believes that gives them a license to lecture others morally, except that they are still actively doing morally repugnant things themselves that are just simply different from rape specifically.

  • Line Go Up!
  • I wouldn't even say profit is the US's main motivation, they care mostly about dominance for the sake of dominance.

  • At G7, Blinken seeks European support for pressure on China over Ukraine. Not sure what leverage he thinks the G7 have over China given the sorry state of G7 economies. 😂
  • You would think they would be thankful China isn't sending Russia 500 cruise missiles a day instead but nah.

  • Chad’s government threatens to kick out US troops as Russia expands influence in Africa
  • Lol, sobbing over losing influence to Russia despite Russia having nowhere near the soft power the collective West has. The West has overwhelming dominance over global media and billions more it can afford to through towards propaganda and bribery, yet Africans still chooses Russia.

  • Argentina asks to join NATO as President Milei seeks a more prominent role for his nation
  • The beggars I encountered during my short time in Costa Rica gave me the impression that some in Latam might view westerners and the west in general as big ATM machines that can magically solve the poverty they endure if they just ask nicely and hard enough. Sadly they don't realize that the average American can't even be bothered to learn the name and location of Latin American countries other then Mexico, Brazil, Cuba and Vuvuzuela.

  • Gov. DeSantis signs bill requiring teaching of history of communism in Florida schools
  • Yeah, we can't let those ebil commies win and turn America into a totalitarian society that controls public thought. We must rigorously instill Freedom™ into the mind of every young child.

  • Cheap meal options? 🥺
  • I buy these trailmixes at the grocery store that are an assortment of nuts and dried fruit. They are a little over 5 USD a bag and contain about 1800 calories per bag.

  • Living animals/creatures Tier List (open for opinions)
  • Next to the Capybara I would add the Tapir.

  • Another coup in Africa apparently

    This time in Gabon. I don't know much at all about Gabon's politics but from doing some quick reading it appears to be yet another ousting of a French puppet just like in Niger.

    MasterDeeLuke Bury The Right


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