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2 yr. ago

  • Imagine the outrage if the democrats banned Fox News from the white house press conferences.

    That simple question would solve so many problems... Would you be outraged if your opponent did what you're doing? If yes, then it's fucking bad.

  • It does, I wrote it in corrupted text for a reason, but if you want something functional you can use it and then see how it set it up for you and still go set up the rest of the services yourself.

    When I switched to Arch, it used the Arch Install Framework, that predates even pacstrap, and I still learned a fair bit. Although the now normal pacstrap really doesn't hide how the bootstrapping works which is really nice especially for learning.

    Point is mostly if OP is too terried they can test the waters with archinstall (ideally in a VM).

  • I DONT want to build a system from the ground up, which I expect to be a common suggestion.

    Arch kind of is building from the ground up, but without all the compiling and stuff. It's really not as hard as it sounds especially if you use a̶r̴c̷h̴i̵n̵s̴t̷a̶l̷l̵ and you do get the experience of learning how it all fits together through the great ArchWiki.

    That said one can learn a lot even on Debian/Ubuntu/Pop_OS. I graduated to Arch after I felt like apt was more in my way than convenient and kept breaking on me so I was itching for a more reliable distro. But for stuff like managing systemd services and messing with Wayland, definitely doable on a Debian/Ubuntu/Pop distro. Just use the terminal more really, and it'll come slowly through exposure.

  • They don't even run their own index anyway, they rely on other search engines too. Kinda like how DuckDuckGo uses Bing under the hood.

    So you might as well use SearX anyway, same thing.

  • I think we're still deeply into the "shove it everywhere we can" hype era of AI and it'll eventually die down a bit, as it with any new major technological leap. The same fears and thoughts were present when computers came along, then affordable home computers, and affordable Internet access.

    AI can be useful it used correctly but right now we're trying to put it everywhere for rather dubious gains. I've seen coworkers mess with AI until it generates the right code for much longer than it would take to hand write it.

    I've seen it being used quite successfully in the tech support field, because an AI is perfectly good at asking the customer if they've tried turning it off and then back on again, and make sure it's plugged in. People would hate it I'm sure on principle, but the amount of repetitive "the user can't figure out something super basic" is very common in tech support and would let them focus a lot of their time on actual problems. It's actually smarter than many T1 techs I've worked with, because at least the AI won't sent the Windows instructions to a Mac user and then accuse them of not wanting to try the troubleshooting steps (yes, I've actually seen that happen). But you'll still need humans for anything that's not a canned answer or known issue.

    One big problem is when the AI won't work can be somewhat unpredictable especially if you're not yourself fairly knowledgeable of how the AIs actually work. So something you think would normally take you say 4 hours and you expect done in 2 with AI might end up being an 8h task anyway. It's the eternal layoff/hires cycle in tech: oh we have React Native now, we can just have the web team do the mobile apps and fire the iOS and Android teams. And then they end up hiring another iOS and Android team because it's a pain in the ass to maintain and make work anyway and you still need the special knowledge.

    We're still quite some ways out from being able to remove the human pilot in front. It's easy to miss how much an experienced worker implicitly guides the AI the right direction. "Rewrite this with the XYZ algorithm" still needs the human worker to have experience with it and enough knowledge to know it's the better solution. Putting inexperienced people at the helm with AI works for a while but eventually it's gonna be a massive clusterfuck only the best will be able to undo. It's still just going to be a useful tool to have for a while.

  • It works so well, if you stretch a window across more than one monitors of different refresh rates, it'll be able to vsync to all of them at once. I'm not sure if it'll VRR across multiple monitors at once, but it's definitely possible. Fullscreen on a single monitor definitely VRRs properly.

    With my 60+144+60 setup and glxgears stretched across all of them, the framerate locks to something between like 215-235 as the monitors go in and out of sync with eachother, and none of them have any skips or tears. Some games get a little bit confused if the timing logic is tied to frame rate, but triple monitor Minecraft works great apart from the lack of FOV correction for the side monitors.

    This is compositor dependent but I think most of the big compositors these days have it figured out. I'm on the latest KDE release with KWin.

  • It works perfectly, I have a 60Hz, 144Hz VRR HDR, and 60Hz.

    This is one of the use cases where Wayland shines compared to Xorg.

  • Then use Voyager, or Tesseract, or Photon. All 3 are usable as plain webapps and have decent mobile experience.

  • This is the privacy community, not the piracy one.

    You might want !

  • Now is not the fucking time to give governments unlimited access to user data. If the UK has it, the US will have it too.

  • AWS does have plenty of VPN solutions for this, but likely not with the credentials you have because they're usually very specific. And it's probably intentional, if they wanted to give you VPN access they'd give you VPN access.

  • Maybe if he had an actual platform and an actual plan that's not based entirely on undoing what Trudeau did...

  • The website requests an image or whatever from, where the number is unique for the visitor. To load the content the browser has to resolve the DNS for it, and the randomness ensures it won't be cached anywhere as it's just for you. So it queries its DNS server which queries your DNS provider which queries the website's DNS server. From there the website's DNS server can see where the request came from and the website can tell you where it came from and who it's associated with if known.

    Yes it absolutely can be used for fingerprinting. Everything can be used for fingerprinting, and we refuse to fix it because "but who thinks of the ad companies???".

  • A computer can never be held accountable, therefore a computer must never make a management decision.

    IBM, in 1979.

    This is wide open to send a nuke on allies and blame the AI.

  • They could also just be spawning Windows VMs directly in AWS, no point doing nested virtualization for something like this. Pretty sure they have a service for doing exactly what you described. No need for a VPN, it can spawn your VM on the right network already (they call it VPC). They can even put real GPUs for AutoCAD and stuff on those things.

  • It's going to depend on how the access is set up. It could be set up such that the only way into that network is via that browser thing.

    You can always connect to yourself from the Windows machine and tunnel SSH over that, but it's likely you'll hit a firewall or possibly even a TLS MitM box.

    Virtual desktops like that are usually used for security, it would be way cheaper and easier to just VPN your workstation in. Everything about this feels like a regulated or certified secure environment like payment processing/bank/government stuff.

  • but I'm curious if it's hitting the server, then going the router, only to be routed back to the same machine again. is the same machine as

    No, when you talk to yourself you talk to yourself it doesn't go out over the network. But you can always check using utilities like tracepath, traceroute and mtr. It'll show you the exact path taken.

    Technically you could make the subnet accessible directly to the VPS over WireGuard and skip the double DNAT on the game server's side but that's about it. The extra DNAT really won't matter at that scale though.

    It's possible to do without any connection tracking or NAT, but at the expense of significantly more complicated routing for the containers. I would do that on a busy 10Gbit router or if somehow I really need to public IP of the connecting client to not get mangled. The biggest downside of your setup is, the game server will see every player as coming from or With the subnet routed over WireGuard it would appear to come from VPN IP of the VPS (guessing It's possible to get the real IP forwarded but then the routing needs to be adjusted so that it doesn't go Client -> VPS -> VPN -> Game Server -> Home router -> Client.

  • Not seeing much, but given the subreddit deletions were attributed to an automated system error and stuff it's not nearly as big of an event as the apicalypse was. The bigger bump I see seems to be linked to the TikTok ban and Pixelfed and Loops climbing to the top of the app store charts.

  • No idea, never used it, I just happen to know it exists.

  • You probably want something like Aether instead of the fediverse:

    It's peer to peer, encrypted, anonymous, ephemeral and all that.

  • linux Linux

    Wayland windows can apparently vsync to multiple monitors at once at different refresh rates

    boostforlemmy Boost For Lemmy

    Viewing a comment (eg. from Inbox) doesn't have a "view parent" option

    boostforlemmy Boost For Lemmy

    Sharing and copying links should let you copy a local instance link as well