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We have 2-3 months to compile a Threads block list
  • CMV: The people who want to receive data from Threads should just...make a freaking Threads account. The whole argument to connect with them at all is weird. It's like recording a Disney movie to your DVR box and setting up streaming from your smart TV to your tablet so you can now enjoy the movie you recorded in bed....when you could've just downloaded the freaking Disney+ app.

    It's also (somehow) like when you're already in shorts and a t-shirt but still a little warm and someone else wants to turn the A/C off cause they're cold. They can put on more clothes and be totally comfy, I cannot (politely) take any more clothes off.

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • We kindly ask everyone to engage in civil discourse and remember that not everyone will share the same opinions, which is perfectly acceptable.

    It's really actually not acceptable to ignore what a bad actor Facebook/Meta has been. Catch up on the news if you need to. Cambridge Analytica scandal, unwitting social experiments, and the insane amount of intrusive permissions required just to use threads etc. They've been anti-consumer in an almost dystopian way and failing to call that out is an immoral stance. There's really no polite way to say, "that's a hell no, fix your attitude, or I'm out." That people have characterized folks telling you this is a deal-breaker as "blackmail" is the absurd stance here. We're asking you to stay true to the anti-corporate "power to the people" spirit that created Lemmy in the first place and call out Meta for being an obviously bad actor in this space, as a bunch of Reddit refugees... You actually arguing against this and acting like "both sides are fine" about it is being completely tone-deaf and is 100% antithetical to the purpose of the fediverse.

    "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing." You've already committed to doing nothing during an important time with a "wait and see" attitude. Meta is still a face-eating leopard, a frog-stinging scorpion, or whatever analogy does it for ya. It's not a tough choice and there IS a right and wrong answer.

  • This might help explain the spectacular launch of Threads
  • It's a conspiracy just in the sense that they are seemingly counting these towards their growth numbers. If they're saying they have 20 million accounts, but they created 3/4 of them as placeholders, then no...they have 5 million accounts.

  • Truth.
  • So too many Americans buy trucks and SUV’s, not because they want to, but because that’s the only thing they can buy.

    That is...insanely inaccurate lol. "I wanted to buy a car but I could only find trucks for sale" is not a thing in this country whatosever.

  • Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
  • This thread is full of children who think that because they don’t like something then neither should anyone else.

    This is exactly you. You don't like the idea of blocking Facebook and are being combative and douchey to anyone who disagrees. Your dislikes are in the toilet and you are as free to leave .world as anyone else.

  • Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
  • It's the same guy that's being a trollish asshole up and down this post. Only their posts have been removed, and only their posts are catching a 6:1 or higher downvote-to-upvote ratio. Seems like they're on somebody's payroll honestly.

  • Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
  • It's the scorpion and the frog, completely.

    "Oh, man..who would've thought that the people who want to monetize everything and dominate any market they get into would not just be our friends this time?"

  • Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
  • It's almost like some people crave enshitification.

    "Hey this decentralized stuff is really cool, let's connect with the most gigantic corporate assholes who would absolutely centralize all of it if they know, so we can grow! What could go wrong?"


  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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