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What from reddit do you hope to never see on lemmy?
  • Yeah i agree. It was a very sad thing. And even worse to make light of when you consider the number of people who become imprisoned for minor things or even wrongly. If prison rpe is so prevalent as Reddit jokes made it seem, it wouldn't only happen to people who those making the jokes believe 'deserve it' (which, also, is awful to think about rpe.) I remember learning in class about David Milgaard, and he wrote about his experiences, including that violation. I wonder if those who joked "they'll love (random young guy in publicfreakouts video) in prison" even know or care how awful r*pe really is. It's really something that should be prevented.

  • What from reddit do you hope to never see on lemmy?
  • Sorry commenting again because I wanna say I so agree about megathreads. I thought it's just me being picky, and maybe I should just be glad for the organization. But really, I didn't like them all so much because sometimes it slowed a topic or stifled the conversation about a topic. And it really seem to make the topic be more hidden. (I understood sometimes to have one big thread organizing links for example, but for some things it seemed to hide a subject from wider view, and even tho searching posts wasn't so good on Reddit, trying to search through the megathread seemed worse..)

  • What from reddit do you hope to never see on lemmy?
  • When someone would ask a good question that you also wanna know the answer to, but then all the "answers" were just jokes bc everyone wanna get upvotes. I dont really mind jokes but those times it was a bit sad, then sometimes no one would answer for real bc i guess they see 10 replies and assume surely one of them is real already.

    Also repost bots.

    And apple vs samsung feuds.

    And sometimes looked like whenever some people try to organize action or protests, comments just spamming that "protests do nothing" or "voting does nothing," or "what is this gonna do," not suggesting any other solution either, almost like trying to encourage apathy? Or discourage action. Sometimes i wondered if those were bots.

    Also the r/wooosh when someone didn't understand a joke. .-.

  • What from reddit do you hope to never see on lemmy?
  • I'd like to say that I've seen comment of yours about language before and I want to say I really respect this. I know for me some words are harder to say in English (like rural - though I have practiced! But atm when I say sounds a bit like roool lol) and before seeing on Reddit, I wouldn't have thought that conversate isn't considered a word by so many! It doesn't seem so wrong to me. And it helps to know there are people in the world like you who wouldn't just be disgusted by the difference.

  • Reddit seems to be scrambling behind the scenes to try and limit the effects of the migration. Damage control: ChatGPT bots are spamming pro-admin, astroturfed comments
  • Hello i hope you dont mind if i post that post, in case someone does not want to go onto reddit:


    Subreddits are starting to see spam from anti-protest, pro-admin ChatGPT bots
    Thread on /r/Pics discussing bot spam. (Pics is now NSFW, but this thread is only profanity / vulgarity.)

    /r/Programming closed (by admins?) after community recognition of bot spam:

    Ycombinator thread:

    Top-voted post from /r/Programming before it closed:

    (I would have just crossposted the top thread directly, but this sub forbids crossposting NSFW posts (which is now everything on /r/Pics )

  • its been less than a day and the beans meme is already getting run into the ground
  • U can take the redditor out of reddit, but u cant take the reddit out of redditors

    No but really i think is just a human thing. Like when someone makes a popular song and then many people try to make a similar one. Or someone does their hair one way and many try to copy. Or even in real life, there are some jokes that are old but are known now because they got repeated a lot. Even the figure of speech i use there, is repeated over time. So im just teasing a bit, i know it's not only a reddit thing lol (but did happen on reddit a lot! This repitition does remind me a bit of those reddit comments like "and my axe!" "I also choose this guy's wife" "narrator: it did not" "sir this is a wendy's" "instructions unclear: ____" etc. but hopefully wont be as drawn out.)

  • FTC sues Amazon for 'tricking and trapping' people in Prime subscription
  • I cancelled mine and in my experience wasnt hard i think just going to account, pressing "prime membership" then cancel then it was like "are u sure you wanna cancel :(" then press cancel again then done and get an email BUT

    1. I think this article is about the U.S.A. so the experience might be different there

    2. I cancelled recently (i had a free trial to get something quickly and then cancel it) so maybe whatever they were doing to make it difficult already stopped by then

    Also I agree with someone who says they really really try to get you to get it. Now Amazon also keeps trying to get me to get a business account?

  • Is Mr Beast a good person?
  • I feel like it might show them that doing nice things is a way to get attention. Maybe that'll encourage them to do nice things. Is probably more favourable than influencers that teach doing mean things is ok because it's on camera or it's funny or just a joke, and that being mean is a way to get attention. Though its important for children to know that attention isnt everything.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • SAME its happened on Reddit where I would have a back and forth w someone where we disagreed but it was respectful, and then in the middle of it I'd notice the other person's comments being -1 even new ones. Meaning someone who isnt in the convo would start downvoting the other person, and I'd be like 'what if they think I did it? What if that damages a mutual understanding they were close to reaching? What if that turns them off from considering a different point of view bc they assume I'm doing it and that I'm hostile?' Then sometimes I'd be like "sorry someone is downvoting you its not me"

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • Everyone, on kbin u can see who boosted , downvoted/reduced, or upvote/favourited any comment by pressing "more" then "activity". For posts it's at the bottom of the comment section

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • Yea is good to know. I knew that early bc someone said that someone else accosted them after they reduced/downvoted one of their posts

  • What am I supposed to do/say as an expatriate Brit when asked what I'm doing for the 4th?
  • Just say youre doing whatever it is youre doing. Like "relaxing, staying home" (? If the field is at your home? Or is there no field and that was a joke lol) I'm not from or in the U.S.A. and if someone asked (online) I'd probably just say "just staying home I don't live in the U.S.A. ." (But since you're in the U.S.A. ofc u dont need to say the second part.)

  • Boy, 7, dies after falling from ferry and mother killed trying to save him
  • The article says

    In a brief statement Friday, Sweden’s Prosecution Authority said it has launched ”a preliminary investigation where the crime classification is murder, but there is no suspect in the case.”

    Maybe that is what the person meant or referrence

  • shuts down on September 1 and all Gifs will be taken down
  • Yea me too i am a bit wondering why. People kept saying this was the reason, but idk if they really mean that or if its just 'saying what sounds possible as a half joke' (like when people answer any question about any shady business or very expensive auctions as "its money laundering" even tho there may be other explanations. I think ppl say it half jokinly?) Idk what reason snap would do this tho? Maybe theyre planning to make a gif hosting thingy by theirself?

  • Kotaku Staff Furious After Owner Announces Move to AI Content
  • Why is every point marked '1.' lol

  • Reddit Threatens Subs to Go Public Again, or Else...
  • I seen some people theorize that some of those power mods got paid (or is it payed? Idk which one the reddit bot used to say lol) by Reddit, specifically i saw some ppl say that about awkwardtheturtle, but am not sure if its true or just a conspiracy theory, or ppl tryna make sense of someone caping so hard for a company and antagonizing regular ppl for free lol.

  • Since we have a higher state of awareness as humans, might we also have more intense experiences of pain / pleasure / emotions?
  • Ive heard ppl say stuff like "oh that animal doesnt feel pain it's not intelligent" but idk i always just assume the animal has feeling and could be hurt.. so thats why i havent been able to kill bugs. (Bc you can see their eyes and stuff! Theyre alive and everything.)

  • As Reddit Crushes Protests, Its User Traffic Returns to Normal
  • This is a good point. Because even websites which replaced others, oftentimes the older one is still there. Like even Digg still alive after Reddit got more popular. Some people say Tumblr's dead but its really not especially for specific interests like games. The success of you isnt based on the failure of someone else, and its important to remember and not become cross because reddit still has users. Especially its been only like 10 days and a lot have already gone onto other sites.

  • As Reddit Crushes Protests, Its User Traffic Returns to Normal
  • Now that i read it: i saw some ppl here wonder about bots posting comments or maybe downvoting, bc of apparently a lot of comments being against the protest suddenly more than before? And more downvotes on comments about it? If really bots are being used for this, will that also contribute to the traffic metric like a normal user would?

    But that said im not sure if theyre bots, but i did see some people mentioned that they thought there's some false accounts speaking on Reddit's side.

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