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George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • Yay, the Democrats saw a way to get votes and pretended to care. Fuck all the way off with that bullshit. Spend half a century fucking over LGBT people, pander for 20 years, profit.

    "They're better than the fascists they've worked hand in hand with for years" is a pretty weak endorsement.

  • George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • And what two groups have colluded to make that true?

  • George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • I'm not the one explaining away my support of my side's bigots by saying they're less bigot than the other bigots. But go off.

  • George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • Go look up Biden's long and storied history of voting against LGBT rights and then tell me how he's okay now because something something excuses.

  • George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • George is okay with supporting homophobes and bigots as long as they're his homophobes and bigots.

  • George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • Correction, the collusion between Dems and Republicans makes third party candidacy an impossibility.

  • George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • And who, exactly, has worked together to ensure that there are only two bad choices ever available come election day?

    The Democratic party works with the party they (rightly) call fascist to keep out competition to thier duopolistic rule, even excusing thier own incredibly bigoted recent past.

    Cooperating with the friends of fascism is not a vibe.

  • Deleted
    Why dl restaurants not offer metal straws the same way they offer metal forks, knives and spoons.
  • I'm not disabled, but the whole "people with disabilities don't know what they need" nonsense irritates me.

  • Deleted
    Why dl restaurants not offer metal straws the same way they offer metal forks, knives and spoons.
  • People: provide a wealth of evidence, including dissertations from those with disabilities
    You: Nuh uh!


  • Deleted
    Why dl restaurants not offer metal straws the same way they offer metal forks, knives and spoons.
  • "And maybe if you are too disabled to safely drink from a mug, scalding hot beverages are not a great idea, anyway."

    You heard that in your head and went 'yup that's what I'm going to post today.'

  • Deleted
    Why dl restaurants not offer metal straws the same way they offer metal forks, knives and spoons.
  • And you could have popped a few words into a search engine before you went straight to "I feel like." Many of your questions have already been answered; why not do thr homework first?

  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai Warns Android Users Not to Sideload Apps
  • Almost all of the malware ridden apps people encounter are FROM the app store.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Well aren't you disgusting?

  • "DARK VEIL Derelict Gate" by Christopher Balaskas
  • Shades of No Man's Sky right here.

  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai Warns Android Users Not to Sideload Apps
  • Which they can apparently do from the Play Store, too. Thing is, the sort of person who goes seeking out alternatives is generally (though not always) more familiar with tech.

    Regardless, lockdown by design isn't about safety so much as it is about control.

  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai Warns Android Users Not to Sideload Apps
  • As much as I hate them for it, they've done an excellent job vilifying ownership of one's own devices.

  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai Warns Android Users Not to Sideload Apps
  • I find it interesting that these companies are taking something that was once normal... loading your choice of software onto your thousand plus dollar computer... and pretending that its something new and evil.

    I'd prefer honesty. They want cash and this undermines thier platform near-monopolies.

  • Amazon's Doctor Will See You: What to Know About One Medical
  • I'm glad your experience has been good, but buyers really ought to be wary. There are themes in the bad reviews that should give them pause.

  • Amazon's Doctor Will See You: What to Know About One Medical
  • The service doesn't cover most healthcare so you're still stuck with One Medical's bills, which (if reviews on Trustpilot are correct) tend to be higher than traditional medical. They still bill to your insurance if you have it.

  • Amazon's Doctor Will See You: What to Know About One Medical
  • I was curious so I looked up reviews of One Medical. Almost universally, people note that they charge well more than average for services, fail to meet thier appointment wait time promises, limit access to doctors, and have terrible customer service that fails to respond timely and often fails to respond at all.

    $99 seems to be a lot of money to pay to be ignored.

  • Long COVID Symptoms Can Emerge Months After Infection Long COVID Symptoms Can Emerge Months After Infection

    Long COVID symptoms can persist for a year after initial infection, or re-emerge months later after disappearing.

    Long COVID Symptoms Can Emerge Months After Infection

    Long COVID symptoms can persist for a year after initial infection, or re-emerge months later after disappearing.

    Maker Friendly Etsy Alternative?

    I've not had much luck with this, so... here goes nothing! I love supporting independent creators, but using Etsy leaves a bad taste in my mouth. They're full of drop-shippers, they ruin makers by closing accounts without warning... you know, all of those nasty things.

    Are there other options out there aside from hunting for makers' personal sites? Any help would be appreciated, as I've not had much luck finding an alternative

    Reddit Exodus: How to Request your User Data (& Why You Might Want to)

    Tired of Reddit's recent shenanigans and want to cause them a little bit of pain? Well now, my friends... why not add "request all of the things" to your Reddit exodus?

    The link to the appropriate page is here:

    So, why might you want to request a copy of your data?

    First, the collection they (eventually) send to you will contain your entire post / comment history, allowing you to (in theory) use that collection to remove all of your posts versus the last 1000 or so of each. There's no guarantee that Reddit won't restore those posts, of course, but at least you tried!

    Second, you can scour the data for personally identifiable information (PII.) Your local laws may entitle you to removal of PII, so if you're inclined to purge the Reddit record of information that can identify your OMG real self... that dataset may help.

    Third, you'll have a copy of your Reddit history. All those epic ideas will be in your hands, not theirs, safe to share elsewhere as you please. While you may not have the right to revoke the license you gave Reddit by posting there, you can most assuredly re-use your post as you please, wherever else you please.

    Fourth, and lastly? If everyone submits data requests, Reddit's team has to spend the time (and money) to pull your data. it might be a small thing, but inundating Reddit with tens of thousands of data requests that they're legally obligated to provide is both wise (for you) and at least a little bit costly (for them.)

    Addendum: If you want to make things a little harder (at risk of them not responding) you can use their privacy email versus their form. That way, someone likely has to verify that X request is tied to Y account.

    Melpomene Melpomene

    I'm probably just an AI pretending to be human.

    Into wandering abandoned places, tinkering with technology, and authoring things for fun and profit. (@Melpomene)

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