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I'm thinking about going back to school
  • If you decide to go through with it, know that we're with you every step of the way if you want our help comrade!

  • oh man, poor Zionists can't even get a date anymore!?!
  • Similar energy as: no women on conservative dating apps

  • Deleted
    3AM thoughts on the world and my place in it
  • I feel this. After 6 years of work I'm about to decide what I'll be studying. Saw the videos and heard the horror stories. Did all the sharing on social media (and still do) but it feels like it achieves nothing.

    Spoke to a palestinian refugee 2 weeks ago who studied robotics. 5 years younger than me too. All his plans for his future are gone. And here I am planning for my potential future just like he did.

    Only thing keeping me up is revolutionary optimism, which I basically recite like a mantra, like an idiom from a culture I don't understand.

  • Need your help!
    • Israel tried to ally itself with the Nazis
    • literally everything Theodor Herzl has said, done and written
    • The ICJ ruling
    • IDF commanders citing and paraphrasing SS-Waffen commanders
    • watch the documentary (think it's called "Birth of a Nation"), shows them laughing about the atrocities they commited
    • biggest open-air concentration camp

    While writing this I realized you could probably just watch Hakims youtube videos about Palestine and Israel to get the major points

  • Mandatory reading for all Lemmygrad users
  • Happy Birthday comrade!

  • Is anyone coming to Berlin for LLL this weekend?
  • First I've heard of this, considering it

  • Pyramid of Capitalist System
  • Only basic stuff, the stuff they can't deny They just portray socialism as bad and utopian (these words are used interchangeably) So capitalism is supposed to be the "grown-ups" way of things; "just look at America they have it way worse than us blabla"

  • Pyramid of Capitalist System
  • Just had this one in my politics class lol

  • On joining a non-ML marxist party as a ML
  • Thanks for the words of wisdom!

  • On joining a non-ML marxist party as a ML
  • Just to clear up any confusion, the revisionism part was aimed at the MLPD, not the DKP. But thanks for the solid overview!

  • On joining a non-ML marxist party as a ML
  • Currently grappling with this question myself, germany has 2-3 small ML parties, but there is one that is revisionist and doesn't support AES, but they have a bigger reach, higher budget and more (and more diverse) members

    Since apathy and alienation are at an all-time high around here, I really don't know what to do

  • What are your 'literally me' characters?
  • Frodo Baggins from Lotr, Hajime Hinata from Danganronpa 2

    edit: Cloud Strife from the Remake comes to mind, though he doesn't rank as high as the former 2

  • Very cool guardian! Who else was fighting in the war between Russia and Finland?
  • very based, thank you now I have something to read on the train ride

  • Very cool guardian! Who else was fighting in the war between Russia and Finland?
  • Couldn't find anything on prolewiki, anyone got some info on this war?

  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb [he/him]

    Just a former liberal weeb radicalized.

    Lonely Marxman in Germany.

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