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‘We are losing our kids to a satanic cult,’ Sen. Tommy Tuberville warns during Utah campaign stop
  • The origins of SP can arguably be traced back to the late 1960s, when movies like Rosemary's Baby jettisoned Satanism from a niche hobby and into mainstream attention. But yeah... It definitely was at it's strongest during The 80s

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  • Here's the aforementioned scene from American Fiction A forum for Unpopular Opinions isn't likely to succeed, if it's moderators are cut from the same mold as that chick who runs to the dean, after her professor refuses to sanitize the language of Flannery O'Connor

  • ‘We are losing our kids to a satanic cult,’ Sen. Tommy Tuberville warns during Utah campaign stop
  • Go back and watch evening news magazines like 20/20 and A Current Affair that were filmed in the early 90s. Both The Glitterati and the public at large were still very much convinced that satanic cults were lurking around every corner. '95-'96 was the year we finally lost interest in this particular moral panic, and would soon move onto sweating the tidal wave of teen superpredators that James Fox and some more folks in the humanities department(The same demographic that concocted the notion of repressed memory theory, helped fuel Satanic Panic) astutely foresaw coming

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  • Awoke this morning and discovered that a comment I left in the Lemmy Shitpost forum(Once again, the offended party doesn't specify which post they've deleted)was expunged, and I quote the message directly "for the following reason: Weird"

    The censor and I are in something approaching agreement here: It is really fucking weird to A). Send someone a message like that and expect them to know what you're referring to, and B). Believe that this is a justifiable reason to delete a comment to begin with

    I wish you all godspeed in keeping mods on "staff", so long as lemmy's leadership continues to behave in such an unforgivably moronic fashion

  • YouTube blocks access to Fifth Estate story on killing of B.C. Sikh activist at India's demand
  • "Lol why would the governmentprevent censorship?"

    In The US, The Constitution explicitly entrusts the government to uphold our civil liberties, free speech included. THAT'S why it's incumbent upon us citizens to hold our civic leaders accountable for doing so

  • YouTube blocks access to Fifth Estate story on killing of B.C. Sikh activist at India's demand
  • Yeah, they're role is ostensibly in preventing most forms of censorship, and championing the notion that the way to curb shitty speech is with more speech. NOT by silencing things which run contrary to our sacred cows and favorite icons

  • Worrying – Breast Cancer Rates Are Increasing Among Younger Women
  • I do recall reading somewhere that women throughout the industrialized world have seen their breast size increase substantially since the mid-20th Century. Sadly, risks of cancer increase along with this

  • Jon Stewart Calls BS on Trump & the GOP's Performative Patriotism | The Daily Show
  • Jon Stewart was on the air prior to Bush II's election, and throughout his reign. This didn't prevent B II from getting re-elected, and he remained a highly popular president until his final year in office. Our lionization of entertainers is nothing short of bizarre

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  • I presume you're also the one who sent me one message which read "I understand the reference to an old Bond movie, but that's inappropriate here", and another which read "Was it necessary to use a misogynistic analogy?"

    In regards to the former: lemmy isn't a class filled with kids in Pre-K, last anyone heard. Not sure why "inappropriateness" is even a consideration, in an era where Sydney Sweeney has become The It Girl of The 2020s, by relentlessly getting naked in movies, and posing in extremely skimpy lingerie when she's not acting. Let's not pretend that we're more fragile than fine china

    In regards to the second accusation: I have no idea what you're referring to. If you think an analogy I made was "misogynistic", do quote what I apparently wrote, and what leads you to think it was misogynistic

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  • Have you considered a career in academia, serving as the coordinator of Yale's bias response team? I'm not even being facetious when observing that you've already mastered the rote response those folks reguritate, whenever one of the few hundred students who've now been sanctioned or expelled for "being problematic" asks "Who did I harm?"

    "You know what you did. We don't have to provide details"

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  • And yet you didn't provide one specific example of my "not attacking the argument", "being uncivil", etc etc. When we start perpetuating the sort of wholesale moronicism Lukianoff&,Haidt have documented in The Coddling Of The American Mind, EVERYTHING except the letter "A" and the word "The" gets misconstrued as "trolling" and "a personal attack"

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  • And as I said: Whover had their underroos in a twist over the thoughts I'd expressed could not provide a specific example of me "attacking a group", "bullying", "perpetrating transphobia", etc etc. Here in '24, The US has regressed back to Salem during the era ofvThe Witch Trials... An accuser need not be explicit in regards to how someone slighted them, nor do they need to provide evidence. The allegation alone is enough to secure a conviction

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  • "Context" is indeed key... Moderating becomes extremely simple, when we remember that words written on the internet aren't living organisms with fangs and claws that can leap off the screen to gore the humans who are reading them. When we encounter thoughts online which we find objectionable, all we have to do is find something else on lemmy to read

    PS: What is "Rule 1"? I've recently had a couple of my posts deleted for an alleged violation of this, yet no specifics as to what these alleged violations were have been provided

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