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NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • log off and never log in again

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • So you were aware of this and didn't do anything about it until now? Why?

  • *implementing every Trump policy* another dub for biden
  • "our cracker of choice is better at being trump than trump himself" isn't the own libs think it is

  • You see, homegrown spyware is infused with Freedominum[TM] and Libertarium[TM], you insolent tankies wouldn't understand :smuglord:
  • so, the obvious reasons amerikkka wants tiktok gone aside, we've got

    and i'm actually supposed to be worried about fucking tiktok of all things? i don't have to install tiktok; it's certainly a hell of a lot easier to avoid than the above, and that shit barely scratches the surface. americans fall into a xenophobic panic over being spied on by gasp foreigners, all the while a techno-dystopia is being openly built all around us.

  • A lib "how to" on talking about Gaza
  • only when the last palestinian has been murdered, after all the denial, downplaying, and inaction toward this genocide we've seen from these sick fucks, will they employ that performative compassion they do with every injustice, and pretend as though they're deeply appalled by the tragedy they caused. not with a hint of introspection and accountability of course; they'd rather have a republican victory than truly compromise with us because then they can shift the blame from themselves to maga, and to leftists as well for supposedly letting trump win and continue to carry out the genocide that they themselves were going to keep doing anyway

    when they inevitably bring out the crocodile tears, we should never let them forget how they acted during all of this